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1、-范文最新推荐- 英文伤病假条范文 Ms/Mr. Zhang: Yesterday, May 18th, I got into an accident when I wason the way home. I fell off my bicycle and unfortunately got injured. A kind person brought me to the hospital in time, and though the injury is not really serious, the doctor suggested that I should stay home for

2、three days to rest and recover. Thank you for your understanding! Li Hong 近日,微博上惊现了一张奇葩的双十一当天请假条,并引得众多网友纷纷转发。在这张假条的请假原因中写道:年年双十一我都没请假,今年是真的要请假了。不是因为我想抢那些便宜东西,是真的要看住我老婆啊!去年花了我半年的工资啊!下面的领导审核写着:准!把我家那位打包处理。 网友评价 对此有网友笑称,双十一一定要看住老婆,把损失降到最低。也有网友呼吁全国假日办将11月11日设为法定假日。不论这些请假条的真假,总说明了在面对电商促销时,许多网友还存在着不理性的购物心

3、理,导致花了许多不该花的钱,而便宜却没能捡到多少。 倡导理性消费 双十一又快到了,在经历了去年的全民购物狂欢之后,电商是否能再一次透支消费者的钱包及购物欲呢?网友是否还会为快递变慢递买单?现代消费者在面对当下纷繁复杂的各类电商促销活动,更应理性的消费,尽量减少或避免购物冲动带来的浪费。 奇葩双十一请假条 在新浪微博上,一则双十一奇葩请假条的网贴流传很广,其中,有人在请假事由里写着:领导,入冬了,我缺棉衣、缺羽绒服、缺毛衣,含泪请假一天,望批准;还有的打亲情牌:尊敬的班主任,天气转冷,家中年迈父母腿脚不好,不便外出购置冬装,作为一个孝顺儿子,想在双十一为父母买几件棉衣,遂向您请假,望批准。 To

4、: John Smith, Supervisor From: George Chen, Accounting Department Subject: Casual Leave of Absence John, I would like to know if I could ask for a casual leave of absence from March 23 to 27. YesterdayI received a letter from my parents, who are both over 70, telling methat a big flood took place at

5、 my home village, causing serious damageto my house. As the only son of my parents, I should of back to assessthe situation, and help them to get over these difficulties. Though Icannot stay at home for too long a time, I should at least makearrangements for repair work. I believe my relatives in the village andmy neighbors will also come to help. Financially I have nodifficulties. I will call you at 1:30p.m. or you can call me at any time. 3 / 3


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