PEP小学英语四年级下册《Unit 4 It’s Warm Today》教学教学设计.doc

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1、Teaching plan (教学设计) Unit 4. Its warm today. A. Read and write 一、教材依据小学英语PEP教材四年级下册(第四册),Unit 4 . Its warm today. A. Read and write 二、设计思想 四年级的学生已经掌握了“warm、hot、shoes、 jeans”等大量的与本课时内容有关的天气类、衣服类的单词,累计了“Its cool in Lhasa. Where are my socks?”等许多日常交际基本句型,有了较好的知识基础。因此本课时的课文对学生而言并不是太难。所以在教学设计上笔者把三维目标融入在侦

2、探破案的过程中,运用情境型教学法和任务型教学法,变枯燥的阅读教学为乐趣与挑战性并存的自主学习。注重开发学生的自主学习能力,培养学生阅读的技能和技巧。发展学习策略,创新能力。引导学生在学习中反思,在反思中学习,有效地增强他们的自我评价意识,以利于学生的终身学习和发展。三、教学目标知识目标:1、 能够听、说、读、写单词 “jeans、pants、socks、shoes ”:和句子“Its warm today. Lets play football.”2、学会新单词“feet 、wait”,理解句子“Come on, Zoom. Its time to go. They are on your f

3、eet.”3、能理解、会正确朗读 “Read and write”.技能目标:1、学会阅读的方法和技能。2、进一步发展积极思维、主动探究、自主学习的能力。 情感态度:1、培养学生热爱生活、自己的事情自己做、做事情细心、有规律的生活态度。2、培养学生乐于帮助他人、与他人合作的学习态度,体验学习的成就感。四、教学重点:1、能够听、说、读、写单词 “jeans、pants、socks、shoes ”:和句子“Its warm today. Lets play football.”。2、理解课文的内容,并能够正确朗读。五、教学难点学会阅读的方法和技能。六、教学准备: 英语教科书、课堂练习题纸、5个侦探

4、桌牌和头像卡、8张四会句子单词卡、新单词及例词卡、多媒体课件。七、教学过程Step1. Warm-up1、 Stand up, listen、repeat and do the actions. please . When I say:“wait”. students cant move . Now put on your T-skirt . play football . Hang up your skirt . Take off your jacket . Fold your dress .(通过富有动感的TPR活动,引导学生复习了衣服类的旧知识,充分调动了学生的学习热情,并且理解了新单词

5、wait 。)Step2. Presentation 1、 CAI show a picture : The room is pell-mell . Ting Ying cant find some thing . Shes crying . she need a tec . Do you want to help her ? You are very kind .(为学生创设真实的情境,激发学生乐于助人的美好情感。)2、 Now , today , you are young tecs. You can help her in groups . Lets have a compatation

6、 . Depart the class into five groups . They choose their favourite tecs: Song Ci 、Bao Zheng 、Ke Nan 、Di Ren Jie 、Sherlock Holmes . (利用学生喜欢模仿英雄人物的心理特征,通过学生所熟知的、喜欢的侦探人物,调动学生学习的热情做一个优秀的侦探,使学生发自内心的、积极的投入到学习中去。)3、 Let me check your detect ability . look at the screen . guess ,What happened ? (侦探应该有良好的推测能

7、力阅读的第一步,阅读前:看图猜事情。)4、 Read the text and answer quickly: What happened ? Zoom cant find his shoes . (侦探应该有良好的阅读文章、快速判断能力阅读第二步,阅读中:快速阅读。)5、 Where are Zooms shoes ? They are on Johnnys feet . One “foot”, two “feet”. “ee” pronounced /i:/. Show the word card : foot 、feet、meet 、beef . CAI show the example

8、 : goose-geese 、 tooth- teeth . (侦探应该有良好的举一反三的能力由feet的发音而正确朗读其他的单词,由foot的复数形式学会其他同类单词的复数。)6、Do you have any question about this text ? Whats the meaning of “come on, zoom . Its time to go ”. But in sports meeting . We can say “come on ! ”Whats the meaning ? (侦探应该有良好的质疑能力学生自己对课文提出问题。)7、 Please read t

9、he text carefully . Then match the people with their clothes . Johnnys socksTommys shoesTeddys jeansJackys pants (侦探应该有良好的分析、抓重点的能力详读。在做题的同时进一步理解sbs的含义。)8、Listen and repeat . Pay attention to your pronunciation . Then fill the blanks . Where are my shoes ? Its time to go . Those are my shoes . Where

10、 are they ? They are on your feet .(侦探应该有良好的表达能力学生正确朗读课文。)9、Read the dialog in pairs . Then Boys read Johnny . Girls read zoom . (侦探应该有良好的角色扮演能力学生分角色朗读课文。)10、Watch cartoon and order the words . (侦探应该有快速记忆能力做习题练习四会单词的听、说、读。)10、Play a game with CAI.(吊死鬼). Which group can recite the word quickly ,it ca

11、n get a word card . (侦探应该有快速记忆能力通过小组比赛练习四会单词的拼写。)11、Then who get the word card go to the front to show their card . Others make them in order .Then spell the words together, write on their exercise book. (侦探应该有快速记忆、书写能力通过连词成句练习四会句子 的认读和拼写。)Step3. Practice 1、 You have good abilities . You can help Ti

12、ng Ting. Look . What is missing in the room ? Read the passage . finish the chart ! (为学生设置情境:你们已经具备了一个好侦探的能力,请帮助婷婷破案吧!培养、提高了学生自我评价能力,感受学习成就感。进一步激发学习积极性,变枯燥的阅读教学为乐趣与挑战性并存的自主学习。)2、 You know Ting Tings Jacket is missing . But where is the Jacket ? Please read the passage : Ting Tings list. (侦探揭开最后的谜底阅读

13、第二篇文章,回答问题。)3、 Where is Ting Tings Jacket ? Its in the washroom. Can you read the key sentences ? Can you ask some question about this passage ? (培养阅读能力的方法。)Step 4. Cosolidation1、 Model : You are Ting Ting . How to introduce your day ? Please talk about your day in groups . (培养学生复述、与他人交流能力和合作意识。)2、

14、Summary. My young tecs . You did good job in this lesson . What have you got from this class ? Step 5. Homework1、 You are all very clever . I think may be you will be a good tec one day . Now , your homework : finish your ingather card . And share it with your parents . (通过填写收获卡,进一步进行自我反思、自我评价,发展学习策略,体验学习成就感。)


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