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1、关于新兴网络传播媒介对社会生活的影响的浅析中英文对照About the emerging online media for analyses of Chinese and English language compared the influence of social life 自从人类的诞生,新闻传播便随之而来。从开始时的人内传播,人际传播,迈步扩展,后期便有了群体传播,组织传播及日益重要的大众传播。Since the birth of mankind, the news spread comes. From within the man at the start of the sprea

2、d, interpersonal communication, expanding step, later had spread, organizational communication and mass communication is becoming more and more important. 传播无时不有,无处不在,传播通过的媒介手段便也日新月异,方式也层出不穷。理论家麦克卢汉指出:“媒介即万物,万物皆媒介,而所有媒介都能与人体发生某种联系,如There is always transmitted and is everywhere, spread by means of me

3、dia and also with each passing day, is also emerge in endlessly. Theorist Marshall McLuhan pointed out: the medium is everything, everything is medium, and all media can be connected with the body, such as 石斧是手的延伸,车轮是脚的延伸,书籍是眼的延伸,广播是耳的延伸,衣服是皮肤的延伸新闻传播简而言之,就是新闻传播者对新闻信息源加以采集,通过新闻传播媒介传给Celts is an exten

4、sion of the hands, the wheel is an extension of the foot, books are the extension of the eye, radio is an extension of the ear, the clothes are the extension of the skin. News spread in a nutshell, is news disseminator of news sources to collect, pass through the news media 新闻收受者的过程。若这里的传播者是点,而收受者作为

5、面,则该类传播称为大众传媒。Press process of recipients. Communicator if there is a point, and the recipients as surface, then this kind of communication is called the mass media. 早期的大众传播媒介即为报纸,油墨印于纸上,新闻事件浮之于上,使大众逐渐对于新闻有所认识。后期,广播事业的诞生,使人可以快速身临其境的体验新闻。电视的出现结Early in the mass media is the newspaper, printing ink pr

6、inted on paper, float to the news events, to realize the public gradually for news. Later, the birth of broadcasting, make the person can quickly immersive experience. The emergence of television 束了听而不视的瞎子新闻。使人可以更加直观的了解新闻动态,纸张,书本,无线电广播,电视信号,这是狭义上的媒介。进而,推而广之,凡是能使人与人、人与事物或事物与事Beam and listen to the ne

7、ws without apparent blind. Can make people more intuitive understanding of dynamic, news paper, books, radio and television signals, this is the narrow sense of medium. And, by extension, that can make people, people and things or things and things 物之间产生联系或发生关系的物质都是广义的媒介。Objects into contact or rela

8、tionship between substances are generalized. 从古至今传播媒介经历了六个阶段,即原始传播、口语传播、书写传播、印刷传播、电子传播、互动传播。毋庸置疑,新兴的互动传播方式正在成为时代传播的主旋律。网络媒Since the media has experienced six stages, namely the original communication, oral communication, written communication, printing, electronic dissemination and interactive commu

9、nication. There is no doubt that the spread of the emerging era of interactive mode of transmission is becoming a main melody. Network media 介作为这种新兴传播媒介的代表,在人们的社会生活中所处的地位日益提升。Interface, as the representative of the emerging media such position in peoples social life increasingly ascension. 一、网络的起源On

10、e, the origin of the network 网络又称互联网、因特网,英文为“Internet”,它的前身是20世纪60年代美国军方的阿帕网(ARPANET),本是为对付核打击而开发的分散控制式通讯系统。70年代基于信Network is also called the Internet, the Internet, English as the Internet, its predecessor is the U.S. military in the 1960 s ARPANET (NCP), was originally developed for dealing with a

11、 nuclear strike of decentralized control communication system. In the 70 s based on the letter 息包交换技术的通讯协议(TCP/IP)研究成功,80年代以此为基础建立了互联网并转向民用,从此开辟了人类信息通讯的新纪元。90年代多媒体和超文本界面的万维网(Web)兴起Rate of packet switching technology communication protocol (TCP/IP) research success, on this basis, set up the Internet

12、 and in the 80 s turned to civilian, opened up a new epoch in human information communication from now on. In the 90 s, multimedia and hypertext interface of the world wide Web (Web) ,使互联网真正进入了寻常百姓家。, make the Internet really entered the ordinary people. 二、新兴网络传播媒介的特点Second, the characteristics of t

13、he emerging online media 1.集成性。目前的网络集成了电视、广播、报纸的各种功能。其功能的强大超越了之前的任意媒介。1. Integrity. The current network integration functions to television, radio, newspaper. Its function of powerful beyond before any medium. 2.普及性。随着中国互联网事业的飞速发展,互联网再也不为人所陌生,而正像电视机的普及一样,快步走入了广大民众的家庭。新闻广播信号要有其一定的接收装置,而电2. The univer

14、sal. With the rapid development of Chinas Internet business, the Internet can not be unfamiliar, but as the popularity of television, brisk walk into peoples family. News broadcast signal should have its certain receivers, and electricity 视的不可伴随性,广播的不可见,报纸体积的巨大等种种弊端日益显著。而目前民众人手一台的手机都可以随时随地地连入互联网,获取最

15、新的信息。笔者认为中国正努力改造的Not associated with sex, invisible radio, newspaper shortcomings, such as volume of increasingly significant. While the public hands a mobile phone can be connected to the Internet anytime and anywhere, get the latest information. The author thinks that China is trying to reform 3G项

16、目将为互联网新闻事业的起飞加上强劲的助推器。手机报、手机网、手机新闻也将在未来的新闻传播事业中占据不可撼动的地位。3 g project will take off for Internet news business and a strong booster. Mobile news, mobile network, mobile phone news will also be in the future of news dissemination enterprise unshakable status. 3.互动性。受者与传者之间的交流叫做新闻传播的反馈。类似收视率这一类的指标无疑对新闻

17、事业朝何方向发展指明了方向。获得受众的一点建议可能使栏目蒸蒸日上,反之3. Interactive. Between the recipients and waiters is called the spread of news communication feedback. Similar ratings of this kind of index is pointed out the direction of the development of journalism in any direction. Can garner some Suggestions may make column

18、s thriving, vice versa ,缺少这一点也可能会使栏目昙花一现。可以说反馈在新闻事业的发展中扮演了重要的角色。而网络的简单互动性可以很好的获得反馈。催使节目的完美化,必将超越电视、广播、, the lack of it may also make the column a flash in the pan. Can feedback the news plays an important role in the development of the career. The simple interactive network can be very good to get f

19、eedback. Urging envoys to the beautification, will surpass television, radio, 报纸,赢得受众的青睐。Newspaper, win the favor of the audience. 4.全面性。新闻传播具有其自由,亦受控制。主流媒体对于某些新闻的报道可能失真或片面,而网络所带来的多点式新闻传播,使广大网民亦可以发布新闻,为人所知。而网4. Overall. News spread has its freedom, also controlled. For some mainstream media news rep

20、orts may be distorted or one-sided, and multipoint brought by the network news spread, make broad netizen also can release news, unknown. The net 络的隐蔽性的特点也可以使真实事件的经历者不畏惧强权,吐露心声。故网络所报道的新闻更加多角度,更贴近受众的心理,更全面,更客观。The characteristics of the concealment of the network can make true the experience of fear

21、of power, not speak out. Which news network reported more balanced, more close to the audiences psychology, more comprehensive, more objective. 三、网络媒介的内容分析网络文学Three, network media content analysis, the network literature 在这个网络多点分众化的传播本文由论文联盟http:/www.LWlM.cOm收集整理平台上,各式各样的信息内容繁多冗杂。根据中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC)

22、发布的第27次中In the spread of the network more focus in this paper by http:/www.LWlM.cOm collect paper alliance platform, all kinds of information content of mad. According to the China Internet network information center (CNNIC) issued by the 27th 国互联网络发展状况统计报告(以下简称报告)。报告显示,截至2010年12月底,我国网民规模达到4.57亿,较20

23、09年底增加7330万人。可谓网络媒介受众广大,且受China Internet network development state statistic report (hereinafter referred to as report ). The report shows that up to the end of December 2010, the number of Chinese Internet users reached 457 million, an increase of 73.3 million from the end of 2009. Is a network med

24、ia audience is vast, and take it 众人数还在不断上升中。广大网民在互联网中查看新闻,观看电影,与亲人朋友交流聊天,网络购物,阅读网络文学,游戏娱乐。All the Numbers are growing. Users on the Internet to see news, watching movies, chat to communicate with relatives and friends, the network shopping, network literature reading, game entertainment. 伴随着网络这种综合各种

25、媒介优势的多功能传播媒介的出现,网络文学日益被人们所熟识。网络文学是信息时代传统文学和电脑网络碰撞的产物,随着电脑网络的延伸和普及,This integrated with network medium of various advantages of multi-purpose media, network literature has become increasingly familiar with by people. Network literature is the product of traditional literature and the collision of com

26、puter network information age, along with the extending and popularization of computer network, 我国网民的大幅度增长,网络文学便得到了迅猛的发展。广义的网络文学分为三类样态:一类是已经存在的文学作品经过电子扫描或人工输入等方式进入网络;一类是直接在网上“Large increase of Internet users in China, network literature has got swift and violent development. General status of networ

27、k literature is divided into three categories: one is the already existing through electronic scanning or manual input methods such as literature into the network; One kind is directly on the Internet 发表”的文学作品;还有一类是通过计算机创作或通过有关计算机软件生成的文学作品进入网络,也就是现在人们所说的网络文学多是指首次在网上“发表”的文学作品,包括那些Published literature

28、; one kind is created or generated by computer software by computer into the network of literary works, which is now called the network literature is referred to as published on the Internet for the first time the literature, including those 经过编辑、登载在各类网络文学刊物的作品,个人主页、电子公告栏上不经编辑、个人随意发表的文学作品,以及一些电子邮件中的

29、文学作品,甚至包括公共聊天室里具有文学性的Edited and published in all kinds of network literature publication of works, personal home page, electronic bulletin boards without editing, on personal free published literary works, as well as some literary works in the email, or even be literature including public chat room

30、对话等。这种网络文学又被称作“网络原创文学”。网络几乎每天都有无数的作品产生,数量多得惊人,这一点与传统文学有本质的区别那就是自由与个性化。在着用自由与个Dialogue, etc. The network literature and is called original network literature. Online almost every day there are countless works produced, is an astonishing number, this and the traditional literature has difference betwe

31、en nature - that is freedom and personal. In the freedom and a 性的舒展之间,网络文学又有着不同于传统文学的独特气质。Stretch between sex, network literature has its unique temperament is different from traditional literature. 1.模糊昏暗的文学边界。其一,网络文学同其他艺术形式、电子技术的渗透和结合。其二,网络文学的作者并非传统作家圈子。网络文学已不是专业作家的专利权了,人人都1. The fuzzy dim literar

32、y boundary. First, the network literature with other art forms, the infiltration and combination of electronic technology. Second, the network literature writer of the author is not a traditional community. Network literature has the patent right is not a professional writer, everyone 有可能成为网络文学的作者。M

33、ay be network literature writers. 2.多媒体化的形象手段。网络文学采用以文字为主的多媒体手段进行文学形象的塑造。人们可以同时使用几种感觉通道,根据需要自由选择创作和欣赏路径。多媒体以电脑技2. Multimedia image method. Network literature predominantly text multimedia method is adopted to improve the literary image of the mold. People feel channels can use several at the same ti

34、me, according to need the freedom to choose path creation and appreciation. Multimedia computer technology 术为基础,实现了不同媒体的新的艺术综合。多种媒体之间可以进行完善的信息交互、转换和融合。Technique as the foundation, realizes the different of the new art media integrated. A variety of media to improve information interaction between, c

35、onversion and fusion. 四、网络媒介中不良信息传播对社会生活的影响穿越体Four, adverse information dissemination in network media influence on social life, through the body 网络媒介盛极一时的同时,不可否认其中的一些不良信息会对我们的社会生活造成或多或少的影响,穿越体文学,影视便是其中一例。Network media reached its zenith at the same time, there is no denying that some of the bad inf

36、ormation will be for us more or less impact on social life, through literature, film and television is one of them. 文学经典更是人类的精神良药。如何正确选择合适的文学影视作品便成为一个值得思索的问题。而在其背后,网络传播媒介的监督管理更要引起重视,亟待解决。结束语Classic literature is the human spirit of medicine. How to correctly choose the appropriate literature, film a

37、nd television works has become a question worth pondering. And behind it, the supervision and management of the network media should cause attention more, need to be addressed. conclusion 网络所拥有那些特征特点,真是传统传播媒介所不能比拟与匹及的。网络文学作为重要的代表,因为有网络作为传播媒介,文学走向多元,人们这里编织着自己的梦想。但与此Network have the characteristic fea

38、tures, it is cant be matched with the horse and the traditional media. Online literature, as a representative of the important because there are network as a media, literature to multiple, people here to weave your dream. But at the 同时,新兴事物所隐性的不为人知的弊端也需要人们去关注解决,寻求出合理的方式,使其朝向正确方向发展。总之,作为新兴传媒媒介的网络无论多少

39、缺点,但这些并不能阻碍它At the same time, emerging things have hidden unknown also need people to pay attention to solve the shortcomings, seek out a reasonable way, so that it is towards the right direction. All in all, as an emerging media media network no matter how many shortcomings, but these does not hinder it 的进步发展,矛盾与发展在这种层面上对立又统一的。惟庸置疑未来的传媒发展网络必将占有重要地位。The progress of development, the contradiction and development opposite and unified in this level. But undoubtedly occupies an important position in the network media development will in the future.


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