居高声自远,更应借秋风 温州市二模试卷分析与复习策略.ppt

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《居高声自远,更应借秋风 温州市二模试卷分析与复习策略.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《居高声自远,更应借秋风 温州市二模试卷分析与复习策略.ppt(15页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、居高声自远,更应借秋风 2011年温州市二模试卷分析与复习策略 苍南县仁英高中 陈春绣,试卷总体评价,考试情况:理科95.8,文科89.2(含听力) 总体结构与浙江省样卷类似 阅读理解5+1变为4+1 总体难度适中,二、各题型具体分析,单项填空,完形填空,As a junior student at a technical college, he knows he would have to work hard now, as he somewhat slacked his way 21 the two previous years. “Yeah, I 26 do that. ” 21. A.

2、 pastB. withC. throughD.within 26. A. mustB. mayC. canD.should,阅读理解,Reading D,55. From the passage, we can learn that Hans _. B. was highly valued by the Miller C. admired the Miller very much,56. “Flour is one thing, and friendship is another” can be understood as _. A. “Different words may mean qu

3、ite different things” B. “Interest is permanent while friendship is flexible”,57. Hans worked a lot for the Miller because he _. A. was convinced of the Millers noble talk. C. was treated as a best friend by the Miller,表层信息,正确答案,立意谋篇,书面表达,1、描述有关增绿行动的信息; 2、绿化的益处(如:净化空气、美化城市); 3、简短评论。,1)卷面不整洁 2)英语表达套路

4、化 3)欠缺准确性和多样性,三、下一阶段复习策略,(一)单选题: 世纪金榜二轮与学生双语报 教材重点单词与新增词汇,(二)完形填空: 夹叙夹议记叙文 增强近义词辨析 教材的完型填空,三、下一阶段复习策略,Not all (culture) greet each other the same way. Each country may have its _ way to express feelings. In Britain,people may keep _ certain distance. In Japan,_ may bow to each other when they meet.

5、In France,people shake hands and kiss each other twice on each cheek. And in South American countries,they _ stand close and touch _ other. But in Middle East Muslim countries,they shake hands only with men,not with . In China today,people may shake hands with each other,sometimes they greet each ot

6、her only _ a smile. Perhaps they will kiss or embrace _ the future to express their strong _ (feel),cultures,own,a,they,may,each,Unit 4Body language,women,with,in,feelings,(三)阅读理解: 选取较长篇幅阅读 每周两次限时训练 教材重点句式与往年考点,三、下一阶段复习策略,(四)书面表达: 写作专题训练世纪金榜 一轮范文解读与二轮写作题型; 教材基础与重点句型仿写,三、下一阶段复习策略,Sentence Imitation,1

7、It is a rapid increase when compared with other natural changes. 与地球的大小比起来,最高的山也一点不显得高了。 _ _ 2The climate is going to keep on warming for decades or centuries. 他不顾警告,仍继续抽烟。 _ 3We do not have to put up with pollution. 其实她没必要对我们做出那样的承诺。 _ _,When compared with the size of the earth, the highest mountaindoesnt seem high at all.,He kept on smoking in spite of the warnings.,In fact she does not have to make such a commitment to us.,居高声自远,更应借秋风,经验交流,教材基础的落实 考试说明的解读 辅导材料的讲评 模拟考试的检测,六 多 六 少,多接触英语,少钻研语法; 多做高考题,少抠模拟题; 多攻词汇表,少记课外词; 多做一般题,少钻研难题; 多阅读完型,少做单选题; 多背好用法,少问为什么。,


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