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1、FOR OFFICE USR ONLY 酒店专人填写Reference check Done Nil以往资历调查 已做 未做Medical check Done Nil健康检查 已做 未做Hotel ID No.酒店员工号:Date joined入职日期Locker No.更衣柜号Dormitory Room No. 宿舍房号 APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYENT 职 位 申 请 书 Please Type or Print以下内容请以正楷填写Position Applied申请职位:Second Choice第二选择:PERSONAL PARTCULARS 个人资料照片Chin

2、ese name English name Sex Age中文姓名 英文姓名 性别 年龄Date of birth dd mm yy Place of birth Ethnic group出生日期 日 月 年 出生地点 民族 Native province ID Card No. ID Card address Home Tel. No.籍贯 身份证号码 身份证住址 住址电话Current contact No. Current address POST CODE深圳联系电话 深圳住址 邮 政 编 码 MARITAL AND FAMILY STATUS 婚姻及家庭情况Marital statu

3、s Single Married Widowed Separated Divorced婚姻状况 未婚 已婚 丧偶 分居 离婚Spouses name Occupation Company配偶姓名 职业 工作单位 Children None Yes子女情况 无 有 Family Members Name家庭主要成员姓名Relationship关系Age年龄Working Company And Position工作单位及职位Contact Tel No.联系电话EDUCATION AND TRAINING 教育及受训情况Name & Address校名及校址From (mm/yy)由(月年)To

4、 (mm/yy)至(月至)Qualification Obtained获得之学位或证书College or University大学本科或专科Senior Middle School高 中Junior Middle School初 中Technical School技校或工专Training programs providedBy former employer(s)由雇主提供的培训项目或课程Others其它EMPLOYMENT RECORD 受雇情况Name of company and Telephone no.受雇公司名称及电话Please list present or last em

5、ployer first请由最近或现任雇主填起Period(mm/yy-mm/yy)受雇起止(月日)Position职位MonthlySalary月 薪Reason for Leaving离职原因EMPLOYMENT RECORD 受雇情况Name 姓 名Title 职 位Company Address 单位地址Telephone 电 话LANGUAGES 语言能力 SPEAKING 交 谈READING 阅读WRITING 写作FLUENT流利FAIR普通BASIC略懂FLUENT流利FAIR普通BASIC略懂FLUENT流利FAIR普通BASIC略懂MANDARIN 普通话 ENGLISH

6、 英 话GANTONESS 粤 语JAPANESE 日 语OTHERS 其 它OTHER INFORMATION 其它资料 1 Other skills and/or abilities you would like to specify? 有无其它您需要说明的工作技巧或能力? Cashiering Typing Driving license Other 收银 打字 驾驶执照 其它 2 What computer programs can you operate? 您会操作何种电脑软件? Windows Word Windows Excel Lotus Other 其它 3 How were

7、 you referred to us? 您是如何得知此空缺的? 4 Relatives or friends, if any, employed by the Hotel? 您有无在本酒店任职之亲友?Name姓名 Relation关系 Position职位 5 Have you ever suffered from injuries due to work accident? If yes, please specify. No Yes 您曾否因工作关系受伤?如果有,请详细说明. 否 有6 Have you ever been dismissed from any previous empl

8、oyer(s)? No Yes 您曾否被前雇主解雇? 否 有7 Have you ever been convicted of a felony? No Yes 您曾否被判罪? 否 有DECLARATION 宣 言I authorize Shenzhen Pang Lin Hotel to secure any information regarding myself and I hereby release any person, firm or institution of all liability for any damage whatsoever issuing from such

9、information. I further declare that the statements made by me in this application are true, complete and correct. A false statement or dishonest answer to any question may be grounds for my immediate discharge from employment with Shenzhen Pang Lin Hotel. I apply for employment in your company on th

10、e basis of the information and conditions mentioned above which I fully comprehend and on the understanding that the company may require me to be medically examined before engagement.本人谨此授权酒店查询有关本人之资料,并同意不对任何人士、公司或机构因透露资料而起诉。本人同时表明此申请书内所有资料属实;如有虚报之处,可作为立即开除之理由。本人完全了解上述宣言的含义,依据以上内容,本人申请受雇于贵公司,并同意在受雇前

11、接受体检。Signed by applicant Date申请人在此签字 签字日期 FOR INTERVIEWER ONLY 由面试人填写Evaluation code 1 Outstanding 2 Above average 3 Average 4 Below average 5 Poor评 估 标 准 出色 高于标准 一般 低于标准 劣Evaluated and commented by the first interviewer 由第一面试人填写Evaluated and commented by the second interviewer 由第二面试人填写1.General app

12、earance 整体外貌仪表2.Friendliness & courtesy 友善及礼貌程度3.Personality 性 格4.Alertness 机敏程度5.Maturity 成熟感6.Self-confidence 自信心7.Conversation ability in Chinese 中文语言沟通能力 8.Conversation ability in English 英文语言沟通能力9.Job knowledge 工作知识10.Experience 工作经验11.Overall comment 整体评价 Position / date 职位日期Signature of the 1

13、st interviewer第一面试人签字Signature of the 2nd interviewer第二面试人签字!Interview result Accepted Pending for future reference Rejected面试结果 接受 留作日后参考 不合格Report Duty Date dd mm yy Department Grade报到日期 日 月 年 部门 级别Job Title Monthly Salary Dormitory needed职 位 月 工 资 是否需要宿舍 Director Of Human Resources Approval 人力资源总监批准Department Head Approval部门主管批准Executive Committee Member Approval行政委员批准 HR001


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