2018秋期七年级英语下册 Unit 3 Food and Drink Lesson 8 At a Restaurant课件 (新版)北师大版.ppt

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2018秋期七年级英语下册 Unit 3 Food and Drink Lesson 8 At a Restaurant课件 (新版)北师大版.ppt_第1页
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2018秋期七年级英语下册 Unit 3 Food and Drink Lesson 8 At a Restaurant课件 (新版)北师大版.ppt_第2页
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《2018秋期七年级英语下册 Unit 3 Food and Drink Lesson 8 At a Restaurant课件 (新版)北师大版.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018秋期七年级英语下册 Unit 3 Food and Drink Lesson 8 At a Restaurant课件 (新版)北师大版.ppt(16页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 3 Lesson 8,At A Restaurant.,hamburger,hot dog,ice cream,salad,soup,sandwich,Brainstorm,coffee,chocolate cake,orange juice,tea,milk,Brainstorm,a hamamber,two hot dogs,an ice cream,some sandwiches,Brainstorm,hot dog,sandwiches,hamburger,ice cream,a piece of cake,a glass of milk,a glass of orange

2、juice,a cup of tea,chicken soup,a cup of coffee,salad,Read all the menu items aloud.,hot dog,sandwiches,hamburger,ice cream,a piece of cake,a glass of milk,a glass of orange juice,a cup of tea,chicken soup,a cup of coffee,salad,Are they all healthy? If you are at the restaurant, what will you order?

3、,You are in Sallys house now. You can order the things you like!,Welcome to Sallys house,Welcome to Sallys house,Can you guess whats on the menu?,You are in Sallys house now. You can order.,Read the dialogue after the tape.,24.5,1,1,1,1,1,$5.5,$8,$3,$4,$4,First, make the healthy menu . Then, make a

4、dialogue in group.,No, theyre not healthy.,Listen and tick what items they ordered.,Read the dialogue and answer the questions. What does Sam think the salad? Why do they say ”What” together? Because dad orders too much . Some food are not healthy.,Salad is boring.,“Again? I have salad every day!”,S

5、am : Dad, _ have two hot dogs, please?Dad : No. Theyre not healthy!Mum : How about some salad?Sam: Again? I have salad every day !Waiter: _take your order?Mum: Yes, please. Can I have a green salad?Waiter: Ok. _a drink?Mum: No, thanks.Sam: _ a sandwich and a glass of milk, please.Linda: _ a sandwich

6、 and a glass of orange juice, please?Waiter: Ok. And you , sir? _to have?Dad: _ two sandwiches, two pieces of chocolate cake, an ice cream and a cup of coffee.Mum/Sam/Linda: What?!,can I,May I,What would you like,Id like,Would you like,Id like,Can I have,Read the dialogue and fill in the blanks.,May I see the menu, please? I am ready. Ill have Ill have the hamburger. Yes, please. Would you bring the check?,Notes:,1.Make up a mune, and work with your partners. 2. Read the dialogue three times.,Homework:,


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