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1、八年级下学期英语第一次月考试题第一部分:听力理解(共四节,满分25分)第一节、听句子,选择与其内容相符的图片。(每小题1分,共计5分)D E F1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 第二节、听小对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题1分,共计5分)( )6.WhenwillClean-UpDaybe?A.Inoneweek. B.Intwoweeks. B.Inthreeweeks.( ) 7.Whatdoestheboyusuallydoinhisfreetime?A. Hangsoutwithhisfriends. B.WatchesTV. C.Seesamovie.( ) 8.Whoplannedtov

2、isitsickchildreninhospital?A.Jack. B. Jenny. C. Mike( ) 9. WhatkindofvolunteerworkwouldTomliketodo?A.Tostartahistoryclub B. To help kids inanafter-school program. C. Tosetupamusicclub.( )10.WhatwillTomdo?A.TorepairMarys watch. B.Tocleantheroom. C.Tobuyanewwatch.第三节、听长对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题1分,共计5分)听下面一段长对话,

3、回答第1112小题。( )11.WhatsTomgoingtodo?A. Toteachthepoorchildren. B. Toplaywiththepoorchildren.C. Toraisemoneyforthepoorchildren.( ) 12.WhatdidSallywanttodoat first?.A. Tobuysomeoranges. B. Tolearnfromtheboy. C. Tobuysomethingforthepoor.听下面一段长对话, 回答第1315小题( ) 13.WhatcanJackfixup?A. Bikes. B. Pens. C. Kit

4、es.( ) 14.WhomakesJackalwayshelpthekidswhoarepoor?A. Hismother. B. Hisfather. C. Histeacher. ( ) 15. HowdoesJacksfatherlikehimaccordingto the dialogue?A. Heisproud(自豪) ofJack. B. HeisangrywithJack.C. HeiskindtoJack.第四节、听短文,完成下列表格。(每空词数不限)(每小题1分,共计10分)NameLoveVolunteeringJackplaying footballteach16.

5、Dave17. work in the zoo or animal hospitalsJohnreading and telling funny stories18. sick kidsSallypaintingpaint for the school 19. Annasingingsing for the old people or sing to raise money for20. 第二部分:基础知识运用第一节:单项选择(每小题 1 分;共计 15 分)从所给的A.B.C.D四个选项中,选出可以填写空白处的最佳选项。( ) 21. Tony, Whats matter with you?

6、 - I have toothache. A. a, the B. the, a C. /, the D. the, /( ) 22.-Linda could look after when she was 5. -Really? I cant believe it. A. myself B. yourself C. himself D. herself( ) 23. -Tony is working hard and he always gets high marks. -Yes, We learn from him. A. Shouldnt B. should C. mustnt D. C

7、ant( ) 24. You drink . You need to give up . A. too much, drinking B. too much, drink C. much too, drinking D. much too, drink.( ) 25. To surprise, the twin sisters went to Peking University at the same time last year. A. ourselves B. us C. we D. our( ) 26. Tony has some problems Chinese, so he ofte

8、n asks me for help. A. understand B. understands C. understanding D. to understand( ) 27. -Would you please help me , Wang Lei? I cant work out the bill(账单). A. out B. up C. with D. after( ) 28. Sully volunteered an animal doctor to help the sick animals in the zoo. A. be B. being C .to be D. to bei

9、ng( ) 29. The boy did his homework with the help of his father in the past. But now he can do it alone A. for himself B. on himself C. with himself D. by himself( ) 30. -Mike, Could I use your computer? - Sorry, Im going to it. A. work out B. go on C. work on D. work for( ) 31. - you please go to th

10、e movies with me? - Sorry, I _. A. Could, could B .Can, can C. Could , cant D. Can, couldnt( ) 32. There is some rubbish here. Please . A. take out it B. take it out C .take them out D .take out them.( ) 33. Dont be angry him, Hes only a child. A. for B. on C. with D. at( )34. -Lily failed (失败) in t

11、he singing competition. She must be sad. -Lets go and . A. wake her up B. cheer her up C. pick her up D. clean her up( )35.-I have some in learning English and Im so worried. Could you help me with it? -Sure, Id love to. A. joy B. kindness C. difficulties D. interest第二节.完形填空(每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)诵读下面短文,掌

12、握其大意,然后从所给的A.B.C.D四个选项中选出一个可以填入短文空白处的最佳选项。Everyone of us could(36) _ a headache. But do you know about headaches? What may cause them? And what should we do (37) we have a headache? When should we go to (38) a doctor?A Headache is not a disease (疾病),but it may show that (39) in your body is wrong. W

13、e may have (40) than one headache each month.Usually a fever or some other (41) may cause headaches. You may get a headache when you work too hard. You may get a headache when you cant get enough (42). You may get a headache when you exercise on an empty(空的) (43)。What should you do if you have a hea

14、dache?You should lie down and have a good (44).You should get enough sleep. You shouldnt take (45) exercise on an empty stomach.If you have headaches often, you need to see a doctor.( )36. A. make B. has C. makes D.have( )37. A. if B. so C. and D. but( )38. A. read B. watch C. see D. look( )39. A. n

15、othing B. anything C. something D. everything( )40. A. many B. much C. more D. most( )41. A. ill B. sick C. illnesses D. wrong( )42. A. time B. sleep C. exercise D. food( )43. A. back B. throat C. neck D. stomach( )44. A. rest B. look C. talk D. swim( )45. A. too many B. many too C. much too D. too

16、much第三部分:阅读理解(共三节,满分 30 分)AVolunteeringtakesupourtime,energy,andsometimes, money. Butwhydopeoplestill do that?Hereare the reasons:Volunteeringisgoodforothers.Thereare many peopleinneed.Governments andprofessionalstryto meeteveryonesneed, butitsdifficultforthemtodoit all,That is whysomepeoplebecomevo

17、lunteers.Theycangiveahandtothepeoplewhoneedhelp.Ifpeople onlythinkofthemselves,theworldwillbecomeacruelplace.Butwhenwetrytohelpeachother,wecanhelp makeourplanetabetterandhappierhome.Volunteersandvolunteergroupscanbringfoodforhungrypeople,providehomesorclothesforthosewho needthem, protectwildlifeand

18、naturalareas.Theycare forpeoplewhoaresickordisabled.Theycanhelp peoplelearnto readordobetteratschool. Ontheotherhand,volunteeringisgoodforyourselves,Youmightgetinreturnforyourgiving,for example ,gettingmoreactiveandhealthier,spending timedoingwhatyoureallycareabout,andhavingfun!根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F

19、)。( )46.Theworldneedsvolunteersbecausetherearemany peopleinneed. ( )47. Itisdifficultforgovernmentstomeeteveryonesneed.( )48.Volunteerscanhelppeopleintrouble,butcantprotect theenvironment. ( )49. Volunteerscanbecomehappierandhealthierinreturn.( )50.Theauthorgivesthreereasonstoprovewhypeople wanttobe

20、volunteers. BRunningisbecomingpopularthese days.Manyofusrunforhealth. Doctorssaymanyhealthproblemscomefromthesebadhabits:eatinganddrinking toomuch,smokingandnot takingenoughexercise. Doctorstellus, Eatand rinkless,dontsmoke,andexercisemore.”RunningisagoodformofexercisebecauseithelpsbuildastronghearI

21、talsohelpsmostpeopleloseweight.One68-year-oldwomanrunsthreetimesa weekIlove toeat,”shesays.Sherunstoloseweight. Runningisgoodforhealthinotherways,too.Manyrunnerssayrunning keepscolds andothersmallhealthproblemsaway. Runningismydoctor,” saysoneman.Runningcanalsohelppeopletorelax .Sotodaymenandwomenof

22、allages enjoyrunning.根据短文内容,选择最佳选项( ) 51. Manypeopleenjoyrunningbecausetheywantto 。A. eatmuch B.keephealthy C.runfast D. wastetime( ) 52. Doctorstellus 。Anottosmoke B. nottoexercise C.todrinkmuch D. to eat much( ) 53. Theunderlinedwordmeans ”in Chinese.A.疾病 B.体重 C.速度 D.健康( ) 54.Thethirdparagraphshow

23、s .ArunninghelpspeopletorelaxB.peoplewholikerunninghavemanyhealthproblemsC.runninghelpsbuildastrongheartD.peoplewholikerunninghavefewerhealth problems( ) 55.Thewritermainlytellsus .A.howtorunB.howtoloseweightC.runningisagoodwaytokeephealthyD. runningisbetterthandoctorsCYouaresotiredatnight,butyoucan

24、tsleep.Herearesomegoodideas. First,youshouldbeinaquietroom.Thatsimportant.Youshouldput yourfeetinsomewarmwaterbeforeyougotobed,andthatsatraditionalway. YoushouldhaveaglassofmilkItsgoodforsleeping.Youshouldthinkyouare inabeautifulplace.Itsveryquiethere.andtherearemanytreesandyouwalk slowly.Thatsounds

25、likeagoodidea.Itcanhelpyousleepsoon. Sleepingisimportanttoourhealth. Dontbeworried,Gotobedearly, eat morevegetablesanddosomeexercise.Andeveryonewillhaveagoodsleepat night根据短文内容完成表格leetanwarmwatertninkYOuareInaDeautt:uiplaceC6 AdviceBeforegoingtobed56.5758.Aboutdiet(饮食) andexercise59.60. 第四部分:语言综合运用第

26、一节:用所给词的正确形式填空.(每小题1 分,满分 5分)61. Many Chinese students realize (意识到) the _(important) of learning English.62. Mike (伤了) his leg playing soccer. but it wasnt serious.63. Its time for you to make a (decide) now.64. Thanks for (筹集)money for the poor people.65. Could you please (叠)the clothes?第二节:按要求完成句

27、子。(每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 66. He has a headache. (划线提问) with him? 67. They had to stay at home because it rained. (改为同义句) They had to stay at home _ _ the rain. 68. 你的工作会影响人们的生活吗? Does your work _ a _ to peoples life? 69. 我对爬山感兴趣。 Im _ _ climbing mountains. 70. 你的帮助使我拥有Lucky 成为可能。 You help to it for me to

28、 have Lucky. 71. 我对拥有一只狗的主意感到兴奋。 I was the idea of having a dog. 72. Jimmy 修理了那辆破自行车。 Jimmy the broken bike. 73我获得一种如此强烈的满足感 I get such a _ _ of satisfaction. 74. 我们需要提出一个帮助残疾人的计划。 We need to with a plan to help the disabled people. 75. 你有和Aron 一样的精神吗? Do you have the same Aron?第三节:根据对话内容,从方框中选择能填入空

29、白处的最佳选项补全对话。(每小题2 分,满分 10 分)A: Hi,Bill ! 76 B:Yes,Ivealreadyfinishedmy homework.A: 77 B:Idliketoworkoutside.A: Me,too! 78 B:Idliketodosomethingtohelpothers. Wouldyouliketogowithme?A:Sure!Letscomeupwithaplan,79Intheafternoonwecanvisitthechildrenshospitaltocheerupthesickchildren.Whatdoyouthink?.B. 80

30、Butwehadbetterjointheschoolweekendvolunteerprogram.A: Goodidea! Wecoulddobetterthen.A. Doyouhaveany ideas?B. Areyoufreetomorrow ?C. Thatsoundsgood! D. Whatwouldyouliketodo?E. Tomorrow morning letshandoutfoodat the food bank. 初级写作(满分15 分)假如你是李佳,Alice是你的美国笔友。在一次MSN聊天中,你们谈到了志愿者活动,Alice想了解你们班十二月份的志愿者活动安排。请你根据表格提示给Alice写一封电子邮件,介绍一下具体的活动安排。时间活动Dec.9帮助清洁工打扫公园Dec.15去医院给病人唱歌Dec.22为人们修理自行车和电脑Dec.30去小学给孩子们辅导功课、讲英文故事要求:1. 词数:80-100.2. 须包括所有提示内容,可以适当发挥,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Alice, How is everything going?_ _Thats all. Do you have any thing interesting in your class? Please tell me. Yours Li Jia


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