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1、Where is your post office?说课稿教材分析问路与指路是常用的生活用语之一,几乎所有的基础英语教程中都会涉及这项内容,JEFC将这项内容编排在初二(上)第六单元,由此可知,本单元的重要性。教学内容词汇.Names of places:post office、library、hotel、restaurant、bank、supermarket、 street、pay phone、park、house、garden、market.Description adjectives:clean、dirty、new、old、quiet、busy.其它:enjoy、visit、beginn

2、ing、tour、through、walk、hungry.短语.介词短语:next to、in front of、between、behind、across from.其它:take a walk、have fun.句型.掌握there be句型。.初步认识if句型.掌握指路时所常用的祈使句,包括go straight、turn left/right、take the .turning.日常交际用语.掌握问路常用语:Excuse me.Is there.?/Where is.?.了解问路的其它用语:Excuse me.Which is the way to.?/Can you tell me

3、the way to.?教学重点.词汇.句型:there be句型.问路与指路的基本用语教学难点.设计一些学生能够主动参与的活动,让学生能够对所学的知识进行操练与扩展。课时划分考虑到所教学生的实际情况以及本单元在本册书中的“前沿”位置,我将本单元细划分为5个课时(不包括self-check)。第一课时: Section A 1a-1c第二课时: Section A 2a-2c第三课时: Section A 3a-4第四课时: Section B 1a-2c第五课时: section B 3a-3b主要策略1. 教学策略.提倡循序渐进的教学过程,使学生在认识新知识时有一个心理适应的过程。.倡导“

4、任务型”教学过程,让学生“做中学”,“学”是前提,“做”是目的。.因人因材施教。2. 学习策略.倡导合作学习的理念,课堂中使学生有尽可能多的合作机会。.强调家庭作业的重要性,提倡学生的自主学习,家庭作业的形式尽可能的多样化,比如让学生准备下节课的一些课堂道具。 教学目标1. 知识目标:.谈论问路与指路.学会方位介词next to、in front of、betweenand、across、behind.学会形容词new、old、busy、quiet、clean 、dirty、big、small2. 语言技能 .能围绕“问路与指路”的交际用语进行交际。 *能用一些形容词准确地描述和表达自己的观点

5、。 .能用简单的图表、地图、句子等描述和传递信息3.情感目标.通过运用简单的问路和引路的交际用语,学会相互合作,培养乐于助人的精神。.通过运用问路和引路的交际用语,帮助各个层次的同学树立自信心,敢于用英语进交际。4.文化意识.了解中西方问路与引路方式的不同教学过程The first period(Section A 1a-1c)Warm-UpAsk students “Where does he/she live?” “Where do I live?”,give students the answer“I live in this neighborhood”(show Ss the pict

6、ure on the screen).Word-TeachDirect Ssattention to the picture on the screen and ask Ss “Whats this?”,present the names of the places on the board.Give plenty of opportunity for both choral and individual repetition of the new words.Refer to 1a and 1b in Section A on p7.Target language-TeachHave Ss

7、look at the picture on the screen again and ask“Is/Are there .?”,present Ss the answers “Yes,there is/are.” “No,there isnt /arent.”.On the board,write the models.Have Ss look at the picture and the example question and answer together,have them take turns practicing asking and answering questions.In

8、vite volunteers to role-play their dialogs.Make a surveyOrganize Ss into groups,have them make a survey by asking others in the group questionsYes/no wherepost office library hotel restaurant bank supermarket pay phone park HomeworkDraw one of the places with color pens.Complete the conversations according to the illustration in 1a


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