八下教学案例unit6. topic1. sectionD.doc

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1、八年级下册教案设计Unit 6 Enjoying CyclingTopic 1 I have some exciting news to tell you.Section D. Material analysis本节课建议用1课时学完。主要活动为Section D 的1a。Section D是一节复习课,在综合复习Sections A-C的词汇、语法和功能句的基础上,巩固学生对本话题内容的学习。学生将在1a的阅读环节中,继续谈论旅游的话题,培养学生热爱旅游、积极探索的态度。在培养学生阅读能力的同时,提高学生的写作能力。. Teaching aimsKnowledge aims:1. 学生能正确

2、拼读并运用黑体单词top。2. 学生能正确运用动词不定式。3. 学生能进一步谈论旅游的话题。Skill aims:1. 能听懂有关旅游的短文或对话,从中获取信息。2. 能理解有关旅游方面的叙述,并从中获取需要的信息。3. 能用英语简单描述旅游的心得与感受。Emotional aims:培养学生热爱旅游、积极探索的态度。. The key points and difficult pointsKey points:1. 正确掌握本话题的功能句的用法。2. 掌握动词不定式的用法。Difficult points: 1. 掌握动词不定式的用法。 2. 写出有关旅游方式、心得与感受的短文。. Lear

3、ning strategies 1. 善于创设情景,在情景中提高语言交际能力,突显语言交际功能。 2. 善于分组活动,在小组中积极与他人协作,取长补短,共同完成学习任务。. Teaching aids Computer multimedia projector. Teaching proceduresStepInteraction patternStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction(8 minutes)1. The wholeclass work.2. The wholeclass work.3. The wholeclass work.4.

4、 Group work.5. The wholeclass work.6. Group work.7. The wholeclass work.1. Students focus theirattention on the teacher.2. Students report theirhomework.3. Students play the game toreview the words andphrases of this topic.4. Students read through Sections A-C, and finish the grammar table.5. Studen

5、ts check theanswers with theteacher. 6. Students complete thefunction table.7. Students tell theiranswers, and thencheck the answerswith the teacher.1. Greet the students and make them ready for learning. 2. The teacher asks thestudents to report theirhomework. Let the studentsreport the passage the

6、yfinished about raisingmoney.3. The teacher leads thestudents to play the game: Whats missing? Review the words and phrases of this topic. Introduce the new word top.4. The teacher leads thestudents to read through Sections A-C and complete the sentences with the correct words.5. The teacher asks th

7、e students to tell the answers. Stress the usages of infinitives. Finish the grammar table.6. The teacher asks thestudents to complete the sentences with correct words. Finish the functions table.7. The teacher asks thestudents to check theanswers.Presentation(10minutes)1. The wholeclass work.2. The

8、 whole class work.3. The whole class work.4. The whole class work.5. The whole class work.6. The wholeclass work.7. The wholeclass work.1. Students read thesentences of 1a, andgrasp the general ideas ofthem.2. Students read thesentences and numberthem in the right order.3. Students check theiranswer

9、s with the teacher.4. Students read it againand mark T or F.5. Volunteers read theanswers. Students checkthe answers with thehelp of the teacher.6. Students read thepassage and find outthe infinitive sentences. 7. Volunteers report theanswers. Students check the answers with the teacher.1. The teach

10、er asks the studentsto read the sentences of1a and grasp the generalideas of them.2. The teacher asks thestudents to number thesentences.3. The teacher asks twostudents to tell theiranswers.4. The teacher asks the studentsto read the passage andmark T or F.5. The teacher asks twostudents to tell the

11、answers. Ask them to payattention to top and thetop of6. The teacher asks the studentsto read the passage for thethird time and find out theinfinitive sentences. 7. Teacher asks two studentsto tell the answers. Let thestudents grasp the usageof infinitives.Consolidation(10 minutes)1. The whole class

12、 work.2. The whole class work.3. Individual work.4.The whole class work.5. The wholeclass work.6. The whole class work.7. Two studentswork.8. The wholeclass work.1. Students read the passageafter the recordingsentence by sentence.2. Students try to follow the speed, paying attention to the pronuncia

13、tionand intonation.3. Students read 1a andfind out the key words.4. Students check the answers with the teacher.5. Students retell thepassage according tothe key words.6. Students write theirown passages.7. Students write downtheir passages on the blackboard.8. Students should payattention to the us

14、ageof infinitives.1. The teacher plays therecording sentence bysentence.2. The teacher plays therecording without stopping.3. The teacher lets the students read 1a silently and find out the key words.4. The teacher asks two students to report their key words. 5. The teacher asks the students to rete

15、ll the passage according to the key words.6. The teacher asks the students to write a passage to describe one of their favorite trips. Finish 2. 7. The teacher asks two students to write down their passages on the blackboard.8. The teacher checks thepassages. Practice(10 minutes)1. The wholeclass wo

16、rk.2. The wholeclass work. 3. Gruop work.4. Individualwork.5. The wholeclass work.1. Students make up similarsentences with infinitives.2. Students show thesentences to the wholeclass. 3. Students make shortconversations and actthem out. 4. Students complete thesentences, using theright forms of the

17、given words.5. Students check theanswers with the teacher.1. The teacher asks the students to make up similar sentences with infinitives.2. The teacher asks the students to show the sentences to the whole class. 3. The teacher asks the students to find out more useful expressions in this topic in gr

18、oups, make shortconversations and actthem out.4. The teacher shows thefollowing sentences on the screen. Ask the students to complete the sentences, using the right forms of the given words. (1) I have some excitingnews _ you. ( tell)(2) It will take us a few days _ there by bike. (get)(3) The best

19、way _ (raise)money is _ (sell)newspapers.(4) I want _ some photos to you. (show)(5) Miss Wang told us not _ our parents for the money. (ask)(6) Why dont we put on a show _ money? (raise)(7) Kangkang helped us _ the train tickets. (book)(8) Im looking forward _ from you. (hear)5. The teacher asks two

20、students to write down their answers on the blackboard.Production(7 minutes)1. The wholeclass work andgroup work.2. The wholeclass work andgroup work.3. The wholeclass work andgroup work.4. Individualwork.5. The wholeclass work.6. The wholeclass work.7. Individualwork.1. Students make a survey ingro

21、ups.2. Students work in groupsand complete the table.3. Students write downthe useful phrases andexpressions for theirsurvey. 4. Students write downtheir passages.5. Students check thepassages written bythemselves.6. Students summarizeSection D with theteacher.7. Students finish the homework after c

22、lass. 1. The teacher organizes the students to make a survey about “where your classmates would like to travel” and work out the total cost.Name placeTotal cost2. The teacher asks thestudents to work ingroups and choose one ofthe most popular places for you to travel. Let them complete the table.3.

23、The teacher asks thestudents to write down theuseful phrases andexpressions.4. The teacher asks the students to write down their travel routes and schedules.5. The teacher asks thestudents to read theirproductions. Sum up thepassage. 6. The teacher shows thesummary to the students.7. The teacher ass

24、igns homework:(1) Review the summaryafter class.(2) Write a letter to yourfriend and talk about the experience of your trip.(3) Prepare for Section A after class. Teaching ReflectionThe students can talk about traveling fluently after the learning of this topic. They can grasp the usage of infinitives better now. The teacher should design more exercises for them for consolidation. Blackboard designUnit 6 Enjoying Cycling Topic 1 I have some exciting news to tell you.Section D1. It takes sb. some time to do sth. It costs sb. some money to do sth. 2. look forward to doing sth.3. the top of


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