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1、(外)初三英语9(上)知识点辅导(2012MODULE 11. Thats news to me! 我一点儿都不知道!Thats/ Its news to me. (口语)表示“没听说过的事”.如:Theres no class tomorrow? Thats news to me! 明天不上课?我一点儿都不知道!I hear you and Paul are going to Paris for the weekend.我听说你和保罗要去巴黎度周末.Really ?Thats news to me.是吗?我怎么不知道!2. Well write a diary of school event

2、s, and tell everyone about the school concert and the dance club.我们要记录下学校每天发生的事,还要告诉大家学校音乐会以及舞蹈俱乐部的事情.diary 意思是、“记事簿,日记簿”.如:According to my diary, Ive got two meetings on Monday. 根据我在记事簿上的记录,周一我要开两个会.3. Ill do some reviews about our favourite bands and movies! 我要就我们喜爱的乐队的电影写一些评论.And Ill do an interv

3、iew with Becky Wang! 我要采访贝基.王!do some reviews 表示“对.做评论”;do an interview表示“采访.”.其中,do.可以和许多名词搭配,组成不同的词组.同学们在平时的学习中要学会积累这些词组.再如:I should do more exercise.我应该多锻炼.Hes on honest; we like to do business with him.他是一个诚实的人,我们愿意与他做生意.4. I think thats a fantastic ideafantastic 常用在口语中,表示“了不起的;极好的”。如:You passed

4、 your test? Fantastic!5. I got out of the car, went through a gate and walked along a path.介词through 可以与很多动词连用,组成动词短语,如:The River Thames flows through London.The man got in through the window.You can see through glass.6. I looked carefully over them, but it was still too dark to see anything.look ov

5、er sth.在这里意思是 “检阅或检查某事物”,如:We must look over the house before we decide to buy it.tooto意为“太而不能”。如:Its too cold to swim in the sea yet.This is too difficult for them to read.7. Suddenly, the clouds cleared and the rain stopped.clear 在本句中作动词,意思是“天气放晴,转晴”,它还可作形容词和副词,作形容词时有很多种意思。如:The water in the lake

6、is clear. (清澈的,透明的)He gave a clear explanation. (易懂的,明白的)It is quite clear that she is not coming. (明显的,显然的)8. The sun rose behind me and beyond the rocks. I saw that the ground fell away and down to a river, far below me.太阳从位于我身后的岩石远处升起.我看到地面沉降至下面深谷中的一条河里.rise 意思是“上升,起身”,不及物动词,过去式和过去分词分别为 rose, ros

7、en 如:Her voice rose in anger.raise 很容易与其混淆,raise有“举起;召集,筹措;抚养”之意,为及物动词,过去式和过去分词分别加-ed, 如:raise ones hand 举手raise an army 招募军队raise a family养家9. I was on the edge of the Grand Canyon, one of the wonders the natural world.我站在大峡谷边缘,它是自然界中的奇观之一.10. I looked down to the Colorado River about 2,000metres b

8、elow me. 我俯视着距我两千多米之遥的科罗拉多河.Then I looked across to other side of the canyon. 然后,我眺望峡谷的另一边.Finally, I looked to my left and to my right. 最后,我向左右遥望.在上面这三个句子中, look 和不同的介词/副词组成不同的词组,有着不同的意思. look down表示“向下看”; look across表示向对面看; look to ones left 表示向某人左侧看.还有很多介词/副词可以和look这个动词组成词组,如;Look over there-ther

9、es a rainbow! 看那边!彩虹!She looked up and smiled at me. 她抬起头来,冲我笑了笑.10. over 400 kilometers long.英文中表达长、宽、高、深等概念时,结构为“数字单位long (wide, high, deep)”。如:three metres wide 宽3米nine meters deep 9米深MODULE 2 知识辅导 知识讲解:1 As far as I remember, it was started by Becky Wang. 凭我记忆,它(这本杂志)是由贝基.王创办的.as far as.表示“至于,就.

10、”. (表示程度和范围)如:As far as I know, that is highly unlikely.He isnt coming today ,as far as I know .据我所知,他今天不来了.2 Confucius works are still read by many people today ,and we are still influenced by his thoughts.今天,仍然有许多人在读孔子的论著,我们也仍然受他思想的影响.Confucius 指孔子,是“孔夫子”的英语译名.由于历史的原因,中国古代思想家孔子和孟子(Mencius,也是从“孟夫子”

11、翻译而来的)的英语译名一般不使用拼音直接翻译.现在,大多数我国特有的名称等都取汉语拼音的翻译的方法.3 Mark Twain was a important writer , but he isnt known as a great thinker like Confucius .马克.吐温是一位重要的作家,但他并不像孔子那样作为伟大的思想家而文明于世.be known as. 表示以.知名/闻名; 被认为是.如:Yang Liping is know as a great dancer.杨丽萍是公认的出色的舞蹈家.It has long been known as the best car

12、in the world.be known to 意思是“为某人所熟知”。如:The use of gunpowder was known to the Chinese before the Europe.be known for意思是“因而闻名”。如:Hawaii is also known for its beauty.4 Perhaps thats what makes “Great Books”-theyre still read today .也许,这正是入选“名著欣赏”的关键-它们至今仍被广泛阅读.在该句中,make+宾语+adj.的表示“致使/使/导致.怎么样”。如:The wo

13、rds made her popular with the students.那些话使她在学生中很受欢迎.Eating the bad bananas made them ill.吃这些坏的香蕉使他们生病了。5. The themes of the story are to do with children growing up and becoming more serious.故事的主题和孩子们的成长以及变得成熟稳重有关.be/have to do with sb. / sth.表示:“和某人/某事、有关”。如:My question has to do with yesterdays h

14、omework.我的问题和昨天的作业有关。In the evening he likes to read books. These books have nothing to do with work.晚上他喜欢看书,这些书都与他的工作无关.MODULE 3 知识点1. Whos it against?again 意思很多,要在具体语境中体会,如:Most people are against him. (反对)Put the piano there, with its back against the wall.(对着)Her red coat stood out clearly again

15、st the snow.(在的映衬下)2. What does HAS stand for?stand for 在这里意思是“代表”,其他的意思还有“为某事物的省略形式;主张,支持;容忍”。如:What does “T.G.” stand for in “T.G. Smith”?John always stands for what is right.I wont stand for this.3. What do you reckon, Lingling?reckon 的意思是“思忖,认为”。这个句子是非常口语化的一种说法,和本句意思相同的英文还有:What do you think? 如:

16、The news wont worry her, I reckon.4. You wont be allowed to watch.allow sb to do sth = allow doing sthMy mother doesnt allow me to use the computer.My mother allows using the computer.5. I think were so good that well be asked to play in the Olympic Games.sothat 意思是“如此以至于”,两词中间放形容词或量词。如:He was so de

17、lighted that tears came into his eyes.so that 意思是“以便”,引导目的状语从句,如:I stood back so that she could enter first.6. Dont let them get to you, Tony! 不要让他们影响你,托尼!get to sb.意思是to make someone feel upset or angry,即让某人感到烦恼,困扰等get to 除了有“到达”的意思以外,还有“着手处理,开始;打动,影响”的意.如:The heat was beginning to me so I went ind

18、oors.天气很热,让我开始感到烦躁,所以我回到了屋内.The smell of her old book really gets to me after a while!过了一会儿,她的旧书散发出的气味实在让我不舒服.Unit 21. And now that hes well known all over the world, Liu Xiang will also be asked to appear in advertisements and films, and even to record music.现在由于刘翔已经世界闻名了,他还会被邀请做广告,拍电影,甚至录唱片.now th

19、at 常常用为一种新的情况或状况做出解释,表示既然:由于.如:Now that Mr has arrived , we can begin our meeting.既然刘先生已经到了,我们就开会吧.2. Liu was encouraged at first to train as a high jumper.起初,教练支持刘翔练跳高.encourage sb. to do sth.表示鼓励某人做某事.在本句中,encourage一词用于被动语态,表示刘翔是被鼓励去某事,而不是他鼓励别的人去做某事. 如:Ms Wang always encourages us to speak English

20、 in class.王老师总是鼓励我们课上见讲英语.We were encouraged to learn foreign languages at school.学校鼓励我们学习外语.3. It was set up in 2001 to help young sportsmen and sportswomen.它(特殊项目)建立于2001年,用来帮助年轻运动员.set up表示建立,设立;创办(组织,企业);制定(计划等)如:She plans to set up her own business.她计划企业办自己的企业.We need to set a meeting to discus

21、s the plan.我们需要开个会来讨论这个计划.4、succeed的用法。透视: succeed是动词,意为“成功”,表示“干某事成功”是succeed in sth./doing sth. 其名词是success“成功”,其形容词是successful “成功的”。考题:Im sorry to hear that Bill failed the exam again. (06哈尔滨市)Dont worry about him. Im sure that he will never give up until he _.A. succeed B. succeeds C. succeeded

22、解读:本题考查succeed的时态,因为主句是一般将来时,所以until引导的句子用一般现在时,所以选B. succeeds。5. So do I .这是一个倒装句。当so, nor 和neither 用于句首,说明前面一句话中谓语表示的情况也适用于另一个人或物时,句子要用倒装。so 用于肯定句,nor 和neither 用于否定句。如:A: I have had my breakfast.B: So have I .A: Will you go home this weekend?B: No, and neither will Lingling.6. First of all, hell b

23、e invited to competitions around the world.First of all 意思是“首先,最初”,它是列举和描述事物时常用的副词。如:First of all, she just smiled, then she started to laugh.一 般将来时、一般过去时和含有情态动词的被动语态。透视:被动语态的构成是:助动词be动词的过去分词,表示主语是动作的承受者,在不同的时态里,be应用不同的形式。考题:1. It is said that potato chips _ by mistake about a hundred years ago.(06北

24、京市)A. invent B. invented C. are invented D. were invented解读:根据句意判断,应用被动语态,时态是一般过去时,其构成是:was/ were动词的过去分词,所以应选D. were invented。2. The 2007 Special Olympic Games _ in Shanghai. (06上海市)A. will hold B. will be held C. were held D. held解读:本题也是考查被动语态,因为时态是一般将来时,其构成是;willbe动词的过去分词,所以选B. will be held。3. We

25、can hear the girls singing in the next room. (改为被动语态)(06甘肃省)The girls can _ _ singing in the next room.解读:本题是考查含有情态动词的被动语态,其构成是:情态动词be动词的过去分词,所以应填be heard。A) 用所给词的适当形式填空,使句子意思完整通顺。1. Some _(Italy) will visit their university next week.2. Jenny is one of the most _(success) students in her class.3. L

26、indas_(perform) at the party was well received.4. The old doctor uses sport as part of his patients _(treat).5. Frank was the first to run across the _(finish) line at the sports meeting.A) 1. Italians 2. successful 3. performance 4. treatment 5. finishing词形:1. hero(复数) heroes 2. invite (名词) invitit

27、ion 3. sportman(复数) sportmen4.advertisment(动词) advertise 5. with (反义词) without6. success(动词) succeed(形容词) successful(副词) successfully7. perform (名词) performance 8. train (名词) training9. treat (名词) treatmentMODULE 4 知识点1)Paper and printing have been used for ages.for ages - for (many) years好多年了.eg. I

28、 havent seen her for ages/years .类似短语: for hours/ days/months 等.2)The battery hasnt been charged for a couple of months.a couple of - several 几个eg. I made a couple of mistakes in the test paper.3) Ill see to it. 我来处理.see to sb. / sth.= look after, deal with “处理, 照顾, 关照”eg. Mother is ill. I have to s

29、ee to the baby.4.)You must promise that it wont be.promise to do/ that.= make a promise to do/that 答应, 许诺作某事Promise!= I promise to do that.我答应!5) turn on -打开 turn off -关闭turn up -开大 turn down -关小eg. Dont forget to _the light when you leave the room.Please _the TV, the football is beginning.Would you

30、 please _it _ a little? I cant hear it clearly.The baby is sleeping. Please _ the radio a little.6. looks through 浏览,温习eg. He looked through many books in order to find the correct answer. 为了找到正确答案,他查阅了许多书籍.2. with- without 带有 / 没有eg. He found a house with many trees around.他找到了一所周围有许多树的房.He went to

31、 school without breakfast today.他今天没有吃早饭就去上学了.3. be made of - be made from- be made up of -be made in- be made by- be made into -5. put against 将放进/刻进 hold against 将贴到6. at the beginning of 在初/ 开始时after that 然后,之后in a way 以方式7. compare. with. 与.相比 , 与.相媲美You cant compare him with Tom, theyre differe

32、nt. as compared with 与比较Hes really done better as compared with last term9. rather than 胜过,而不愿eg. He would choose Sunday rather than Saturday.I would like to go with you rather than stay at home.prefer to do rather than do 情愿而不.10. be replaced by 被.所替代 be read online 在网上阅读MODULE 5 知识点1. 课文原句:Im look

33、ing forward to this! ( Unit 1,P34)I wasnt paying attention to what you were saying. (Unit 1, p34)Note: 短语look forward to 和 pay attention to 中的to 都是介词,后面应跟名词、代词或动名词。如:Im looking forward to meeting you.You must pay attention to the spelling in your writing.Dont pay attention to Nina- she doesnt know w

34、hat shes talking about.2. 课文原句: Hang on a minute! (Unit 1, p34)Note: hang on 在口语中或打电话时请别人等一等,又如:Hang on! Ill be back in a minute.3. 课文原句: Hes gone off on his own. (Unit 1,p34)Note: go off 的意思是leave。如:He went off in search of something to eat.John decided to go off on his own.on ones own 这里的意思是“单独的(a

35、lone)”4. 课文原句: Youre taking so long. (Unit 1,p34)Note: 动词take 可以表示花费时间、钱、精力等。当表示花费时间时,常用于 It takes sb. some time to do something.这一结构中。例如:It takes me halt an hour to get to school from home by bike.The journey took us a long time because of the bad weather.Looking after small children takes a lot of

36、 energy.5. 课文原句: Visiting the Science Museum is fun and its a good way to learn about science because you can work things out and try out ideas. (Unit2, p36)Note: work out 可以表示 “算出;制定出,做出”。如:Try and work out how much it will cost.We cant work out how to do it.try out 表示“尝试;试验。”如:We should try out al

37、l the equipment before we do the experiment.6.课文原句: People talk about what they can see and do there. (Unit2, p36)Note: 其中,what they can see and do there 是 about 的宾语从句。7课文原句: You can compare your speed with animals. ( Unit 2, p36)Note: 其中 compare A 和B的意思是“比较A 和B”, 又如:If you compare British football

38、with American football youll find many differences.8. 课文原句: Above all, the Science Museum is free.Note: above all 表示“最重要的是,首先”。如:Above all, remember to send us your photos.Above all, dont forget to write to us.9. That means you can drop in for a few minutes or you can stay as long as you likeNote: d

39、rop in 表示“顺道拜访,造访”。drop in on sb. 顺道拜访某人;drop in at someplace顺道拜访某地。如:Drop in and see us when you are in Tianjin next time.Why dont you drop in at my office when youre free?Module6 知识辅导1课文原句:“and everyone agrees we must be careful about the environment”Note: be careful about / of 表示“小心 / 谨慎地对待。”如:Be

40、 careful of / about the ice on the road.Hes not happy so be careful about / of what you say to him.2. 课文原句:Its wasteful to throw away glass, paper and metalNote: throw away表示 “扔掉”。如:_ So when are you going to throw away those old magazine?_ Im going to give them to my cousin.They shouldnt throw thos

41、e old trousers away.3. 课文原句:Hey, you guys!Note: you guys 用在美语口语当中,用来引起话题,无论对方是南是女都可以用。又如:Hey , you guys! Where are you going?4. 课文原句:Guess what!guess what 或 youll never guess, 用于口语当中,在告诉别人令人惊讶的事情之前经常用到。如:Guess what! Ive got a new computer.Youll never guess who I saw today.5. 课文原句:Its also at home we

42、 save energy and recycleNote: 这是一个强调句。强调句的句型结构是:It is / was 被强调部分that / who 如:It was Jane who helped me.It was on the playground that I picked up the watch.It was at six that Tom arrived at the school.It was by this means that he worked the problem out.6. 课文原句:Do you care about protecting the enviro

43、nment and saving energy?Note: care about 是一个动词短语,表示“关心,介意,在乎”。如:The only thing he cares about is his field.Shes never cared very much about her clothes.7. 课文原句:We all need a healthy environment, but we produce waste every day and it does harm to our environment.Note: do harm to 意为“对有害处”。英文中“对有好处”可以说

44、:do good to如:Tom would never do harm to them.A holiday will do good to you.Going to bed late every night will do more harm than good.8. 课文原句:In fact, even the simplest everyday activities can make a real differences to the environment.Note: everyday 是一个形容词,意为“每日的,每天的”,它用来修饰后面的名词;而every day是两个单词,后面不能有名词被它修饰,只能在句中作状语。如:Computers are now part of everyday life.We walk to school every day.9. 课文原句:Although it takes energy to change something into something el


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