Economic Accounting of Resources Environment and Revise to GDP.doc

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1、Economic Accounting of Resources Environment and Revise to GDP资源环境经济核算及对国内生产总值的修正字典ContentsAbstractIntroductionPart One: Material index of resources environment accounting1.1. Mineral energy resources 1.2 Land resources1.3Water1.4. Forest resources1.5 Marine resources 1.6 Grassland resourcesPart two

2、: The value index of resources environment accounting2.1 Depletion of resources and environmental costs2.2 The loss of resources and environment costs 2.3The cost of resources and the environment restoration and regeneration costs 2.4 Resources and environmental protection costs2.5 Resources and env

3、ironmental costs and opportunity costs of alternativePart Three: Value accounting of resources environment3.1The actual use value 3.2The option value 3.3 The existence valuePart Four: Resources environmental factors on the revised GDPConclusionBibliographyEconomic Accounting of Resources Environment

4、 and Revise to GDP摘要:因为目前的国内生产总值没有反映资源枯竭和环境恶化对国民经济的可持续发展带来的负面影响而批评。经修订的基本思路是:以国民经济核算为起点,利用经济过程的影响要用作输入的经济产出和环境资源进行核算,本文以坚持可持续发展为前提,把国内生产总值直接同目前国内生产总值忽略的有关资源和环境的运算及国内生产总值的固有关系联系起来,最终在调整本地生产总值的经济资源环境后发现了绿色国内生产总值。关键字:国内生产总值:绿色国内生产总值;资源环境价值核算指标;修正Abstract: Current GDP is criticized because of not reflec

5、t the negative impact that brought from depletion and deterioration of resources environment to national economy sustainable development. Revised basic idea is: To national accounts as a starting point, use the effect of economic process to use the environment resources as the input of economic outp

6、ut and be accounted. This paper is only upholding the premise of sustainable development, with GDP but was directly related to the current GDP ignores the value of those resources and environment accounting and with the intrinsic link between GDP. Finally the author finds the green GDP after adjusti

7、ng for economic resources environment. Key Words: GDP; the green GDP; value index of resources environment accounting; revise朗读Mqin de GDP sh ppng, ynwi miyu fnyng fmin yngxing, cng zyun kji h hunjng hu di li de du gumn jngj de k chx fzhn. Jng xidng de jbn sl sh: Y gumn jngj hsun wi qdin, lyng jngj

8、guchng de yngxing yo yng zu shr de jngj chn ch h hunjng zyun jnxng hsun, zhngy fxin bnd shngchn zng zh de jngj zyun hunjng hu, ls GDP tiozhng.字典Introduction GDP has been advocated by Keynes generation master of economics, it thought useful basis for reflect the supply, demand, unemployment and other

9、 issues in the economic order, is the most important indicator that measure if the country is progressive and the degree of progress. However, since 70s, with the sharply increasing of population, consumption of natural resources and increasing environmental damage, there is growing recognition that

10、 traditional GDP index system cant Accurately reflect a countrys economic, social and cultural progress and sustainable development level of ability, because it does not account for the negative economic impact of sustainable development by deforestation, environmental pollution, soil erosion, resou

11、rce depletion and destruction of the ozone layer. Not reflect the potential cost, potential benefits and eco-social, Unable to handle the demographic, economic, social, environment and resource coordination problem, on the contrary, unlimited consumption on the environment become a powerful booster

12、and source of power of GDP. This is contrary to the sustainable development theory. So active in the resource environment and economic accounting, serious depletion of resources and protection of the environments impact on GDP, Improve this important indicator of the GDP of great significance.This s

13、tudy is only upholding the premise of sustainable development, with GDP but was directly related to the current GDP ignores the value of those resources and environment accounting and with the intrinsic link between GDP. In order to facilitate the collection of information and relatively accurately

14、calculated, we will account for the content of natural and environmental resources are divided into nine categories, namely mining and energy resources, land resources, water resources, forest resources, marine resources, grassland resources, wildlife resources, renewable resources and environmental

15、 resources, accounting again on this basis the cost of depletion of resources and the environment, resources, environment, loss cost, resources and environment restoration costs and the cost of renewable resources and environmental protection costs, resources and environment of the replacement cost

16、and opportunity cost, and improve the income, resources and environment (green income), which constitute the six indicators should directly adjust the value of GDP accounting system.Part One: Material index of resources environment accounting1.1 Mineral energy resources Main indicators: the amount o

17、f mineral energy resources, savings, extraction volume and the volume of waste generated.1.2 Land resources Main indicators: the number of depletion of arable land, land mass index, desertification and soil erosion index.1.3 Water Main indicators: available surface and underground fresh water reserv

18、es in the depletion of the number of declining water quality of freshwater resources, pollution and the degree of flooding.1.4 Forest resources Key indicators are: forest area, forest harvest and harvest density, forest disaster area.1.5 Marine resources Main indicators: coastal water quality, water

19、 pollution and the decline in the number of coastal biological resources.1.6 Grassland resources Key indicators are: grassland, grassland depletion volume, lawn mass index, grassland degradation (particularly desertification and alkalization) the number of affected grass area.Part two: The value ind

20、ex of resources environment accountingLoss of material resources and the environment (or improvement) can be carried out only through the summary reflects the accounting value, and enter the GDP system, and then make the appropriate amendment to the GDP. There are six areas about the resources and e

21、nvironmental accounting of the value index system.2.1 Depletion of resources and environmental costs Is the result of production and consumption of life and natures own erosion, resulting in the total material resources and environmental depletion, depletion of the value of these amounts to reflect

22、the cost depletion. Of the depletion cost accounting, the first nine substances should be the targets and indicators relevant statistics of detail, then according to statistics of the results account for the stock of resources and the environment, usage and volume depletion, and the corresponding Va

23、lue.2.2 The loss of resources and environment costs That is, the cost of environmental degradation of resources (Degradation Cost), is the result of irrational consumption on the environment or the lack of effective protection measures and human resources and the environment because of the pollution

24、 and damage to the deterioration of environmental quality of resources (down), while their sustainable development and caused direct economic losses and potential losses.2.3 The cost of resources and the environment restoration and regeneration costs Recovery cost is the people in the development an

25、d utilization of resources and environment at the same time a pollution, destruction or loss of another one or more resources and environment, which is used to restore the pollution and damage to or loss of resources, the cost of true colors; regeneration cost is refers to the resources and the envi

26、ronment restored to its original size and level of compensation should be measured and the value of the cost.2.4 Resources and environmental protection costs Is to ensure resources and the environment from man-made destruction, the forces of nature on the environment to minimize the damage, erosion,

27、 preserve resources and environmental quality has reached a certain level above the protective measures taken in response to that cost. 2.5 Resources and environmental costs and opportunity costs of alternative Replacement cost refers to the development and utilization of non-renewable resources, pe

28、ople to substitute other resources required to pay additional costs associated, including research, development, construction costs of alternative resources. Opportunity cost is the result of certain resources, restricted or prohibited sexual exploitation, and environmental protection of resources o

29、n some related industries, industries and enterprises compression, adjust, shut down, resulting in idle resources, and opportunities for direct losses arising loss.Part Three: Value accounting of resources environmentHow to measure the value of resources and the environment, is this an important iss

30、ue to be resolved. In the Western economic theory, Resources and the environment as a special, and efficient use of, scarce resources, their economic value increasingly, the market value of a general sense, while the performance of outside of the non-market value; Secondly, resources and environment

31、 is Renlei the Gongtongcaifu, It belongs to the contemporary people of different regions, but also of the future of humanity. Meanwhile, the special value of resources and the environment also showed: The value of resources and the environment not only on the satisfaction of human needs and interest

32、s, but also all living things on Earth to satisfy the needs and interests of the whole system and the Earths biosphere perfect sound to meet the needs and interests. So its value is inherent, not entirely dependent on people to judge and evaluate. Nature constantly in the production of the things mu

33、st exist prior, and the existence of the creator is the first. According to the modern resources and environmental economics, there are three parts of the value of resources and environment: the actual use value, option value and existence value. 3.1 Real value Real value, including direct use value

34、s and indirect use value. Direct use value refers to the resources and the environment can be directly used in the production process and consumption process of economic value. Some of them can be directly in the market, such as the value of mineral resources, timber value, water resource value; som

35、e even can not be directly applied to market prices, but they can be used directly to estimate the market value. Indirect use value refers to the resources and the environment is not directly used in the production and consumption of economic value, they do not directly market price, its value can o

36、nly be indirectly demonstrated. This indirect use value can be have not used to indirectly measure, which envisions the absence of such resources, the environment, to achieve the same effect by other methods needed to estimate the value of inputs. 3.2 Option value Option value refers to the people t

37、o preserve or protect a resource environment for future use made of pre-paid. Option value is still a value, but whether it is a measure of future direct or indirect use value, to ensure that the case of an uncertain future supply of resources and the environment. 3.3 Existence value Value is the pe

38、oples resources and environment in the presence of a willing to pay the amount of resources and the environment to natural methods, is performed out of Jia Zhi exist, it is a kind of ecological value. Value can be accepted by the investigation will or will pay to measure. Natural landscape areas suc

39、h as the U.S. Grand Canyon, the survey calculated to protect the benefits of this landscape, according to willingness to pay the amount of 78 billion U.S. dollars.Part Four: Resources environmental factors on the revised GDPResources and environmental factors on GDP revised basic idea is: the nation

40、al accounts as a starting point, the economic process on the environments role as the economic output of the input be accounted for, obtained by a countrys current resources and the environment after adjusted GDP, that is Green GDP. The adjustment of the basic principles are: 1. As the current miner

41、al energy resources, water resources, forest resources, the market price does not include resources, equity prices, the time adjustment factor adjustment coefficient and the environment, resources, price is significantly lower, thereby reducing the cost of the enterprises resource consumption, infla

42、ted the company profits, this part of the inflated profits deducted from GDP. 2. Depletion of resources and the environment means that the original accumulation of social wealth, the net reduction in the increased value is virtual and must be deducted from GDP. The formula is as follows: current res

43、ources and environment resources depletion volume = beginning of environmental assets + current increase in resources and environmental assets - current consumption of resources and environmental assets.3. The loss of environmental resources, the cost of resources and environmental quality from dete

44、rioration or decline caused, it leads directly to reduction in the accumulation of social wealth, should be deducted from GDP. The formula is: Current cost of a loss of resources and the environment of the kinds of resources = current environmental degradation or decreased quality and quantity of re

45、sources and environment corresponding market price or the price or estimated price of ecological 4. Resources and the environment restoration costs, recycling costs and protection costs, as these costs occur, and did not lead to the improvement of resources and environmental quality or quantity incr

46、ease, and only to make resources and environment to maintain or restore to the original level, so that it does not create new social wealth. The current GDP accounting process, put the cost of such restoration, regeneration cost and the protection costs are included in the GDP, the greater the forma

47、tion of disaster recovery more inputs can be driven higher GDP growth in the cycle, seems to be beneficial to the disaster, Therefore, this part of the input costs must be deducted from GDP.5. Resources and environment of the replacement cost and opportunity cost are for the protection of resources

48、from depletion and deterioration of the environment occurs, a value of sacrifice, in the course of the current GDP accounting has been a true and properly reflected, therefore, no need for further adjustment. 6. Improve the income, resources and environment (green income) is due to increase in the number of resources and environmental quality improvement brought about, is the net increase in national wealth, should be a positive factor affecting GDP - an increase of entry. In summary we can conclude that: a revised GDP = GDP-existing resources and the environm


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