九年级英语全册Unit14Iremembermeetingallof you in Grade 7达标测试卷课件 (新版)人教新目标版.pptx

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1、第卷 (选择题,共100分) .听力测试(本大题共30分,每小题1分) A听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图。(读一遍) ( C )1.,( A )2.,( B )3.,( A )4.,( C )5.,( C )6.,B听句子,根据所听句子,选择恰当的应答。(读一遍) ( C )7.A.I have a few plans. BI will make a plan. CI will get into senior high school. ( B )8.A.All right. BIts my pleasure. CThank you,too. ( B )9.A.A doctor. BGo to

2、Canada. CIn a hospital. ( A )10.A.Thank you. BNo problem. CIt doesnt matter. ( C )11.A.Thats all right. BDont miss me. CMe,too.,( A )12.A.He advised me to have a break. BHe advised me to play computer games. CHe went to the teachers office. C听对话,根据对话内容,选择正确的选项完成句子。(读两遍) ( A )13.The two speakers are_

3、 Astudents Bteachers Cfarmers ( B )14.Steven is so happy because_ Ahe will have a trip with Doris BDoris will hold a party for him Che will meet Doris very much,( B )15._bought the gift. ACarol BMr. Smiths brother CMr. Smith ( A )16.The train will leave_ Aat 7:00 Bat 6:00 Cat 5:00 ( B )17.Sally and

4、George got to know each other_ Aby meeting in a dance party Bby meeting at Bills party Cby getting to know on the first day of school. ( B )18.The gettogether will be held_ Aat Mr. Browns home Bat a hotel Cat Mr.Greens home,D听对话及问题,根据对话内容,选择正确的答案。(读两遍) ( A )19.A.Xiao Fangs English learning. BXiao Fa

5、ngs English friends. CTheir life level. ( C )20.A.Over 200. BOver 400. COver 4,000. ( C )21.A.Because it hasnt started. BBecause it has been over. CBecause it has been put off until next Sunday. ( A )22.A.To start his own business. BTo go on a trip. CTo work for a large company.,( C )23.A.Because it

6、s easy to guide a group of tourists. BBecause she likes the beautiful mountains and rivers. CBecause she thinks its exciting to travel around. ( B )24.A.The 4th floor. BThe 14th floor. CThe 24th floor.,E听短文及问题,根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。(读三遍) ( B )25.A.Hes writing a letter. BHes making a speech. CHes having a m

7、eeting. ( C )26.A.Friends. BParents. CHis teachers and classmates. ( B )27.A.Yes,he does. BYes,he has. CNo,he hasnt. ( B )28.A.A doctor. BA singer. CA player. ( C )29.A.To be a man. BHow to learn. CAll above. ( A )30.A.They will have a great future. BThey will meet in ten years. CTheyll go to the sa

8、me college.,.单项选择(本大题共15分,每小题1分) 根据语境或句意,选择可填入句子的最佳选项。 ( A )31.(贺州中考)This is _schoolbag._is on the desk. Ayour;Mine Byours;Mine Cmy;You ( B )32.(衢州中考)Hurry up!The sky is covered with black clouds.Im afraid it _. Arain Bis going to rain Crained ( A )33.(六盘水中考)Not only you but also he _the secret. Akn

9、ows Bknow Chave known,( C )34.Whats up? The boys _the coming concert. Aprepare to Bwill prepare with Care preparing for ( B )35.My mother forget _me money,she is giving me money. Ato give Bgiving Clend ( C )36.Its time _goodbye,but _of us want to leave. Afor;nobody Bto say;nobody Cto say;none ( C )3

10、7.Tomorrow,our teacher will _an important teaching meeting. Ajoin Btake part in Cattend,( C )38.I _making friends in the new school next year. Abelieve Bhope Clook forward to ( B )39.When will we _ tomorrow morning to Hainan? Aset up Bset out Ctake up ( A )40.I dont want to _my classmates though we

11、have to. Aseparate from Bdivide into Csay goodbye ( A )41.Please consider _ Awhat you have said Bwhat have you done Cwhen will we set out,( B )42.The hare ran _the tortoise,but the tortoise didnt _ Aalong with;give up Bahead of;give up Calong with;fall behind ( C )43.He used to _shy,but now he _ Ais

12、;is Bbe;be not Cbe;isnt ( C )44.He kept me _an hour. Ato wait Bto wait for Cwaiting for ( C )45.I hope _back to see us again. Ayou to come Byou coming Cyou can come,.情景交际(本大题共10分,每小题1分) A从右栏选项中找出左栏各句的正确应答。 ( E )46.What are you going to do after leaving school? ( D )47.Do you like traveling? ( C )48.

13、Is that right? ( B )49.What do you want to be? ( A )50.I hope my students would like me and enjoy themselves too. AGood luck! BMaybe Ill be a PE.teacher. CIts just soso. DOf course I do.,EI am thinking about becoming a guide. FGreat.,B补全对话,根据对话内容,选择恰当的句子完成对话。 A:We are leaving junior high school in a

14、 few days.I feel very sad. B:Me,too. A:(51) _G_ B:Youre welcome. A:(52) _B_ B:So will IIts hard for us to say goodbye. A:Yes. B:(53) _E_ A:Next summer holiday. B:(54) _C_ A:Of course!(55) _F_,B:I hope to become a businessman.What about you? A:I hope to be an English teacher. AWho has helped you most

15、? BIll miss our teachers and classmates. CIm sure well have a good time during our gettogether then. DMy time in junior high school was enjoyable. EWhen will we gettogether again? FBy the way,what do you hope to do in the future? GThanks for your help during my stay here.,.完形填空(本大题共15分,每小题1分) 通读全文,理

16、解大意,从各题所给选项中选择可填入短文的最佳选项。 (A)Graduation Ceremony A graduation ceremony is a custom which takes place when students graduate from a school.The ceremony is usually _56_in a big hall or in the open air. _57_the ceremony,it is common for several students to give speeches,so do the principal and some oth

17、er officials.Then each graduate _58_a document called a diploma.It shows that the student has _59_ completed a course or _60_an examination.After the ceremony,,students often chat with their teachers,friends and relatives _61_come to congratulate them.They also _62_one another and talk about their f

18、uture. ( A )56.A.held Btakes place Chappening ( C )57.A.At BOn CDuring ( C )58.A.get Breceives Cgets ( C )59.A.succeed Bsuccess Csuccessfully ( C )60.A.passed Bpasses Chas passed ( B )61.A.they Bwho Cwhich ( A )62.A.take photos with Btake photos of Csay goodbye with,(B) Miss Joan was a kindergarten(

19、幼儿园)teacher who taught in a small village school.She loved her students and they loved her,too.She_63_worked long hours to prepare interesting lessons for her students.She also helped the other_64_,by giving them many good ideas to help them teach better. Yes,she was nearly _65_in many ways.However,

20、she did have two small shortcomings(缺点)First,she would always_66_snacks in her desk.Sometimes _67_attracted(招引)mice and other unwanted guests.,The other shortcoming was that she was really afraid of_68_She would not allow anyone in her class to draw pictures of snakes or even say the word.She was ev

21、en afraid when her kids were learning about words that start_69_the letter“s” One day these two things came together.A teacher that knew about Miss Joans two shortcomings_70_to make fun of her.He bought a toy snake in a shop.When Miss Joan wasnt in the office,he took away some of her snacks and put

22、the toy snake in her desk instead.When Miss,Joan took out the snacks to eat,she saw a toy snake.She was too scared to move.And from then on she has never hidden snacks in her desk. ( B )63.A.never Balways Chardly ( A )64.A.teachers Bstudents Cparents ( C )65.A.strange Bspecial Cperfect ( A )66.A.hid

23、e Bsteal Cmake ( C )67.A.it Bhe Cthey ( C )68.A.tests Bwater Csnakes ( A )69.A.with Bfor Cof ( C )70.A.refused Bagreed Cdecided,.阅读理解。(本大题共30分,每小题2分) A阅读下列材料,根据其内容选择最佳答案。 (A)(巴中中考) Steve was born in a poor family with alcoholic(酗酒的) parents,and didnt like studying at school.He was often late for cla

24、ss and could not get on well with his deskmate,Jim. That new term,Miss White,a new teacher worked as the head teacher for him.Her classes were very interesting and she was kind to the students,so they loved her very much. One day,Steve went to school without having breakfast,he was very hungry.He st

25、ole the,money in Jims pencil case and bought something to eat.The next morning,Jim told Miss White it was Steve that stole his money in class.Hearing this,Steve dared(敢于) not to look up Miss Whites eyes with the red face.However,Miss White said,“I dont believe Steve has done that,because hes a good

26、student.”After a while,she took the same number of money from her pocket and said,“A student in Class Two picked it up beside the gate of our classroom just now and gave it to me,and it is yours,Jim?”Jim said “yes,” with “sorry”to Steve.The poor boy could say nothing to his dear teacher with tears i

27、n both eyes.,After that,Steve did his best to study hard and got good grades.Later,he became a famous doctor.He would never forget the kind head teacher in his middle school. ( C )71.Steve _at school before Miss White was his head teacher. Astudied hard Bgot on well with Jim Cwas often late for clas

28、s ( A )72.Miss White _the students and they all liked her very much. Awas friendly to Bwas tired of Cwas strict with,( B )73.Steve was very hungry and he _ Aborrowed some food from Miss White Bstole Jims money and bought something to eat Cate a lot of food ( C )74.Miss White gave some money to Jim b

29、ecause _ AJim lost his money Bit was actually Jims money Cshe wanted to give Steve some selfesteem(自尊),( A )75.Whats the best title for this passage? AA Meaningful(重要的,有意义的) Lesson at School BA Kind Head Teacher,Miss White CSteve and His Classmate,(B) If youre a kid in South Korea these days,you mig

30、ht have trouble playing the latest online game on your smartphone for as long as you want.Thats because the South Korean government has started to take some control over what kids can do on their phones. The government has developed an app(应用程序) called Smart Sheriff.It lets parents know which websit

31、es their kids visit and which apps they use.South Korea has required that kids aged 18 and under install this app on their smartphones.,South Korea is a hightech country.It has the fastest Internet connection in the world and is home to Samsung Electronics,the worlds largest producer of smartphones.

32、It was the first country to give students access(机会)to highspeed Internet in school.South Korea also has the worlds highest percentage of smartphone users.Eight out of 10 kids there have one.Teens in South Korea have a high level of smartphone and online game use. As result,many teens find it hard t

33、o concentrate(集中注意力)on their studies.Parents and educators also worry that kids will visit harmful websites on the,Internet.So the government has set out to protect kids from the dangers of the Web. When apps like Smart Sheriff are installed on a phone,the user cant visit certain websites.And it can

34、 tell parents how much time their kids spend on the phone.If such an app is not installed,the phone simply wont work.Supporters of Smart Sheriff believe that this will protect kids from the dangers of the Web. ( B )76.What does the underlined word“install”in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese? A关闭 B安装 C开发,

35、( C )77.What percent of kids in South Korea have smartphones? A10%. B50%. C80%. ( A )78.What can we learn from the third paragraph? ASouth Koreas Internet connection is the fastest in the world. BSamsung Electronics is the worlds largest developer of apps. CAll schools in South Korea have access to

36、highspeed Internet.,( C )79.Whats the bad influence of South Koreas hightech on kids? AThey are in poor health. BThey spend less time reading books. CThey cant give all their attention to their studies.,( C )80.According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE about Smart Sheriff? AIt provides

37、 useful information for kids. BIt was developed by Samsung Electronics. CIt can keep a record of the time kids spend on the phone.,B句子还原 阅读短文,根据短文内容,从所给选项中选择五个句子填入短文空白处,使其文理通顺。 Nowadays,ebooks are becoming more and more popular.(81) _D_Though that is a good habit,it also means cutting down trees.But

38、 what if the book could turn back into a tree?(82) _B_ The Tree Book Tree program is really a good idea.The first book in the program is Mi Papa Estuvo en la Selva (My Father Was in the Jungle)(83) _E_This book and Tree Book Trees future books want to encourage readers to think about the part they c

39、an play in protecting life around them.,The book is completely recyclable.It is the first book that can be planted after it is read.Jacaranda seeds(蓝花楹种子)are carefully put into the pages to help it turn into a tree.After a kid finishes reading the book(over and over again),he or she waters the cover

40、 and puts it in a sunny area inside the house.(84) _A_From then on the book just has to be taken care of like any other plant.(85) _F_Because its a kind of tree that offers a lot of oxygen(氧气)to the environment.,AAfter the seeds start to grow,the book can be planted in any location. BNow thanks to a

41、 Brazilian childrens book publisher(出版商),that is possible,at least for one book! CHow much does the book cost? DHowever,most people,especially young kids,still prefer printed books. EIn it,a boy tells the true story of his fathers adventures(冒险)in a forest. FWhy did they choose jacaranda?,第卷 (非选择题,共

42、50分) .基础知识与运用(本大题共10分,每小题1分) A根据语境或句意,用所给词的适当形式填写。 86The two young men look like _gentlemen_(gentleman) 87The classroom is _full_(filled) of children who are thirsty for knowledge. 88We have _grown_(grow) up and can separate from our parents. 89Some persons are afraid to face _difficulties_(difficul

43、t) 90_Whenever_(when) I feel hopeless,my teacher always encourages me.,B根据语境或句意,从所给的选项中选择恰当的短语完成下列各句。 go by,keep ones cool,believe in,first of all,make a mess 91I had such fun that I felt time _went_by_so quickly. 92You should always _keep_your_cool_when things go wrong. 93Dennis is an honest man,so

44、 we can _believe_in_him. 94. _First_of_all_,let me ask you a few questions. 95The children _made_a_mess_in my room last Sunday.,.任务型阅读(本大题共20分,每小题2分) A阅读短文,捕捉信息,根据短文内容完成文后的句子。 Justice Fleming is a high school student from America.Before graduating from high school,he has become a star student becaus

45、e of his perfect attendance(出勤)For 13 years from kindergarten to high school,he has never taken one days leave. According to Fleming,at the age of seven he made up his mind to get perfect attendance each year.Though it seemed an easy goal to achieve the first two years,Fleming soon realized it was g

46、etting more difficult as he grew older.Luckily,,whenever Fleming became ill,it happened on a weekend or a holiday.When Fleming was in Grade Four,he had chicken pox(水痘)like some other children.However,he didnt need to ask for a leave because it happened during his Christmas break.Last year,Fleming br

47、oke his ankle(踝)in PE.class one day.When he was in the emergency room(急救室),he didnt know what his treatment was going to be.“I was not sure I would make it to school the next day,”he said.“Thankfully,I did.”To everyones surprise,the young man showed up at school using crutches(拐杖)the next day.Whats more,other things like family trips didnt take Fleming away from classes.,Now Flemings seventhgrader sister Shelby is trying to make perfect attendance like him.,96._Justice_Flemings_perfe


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