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1、 本科毕业设计(论文)外文翻译译文:俄罗斯经济转型期的银行体系和货币政策(节选)作者:保罗.缪林 MOCT-MOST5:53-701992年1月,俄罗斯开始实施所谓“大爆炸”(休克疗法)模式的激进的经济转型。该模式的理论基础主要建立在三个力量的快速和同时活化作用上,即自由化、稳定化和私有化。这个合并策略的预期效果是在一个合理的价格体系、工业调整和国外竞争的刺激下,积极地反映总供给。主要会从三个方面控制缓解过度的直接的通货膨胀压力:从供给与需求的关系作用来影响市场价格;通过开放的汇率制度的经常性往来帐户的名义锚效应影响;而最重要的方式是通过财政政策来对货币供应量和预算支出额进行制约。在俄罗斯,由










11、金流量应伴随着有技术援助的倡议能够产生的内在力量所需要掌握的整体经济的进程。这将加强资金转移的边际生产率,并逐步将财政压力的规模控制回西方社会负担得起的比例。原文:The Banking System,Monetary Policy and Economic Transformation in Russia:1992-1994Paolo Miurin MOCT-MOST 5:53-70Radical economic transformation began in Russia in January 1992 with the diligent application of the so-ca

12、lled big bang model. The economic rationale of this model is based on swift and simultaneous activation of three main forces: liberalisation, stabilisation and privatisation. The combined expected outcome of this manoeuvre is a positive response of aggregate supply under the stimuli of a rational pr

13、ice system, industrial restructuring and foreign competition. Excessive immediate inflational pressures would be prevented in three ways: by the rationing effect on demand of new prices; by the nominal anchor effect of the liberalised exchange rate in a regime of current account convertibility; and

14、most importantly, by the introduction of financial discipline through restrictions on money supply and on budgetary outlays. In Russia, due to the immediate consequences of industrial restructuring, an initial phase of output decline and inflation was not excluded. At the same time, however, this ph

15、ase was expected to be healthy, since it would concern obsolete enterprises producing unwanted goods; and of short duration, since the market forces would rapidly channel the liberated resources towards the newly privatised and efficient sectors.The political rationale of the big bang approach was b

16、ased on the fact that at the end of 1991, when the dissolution of the Soviet Union created the essential and unique condition for economic transformation of Russia, time was a scarce and precious resource for the reformers. There were risks that this window of opportunity would be closed suddenly; o

17、nly an immediate big bang was considered capable of introducing from the outset the genetic changes needed in order to guarantee the irreversibility of the transformation process. The political rationale appears stronger than the economic one, but events that followed proved that economic reforms wh

18、ich follow paths and paces imposed by political considerations rarely generate the intended results. In fact, observing the effects of transformation in Russia nearly three years after the inception of the process, we cannot avoid feeling a deep sense of dismay. Between 1992 and 1994 GNP fell at an

19、average yearly rate of 12%; prices increased to nearly forty times their 1992 levels; the budget deficit soared from 4% to 15% of GNP; financial assets of households and enterprises were crushed in real terms; the exchange rate of the ruble depreciated more than tenfold; and external accounts and fo

20、reign indebtedness deteriorated substantially reaching dangerous proportions. Open unemployment increased less than what could have been expected during such a dramatic macroeconomic scenario. However, far from being good news, this rather reflects the continued survival in the system of a component

21、 of direct assistance which manifests itself by keeping levels of disguised unemployment high. This survival is largely due to the inability of Russian authorities to create a social safety net in time to liberate enterprises from zero marginal productivity workers and permit the establishment in th

22、e industrial system of more efficient labour/output ratios. In effect, this means that real industrial restructuring in Russia has not yet started and that privatisation to date has not yet contributed significantly to an efficient reallocation of resources.Some analysts have a straightforward expla

23、nation for these negative developments: liberalisation and privatisation, they say, were correctly introduced and played their role, but the stabilisation component of the package, the one that should have prevented or attenuated the imbalances implicit in the operation of the first two forces, was

24、not consistently pursued. Monetary policy remained lax. This in turn kept the inflationary bias in the economy strong, reduced the stimuli to restructure public enterprises and obliged the state to intervene in their support through subsidised Central Bank credits and weak fiscal enforcement. The st

25、ate was therefore forced to intervene in support of the incomes of the population, through increased transfer payments and continued subsidies to prices of some basic commodities, like grain and energy. This destroyed any possibility of budgetary discipline and, in a series of vicious circles, broug

26、ht the country to the brink of hyperinflation. The therapy proposed by these analysts is coherent with their diagnosis, and consists in essence of drastically reducing the money supply and introducing strict controls on budgetary expenditure. In conjunction with these actions, the exchange rate of t

27、he ruble should be pegged to the dollar in order to provide a crucial nominal anchor to the stabilisation process, not only through its direct effects on the goods market prices, but also through its disciplinary effect on the Governments and Central Banks macroeconomic policies. 3Faced with the unp

28、recedented fall in output and living standards which has occurred in Russia in the last three years, some economists are now developing an alternative way of interpreting the causes of these events. By this way of thinking:- the spectrum of simultaneous factors involved in generating hyperinflation

29、and the slump must be widened to include cost factors and aggregate real demand fluctuations;- more attention should be paid to the consequences of leaving unwound important structural knots in the areas of institutional efficiency, managerial capabilities and banking infrastructures.Accordingly, th

30、e therapy goes beyond the implementation of more restrictive monetary and fiscal policies, and demands decisive action from the responsible authorities with respect to these structural knots.In this article we will reconsider recent economic developments in Russia according to this alternative inter

31、pretation, focusing particularly on certain monetary policy mistakes which differ from those commonly referred to by conventional analysts (Section 2). This review will also indicate that market forces alone cannot generate industrial redeployment, which remains the foremost condition in order for e

32、conomic transformation to be successful. To obtain this result several specific actions are needed, among which the creation of an efficient banking and financial sector appears to be essential. The unsatisfactory conditions and developments of this sector during the transformation process will be a

33、nalysed (Section 3.1) and a minimal agenda for its rehabilitation will be suggested (Section 3.2).Lessons from the Past and a Minimal Agenda for the FutureThe story told so far indicates the failure of the overall strategy based on the expectation that market forces and short-term policy measures al

34、one could prompt structural adjustment. In a system which was institutionally and managerially unprepared, liberalisation did not activate the magnificent neo-classical elasticities and, lacking the support of an efficient banking/financial sector, failed to give economic content to the privatisatio

35、n process. The Shumpeterian forces of creative destruction, which took centuries to forge the structure of modern western economies, could not be stimulated to produce positive results in just a few years. As a consequence, the Russian economy is now hovering around a precarious point of equilibrium

36、, which must be abandoned urgently because it is characterised by a large misallocation and under-utilisation of resources.Lessons from the Past and a Minimal Agenda for the FutureThe story told so far indicates the failure of the overall strategy based on the expectation that market forces and shor

37、t-term policy measures alone could prompt structural adjustment. In a system which was institutionally and managerially unprepared, liberalisation did not activate the magnificent neo-classical elasticities and, lacking the support of an efficient banking/financial sector, failed to give economic co

38、ntent to the privatisation process. The Shumpeterian forces of creative destruction, which took centuries to forge the structure of modern western economies, could not be stimulated to produce positive results in just a few years. As a consequence, the Russian economy is now hovering around a precar

39、ious point of equilibrium, which must be abandoned urgently because it is characterised by a large misallocation and under-utilisation of resources.Banking and Financial StructuresIn the years 1988-90 the Russian banking system participated in the overall process of institutional reforms conducted a

40、t the Soviet Union level. At the end of 1990, Russia approved its own banking laws, which established the foundations for the autonomous development of the banking system. The institutional setting organised by these laws was that of a classical two-tier system, with the Central Bank essentially in

41、charge of issuing the currency, financing the Treasury and supervising and refinancing the banking sector. Lending to enterprises was the task of a growing number of commercial banks, established as joint stock companies. Operationally, all these banks were universal banks, in the sense that they co

42、uld lend and borrow at short-, medium- and long-term.This structure, institutionally correct, was characterised by many functional shortcomings. The Central Bank of Russia (CBR) could not effectively implement banking supervision because of a lack of expertise in this area and an inadequate corpus o

43、f rules and regulations, especially those concerning minimum standards for bank accounting (which, in turn, made external auditing practically impossible). Central Bank refinancing of commercial banks was hampered by the absence of the financial assets that typically constitute the collateral for th

44、ese operations: commercial paper and government securities. The absence of the latter, in particular, made the financing of the Treasury systematically inflationary. Furthermore, there was no real payment and settlement system, which left the system highly segmented and prevented the emergence of an

45、 efficient inter-bank market. The Minimal AgendaCommercial banks were also afflicted by a series of intertwined structural and functional problems. These are largely the consequence of the original sin that characterised the emergence of the Russian banking system: practically all banks registered w

46、ith the CBR between 1989 and 1991 were created by public or semipublic institutions wanting to build a financial arm of their own, which would be capable of collecting the deposits generated by them and extending to them the needed credits. This produced the unique situation in which a restricted nu

47、mber of juridical persons (state-owned enterprises, their controlling Ministries, local authorities) were the main shareholders, depositors and borrowers of the bank. Intervening efficiently in these areas is not an easy task since it implies a calibrated mix of actions on policies and structures. T

48、he execution of this task might become easier if the Russian authorities would finally understand that industrial restructuring is the key variable for a successful transformation and that for its achievement, liberalisation and privatisation - even in the framework of a restrictive monetary policy

49、- are not sufficient. The essential condition is the creation of institutions, methods and policies capable of implementing the revolutionary principle that money and credit - as claims on real resources - are scarce assets, the use of which a proportionate scarcity price (the interest rate) must be paid.待添加的隐藏文字内容2In its turn, the creation of such institutions, methods and policies would be greatly facilitated by an appr


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