How old are you教学设计.doc

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《How old are you教学设计.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《How old are you教学设计.doc(3页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、 小学三年级下册第三单元 第三课 how old are you ?教学内容 : 部分 课时安排: 1 课时1. 教学目标 1. 用 How old are you ?询问他人的年龄及用对该询问作出回答. 2. 掌握词汇 3. 提高学生的英语表达能力.2. 教学重难点1.培养学生对英语的兴趣2.掌握句型三. 小纸帽. 小卡片.四. 教学步骤. Step one warming up (师生问候) Good morning everyone ! Step two Presention and drill T: last week we learned how are you ? whats yo

2、ur number ? and whats yur name ? lets go over it first.(以小组开火车的形式,轮流来回答老师的问题,最后一个学生时就问他how old are you ? 连续问两遍,就导入正题) Step three T: Today we are going to learn how old are you ? do you know how whats the meaning of this sentence? 你多大了?) T: Now please read after me . how how old how old are hoe old a

3、re you? Next let s look at the new words old ( a 老的, 旧的 , 岁的) please write down on you book . Read after me o l d old T : 我们学了“how are you ”是什么意思呀?(生回答) “是的” 那“how old are you ?”是什么意思呢?(生回答)“是的,那他们之间有什么区别呢?“(生回答)”“”是你好的意思,在“”后面加一个“”就是你多大了的意思。同学们要记清楚,不要弄错了哦。下面跟老师读一遍。 T:ok ,next, please open your book

4、 and take page nine . Look at the picture , how many picture are there ? Yes , there are four . Please look at the picture one , how many people are there ? Where are they ? () T: ok ,please read after me .() T: next , i will give you five minutes to read te dialogue with your partener ,then ,i will

5、 ask some students to read it .(活动完之后) T: Do you want to be a journalist? Today i can make you dream come true. Ten students have chance to be a journalist . Come on . T:拿到卡片的同学可以去采访你想采访的那个人,用卡片上的问题去采访别人。(活动中)之后找人上讲台表演。 Step four This lesson ,we leaned how old are you ? may you can use it in you daily life . Step five homework Read this sentence and perform the show with your parents . Class is over!


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