概念英语第二册lesson 16 A polite request.doc

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1、概念英语第二册lesson 16 A polite requestIf you park your car in the wrong place, a traffic policeman will soon find it. You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket. However, this does not always happen. Traffic police are sometimes very polite. During a holiday in Sweden,I found this note on

2、my car: Sir, we welcome you to our city. This is a No Parking area. You will enjoy your stay here if you pay attention to our street signs. This note is only a reminder. If you receive a request like this, you can-not fail to obey it!park v. 停放(汽车) traffic n. 交通 ticket) n. 交通违规罚款单 note n. 便条 area n.

3、 地段 sign n. 指示牌 reminder n. 提示 fail v. 无视,忘记 obey v. 服从 参考译文 一旦你把汽车停错了地方,交通警察很快就会发现。如果他没给你罚单就放你走了,算你走运。然而,情况并不都是这样,交通警察有时也很客气。有一次在瑞典度假,我发现我的车上有这样一个字条:“先生,欢迎您光临我们的城市。此处是禁止停车区。如果您对我们街上的标牌稍加注意,您在此会过得很愉快的。谨此提请注意。”如果你收到这样的恳求,你是不会不遵照执行的! 新概念英语正版图书购买 自学导读1She must be at least thirty-five years old. 她至少也有35

4、岁了。(1)at least 是一固定短语,表示“至少”:He borrowed at least five books from the library.他从图书馆至少借了5本书。If you cant clean the car, you can at least help me to clean it.如果你不能擦车,你至少可以帮我擦。(2)我们已学过两种年龄表示法。一种是“数字+years old”,作表语:My father is fifty-seven, years old now.我父亲现在已57岁了。另一种是“数字+ -year-old”,作定语:Last week, my f

5、our-year-old daughter, Sally, was invited to a childrens party.上周,我4岁的女儿萨莉应邀去参加一个儿童晚会。2In spite of this尽管如此(1)in spite of为固定短语,意为“不管”、“尽管”,后面可以跟名词、代词或从句:In spite of the rain, they went on their journey.尽管下雨,他们还是继续旅行。In spite of what you have said about her, she is much better than Mary.不管你说她什么,她比玛丽要

6、好得多。(2)this 代指上句话,即“她至少也有35岁”这个事实。3This time, she will be a girl of seventeen. 这一次,她将扮演一个17岁的少女。be在这里是“扮演”的意思:Tonight, Karen Marsh is Helen.今晚卡伦马什扮演海伦。4In the play, she must appear in a bright red dress and long black stockings. 演出时她必须穿一条鲜红色的裙子和黑色的长筒袜。(1)in在这句话中表示“穿着”、“戴着”:The girl in red over there

7、 is my neighbour.那边那个穿红衣服的女孩是我的邻居。John was in a black dress this morning.约翰今天上午穿的是件黑衣服。(2)dress 一般指连衣裙、套裙,也可以指外穿的衣服或特定场合穿的礼服:Everyone is in evening dress tonight.今晚大家都穿了晚礼服。5Darling, it must be terrible to be grown up! 亲爱的,长成大人真可怕啊!(1)it 为先行词,代替 to be grown up,这个不定式是句子真正的主语。再如:it is a pleasant thing

8、 to have many friends.有许多朋友是件令人愉悦的事。(2)这句话的言外之意是她还没有长成大人,还是个小姑娘,因为她用的是表示推测的 must。(cf. 本课语法语法 Grammar in use情态助动词 must(1) must 一般译为“必须”,可以表示“必要”、“命令或强制”、“邀请”、“决心”、“不可推卸的责任”等多种含义。它没有时态和人称变化,通常只用于现在时和将来时。在其他时态中,must的有些含义可以由have to或 have got to来补足。这 3种形式一般可以互换,但彼此是有差别的。用于第一人称时,have to和have got to强调客观的要求

9、或外在的原因,must则强调主观的要求或表示说话的人认为自己有权做某事:I have to look after the baby.我得照管这孩子。(因为客观原因)I must see the boss.我必须见老板。(主观要求)They must leave (tomorrow).他们(明天)必须出发。They had to leave.他们(当时)不得不出发。(过去时中用 have to 代替)They have had to leave.(2)have to和 have got to往往可以互换:I have to/have got to leave home every morning

10、 at 7:30.我每天早上7点半就得离开家。但是,与always,sometimes 等频度副词连用时,用have to往往比用have got to好:I often have to get up at 5. Do you ever have to get up at 5?我经常5点就得起床。你有时候也得5点起床吗?have got to比have to听上去要更加口语化一些:(3)在表达“难道你不能不(做)”的含义时,一般用“Must you?”句型而不用“Do you have to?”或“Have you got to?”句型:(4)must还可以用来表示推测:He must be

11、at home now.他现在肯定在家。He must be mad to drive anywhere today!他今天居然开车出去,真是疯了!词汇学习 Word study1appear vi.(1)出现,显露:Suddenly, a car appeared.突然,一辆小汽车出现了。(2)当众露面;登场(演出等):I cant appear in this dress at the party.我不能在晚会上穿着这身衣服露面。Miss Marsh will appear in tonights play.在今晚的这场剧中,马什小姐将会登场。(3)似乎,看起来好象(与seem同义):Sh

12、e appears to know you.她似乎认识你。Now it appears you are wrong.现在看来你是错的。2grow vi.(1)生长,成长,发育:Trees of this kind dont grow in our country.我们国家不长这种树。How tall youve got! Youve grown a lot.你已经这么高了!你长了不少。(2)grow up 长成,成熟(其被动态表示长大成人):Lucy has grown up a lot since I last saw her.自从我上次见到她之后,露西已成熟了许多。What do you

13、want to do when youre grown up?等你长大了,你想干什么?3as的几种用法(1)作为介词,它可以表示“作为”、“以身份”等:In this film, he appeared as a policeman.在这部影片中,他扮演一名警察。As a mechanic, he cant always keep himself clean.作为一名机修工,他无法总保持身上干净。(2)作为连词,它可以表示“因为”、“正当时候”、“以方式”或“如同那样”等含义:You must take care of the baby tomorrow as I am going to Lo

14、ndon.由于我要去伦敦,你明天必须照料这孩子。(因为,由于)As we were talking about him, he knocked at the door.我们正谈论他的时候,他敲门了。(正当时候)She cooked the dinner as her mother taught her.她按母亲教她的方式做了晚餐。(以方式)【New words and expressions】 生词和短语parkv. 停放(汽车)parking,stopstop the car:车在运动中停下来park:停放parking area:停车场trafficn. 交通traffic police:

15、交通警traffic lights:交通灯first crossing/turningtraffic jam:交通堵塞in the traffic jamI spend a lot of time in traffic jamheavy traffic:繁重的交通in heavy traffic:交通拥挤I was ordered to drive in heavy traffic.ticket n. 交通违规罚款单noten. 便条message:消息note:纸条,纸钞make notes:做笔记arean. 地段area:场地,地段(一块对方)place:地点region:地区(交战,开

16、火)In this region,there were a lot of wars.signn. 指示牌remindern. 提示remind v.:提示,提醒remind sb of sthremind sb to do sthAn older photo can remind me of my childhood.You remind me of your mother.reminder:可以指人,可以指物failv. 无视,忘记fail v.失败fail宾语:失败做某事fail in doing sth:在某些方面失败He failed./He failed in examination

17、.fail to do:没有能够在某事He failed to swim acrooss the river.not fail to do sth.一定能够某事I can not fail to pass it.You can not fail to drive it.你一定能够驾驶If you receive a request like this,You can not fail to obey it.If you arrived in Beijing ,you cannot fail to find the New OrientalSchool.obeyv. 服从【课文讲解】fail,f

18、ail to do sth,not fail to do sth:一定能够做park:停放in the wrong placewrong:不合适的,right:合适的He is the right person who you are looking for.They met(A met B)in the wrong place at the wrong time.You met the wrong person in the wrong place at the wrong time.真实条件句:假设很有可能发生If it snows只要是状语从句,一律用一般现在取代一般将来如果在条件从句中

19、,从句往往是一般现在时,主句仍然为一般将来时真实条件句中,从句往往为现在时,主句中会用一般将来时或祈使句If he is sleeping,dont wake him up.If 引导的叫条件句,without后面的名词也叫条件句without+n.:如果没有Without water,fish cannot live.however=but,然而however常常放在句首或句子中都可以,but习惯放在两个句子之间but转折性语义比较强,however转折语义比较弱traffic police:交通警sometimes:有几次,有时,偶尔on my carsir,直接称呼的时候不和姓相连表示尊

20、称考研不知道对方姓什么,只要知道对方是男性就可以welcome sb to+地点:欢迎某人来某地pay attention to:注意(思想上)if.真实条件You will enjoy your stay here,enjoy:享受,stay(n.)I have enjoyed my stay here.Enjoy your stay here.only a reminder=not a ticketreceive a quest like this,cannot fail to obey it总结主句会有祈使句,一般将来时,情态动词without名词:如果没有,起了条件的作用withou

21、your help/rainhowever=but,往往一出现,前后都有标点符号隔开,后面会加逗号,but不会对一个不认识的男士,sir; mister的后面一定要加姓,sir的后面不能加姓sir/madamenjoy your stay hereI have enjoyed my stay here.You cannot fail to obey it:你一定会遵守【Key Structures】Exercises C1.rains,shall do2.will never pass3.is4.will get5.enjoys, why doesnt跟第三人称连用,是一种建议;why not

22、连在一起表示建议6.is【Special difficulties】a.police,一定会做复数看待b.pay attention to,care,take care of,look afterpay attention to:思想上注意,noticecare:关心,在意,I dont car:我不在乎,who cares:我不在乎take care of=look after:照顾,照料c.remind and rememberremind:提醒,remind sb of sth, remind sb to do sthremember:记起,记得(1) Do you remember?

23、remember sth(2) remember 记得吗?(3) remember to do sth:记得要去做,remember to send the letterremember doing sth:记得已经做了,I remembered sending the letter.Rember sb to your another:前者向后者表示问候Rember me to your mother:代我向你母亲问好送行:goodbyeHave you enjoy your stay here? I have enjoyed my stay here.Remember me to your

24、family.Today I will meet sb at the airport/station.Hello,good morning,/afternoon.Long time no see.How are you?Fine,thank you,and you?I am fine too,thank you.Welcome to Beijing.Exercise1.pay attention.look afterlook+prep.+宾语pay attention(to sth.):注意只有当你注意的时候,你才会学到东西2.remind.remind sb.of sth.remind sb

25、.about sth.think of = think about:思考,考虑3.are knocking.4.look after.照料5.Remember me.典型的问候语向某人表达问候【Multiple choice questions】1.seldom:很少(否定意思)hardly:几乎不(否定意思)occasionally=sometimes:偶尔Ihardly went there.6.No Parking:park:停放(侧重放)stop:让运动中的东西停下来leave sth.hereleave:离开,留下来,丢在某地(一定要加宾语和地点)I left keys at hom

26、e.I left my wallet in the taxi.7.onlynothing:东西,事情no one:人nothing extra:nothing more: nothing不定代词不定代词的修饰词,要放在不定代词的后面anything important:重要的事情It is nothing,他什么都不是extra做定语时,一定要放在被修饰词前面one extra thousandtwo more./.more 可以放在被修饰词前面或后面9.d.enjoy的典型用法:主语从宾语身上得到享受laugh at(sb.):嘲笑某人amuse(sb.):让某人笑出来please(sb.):让某人高兴;取悦可以直接加人的动词:shock,surprise,amuse,please,worry共同特征:和人的感觉相连be worried about:为.担心I am worried about my house.My house worries me.我的房子让我担心。


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