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1、1. The mold designing and manufacturingThe mold is the manufacturing industry important craft foundation, in our country, the mold manufacture belongs to the special purpose equipment manufacturing industry. China although very already starts to make the mold and the use mold, but long-term has not

2、formed the industry. Straight stabs 0 centuries 80s later periods, the Chinese mold industry only then drives into the development speedway. Recent years, not only the state-owned mold enterprise had the very big development, the three investments enterprise, the villages and towns (individual) the

3、mold enterprises development also rapid quietly.Although the Chinese mold industrial development rapid, but compares with the demand, obviously falls short of demand, its main gap concentrates precisely to, large-scale, is complex, the long life mold domain. As a result of in aspect and so on mold p

4、recision, life, manufacture cycle and productivity, China and the international average horizontal and the developed country still had a bigger disparity, therefore, needed massively to import the mold every year .The Chinese mold industry must continue to sharpen the productivity, from now on will

5、have emphatically to the profession internal structure adjustment and the state-of-art enhancement. The structure adjustment aspect, mainly is the enterprise structure to the specialized adjustment, the product structure to center the upscale mold development, to the import and export structure impr

6、ovement, center the upscale automobile cover mold forming analysis and the structure improvement, the multi-purpose compound mold and the compound processing and the laser technology in the mold design manufacture application, the high-speed cutting, the super finishing and polished the technology,

7、the information direction develops .The recent years, the mold profession structure adjustment and the organizational reform step enlarges, mainly displayed in, large-scale, precise, was complex, the long life, center the upscale mold and the mold standard letter development speed is higher than the

8、 common mold product; The plastic mold and the compression casting mold proportion increases; Specialized mold factory quantity and its productivity increase; The three investments and the private enterprise develops rapidly; The joint stock system transformation step speeds up and so on. Distribute

9、s from the area looked, take Zhejiang Delta and Yangtze River delta as central southeast coastal area development quickly to mid-west area, south development quickly to north. At present develops quickest, the mold produces the most centralized province is Guangdong and Zhejiang, places such as Jian

10、gsu, Shanghai, Anhui and Shandong also has a bigger development in recent years.2. Mold Present Status of TechnologyTechnical level of Chinas mold industry currently uneven, with wide disparities generally speaking, with the developed industrial countries, Hong Kong and Taiwan advanced level, there

11、is a large gap. The use of CAD / CAM / CAE / CAPP and other technical design and manufacture molds, either wide application, or technical level, there is a big gap between both. In the application of CAD technology design molds, only about 10% of the mold used in the design of CAD, aside from drawin

12、g board still has a long way to go; in the application of CAE design and analysis of mold calculation, it was just started, most of the game is still in trial stages and animation; in the application of CAM technology manufacturing molds, first, the lack of advanced manufacturing equipment, and seco

13、nd, the existing process equipment (including the last 10 years the introduction of advanced equipment) or computer standard (IBM PC and compatibles, HP workstations, etc.) different, or because of differences in bytes, processing speed differences, differences in resistance to electromagnetic inter

14、ference, networking is low, only about 5% of the mold manufacturing equipment of recent work in this task; in the application process planning CAPP technology, basically a blank state, based on the need for a lot of standardization work; in the mold common technology, such as mold rapid prototyping

15、technology, polishing, electroforming technologies, surface treatment technology aspects of CAD / CAM technology in China has just started. Computer-aided technology, software development, is still at low level, the accumulation of knowledge and experience required. Most of our mold factory, mold pr

16、ocessing equipment shop old, long in the length of civilian service, accuracy, low efficiency, still use the ordinary forging, turning, milling, planning, drilling, grinding and processing equipment, mold, heat treatment is still in use salt bath, box-type furnace, operating with the experience of w

17、orkers, poorly equipped, high energy consumption. Renewal of equipment is slow, technological innovation; technological progress is not much intensity. Although in recent years introduced many advanced mold processing equipment, but are too scattered, or not complete, only about 25% utilization, equ

18、ipment, some of the advanced functions are not given full play.3. Die trend(1) Mold software features integrated Die software features of integrated software modules required relatively complete, while the function module using the same data model, in order to achieve Syndicated news management and

19、sharing of information to support the mold design, manufacture, assembly, inspection, testing and production management of the entire process to achieve optimal benefits. Series such as the UK Delcams software will include a surface / solid geometric modeling, engineering drawing complex geometry, a

20、dvanced rendering industrial design, plastic mold design expert system, complex physical CAM, artistic design and sculpture automatic programming system, reverse engineering and complex systems physical line measurement systems. A higher degree of integration of the software includes: Pro / ENGINEER

21、, UG and CATIA, etc. Shanghai Jiao tong University, China with finite element analysis of metal plastic forming systems and Die CAD / CAM systems; Beijing Bei hang Haier Software Ltd. CAXA Series software; Jilin Gold Grid Engineering Research Center of the stamping die mold CAD / CAE / CAM systems.

22、(2) Mold design, analysis and manufacture of three-dimensionalTwo-dimensional mold of traditional structural design can no longer meet modern technical requirements of production and integration. Mold design, analysis, manufacturing three-dimensional technology, paperless software required to mold a

23、 new generation of three-dimensional, intuitive sense to design the mold, using three-dimensional digital model can be easily used in the product structure of CAE analysis, tooling manufacturability evaluation and CNC machining, forming process simulation and information management and sharing. Such

24、 as Pro / E, UG and CATIA software such as with parametric, feature-based, all relevant characteristics, so that mold concurrent engineering possible. In addition, Cimarron company Mold expert, Delcams Ps-mold and Hitachi Shipbuilding of Space-E/mold are professional injection mold 3D design softwar

25、e, interactive 3D cavity, core design, mold base design configuration and typical structure . Australian company Mold flow realistic three-dimensional flow simulation software MoldflowAdvisers been widely praised by users and applications. China Huazhong University of Science has developed similar s

26、oftware HSC3D4.5F and Zhengzhou University, Z-mold software. For manufacturing, knowledge-based intelligent software function is a measure of die important sign of advanced and practical one. Such as injection molding experts Cimarrons software can automatically generate parting direction based part

27、ing line and parting surface, generate products corresponding to the core and cavity, implementation of all relevant parts mold, and for automatically generated BOM Form NC drilling process, and can intelligently process parameter setting, calibration and other processing results. (3) Mold software

28、applications, networking trend With the mold in the enterprise competition, cooperation, production and management, globalization, internationalization, and the rapid development of computer hardware and software technology, the Internet has made in the mold industry, virtual design, and agile manuf

29、acturing technology both necessary and possible. 4. Heat Treatment of DieTraditional die and mould design, mainly by experience or semiexperience,is isolated from manufacturing process. Before the design is finalized,the scheme of die and mould is usually modified time and again,thus some disadvanta

30、ges come into being, such as long development period, high cost and uncertain practical effect. Due to strong desires for precision, service life, development period and cost, modern die and mould should be designed and manufactured perfectly. Therefore more and more advanced technologies and innova

31、tions have been applied, for example, concurrent engineering, agile manufacturing virtual manufacturing, collaborative design, etc.Heat treatment of die and mould is as important as design, manufacture and assembly because it has a vital effect on manufacture,assembly and service lifeDesign and manu

32、facture of die and mould have progressed rapidly,but heat treatment lagged seriously behind themAs die and mould industry develops,heat treatment must ensure die and mould there are good state of manufacture,assembly and wearresistant properties by request. Impertinent heat treatment can influence d

33、ie and mould manufacturing such as overhard andsoft and assemblyTraditionally the heat treatment process was made out according to the methods and properties brought forward by designerThis could make the designers of die and mould and heat treatment diverge from each other,for the designers of die

34、and mould could not fully realize heat treatment process and materials properties,and contrarily the designers rarely understood the service environment and designing thought. These divergences will impact the progress of die and mould to a great extent. Accordingly,if the process design of heat tre

35、atment is considered in the early designing stage,the aims of shortening development period,reducing cost and stabilizing quality will be achieved and the sublimation of development pattern from serial to concurrent will be realizedConcurrent engineering takes computer integration system as a carrie

36、r, at the very start subsequent each stage and factors have been considered such as manufacturing,heat treating,properties and so forth in order to avoid the errorThe concurrent pattern has dismissed the defect of serial pattern, which bring about a revolution against serial patternIn the present wo

37、rkthe heat treatment was integrated into the concurrent circumstance of the die and mould development,and the systemic and profound research was performed5. Summary进入21世纪,在经济全球化的新形势下,随着资本、技术和劳动力市场的重新整合,我国装备制造业在加入WTO以后,将成为世界装The 21st century, in the new situation of economic globalization, with capit

38、al, technology and labor market re-integration of equipment manufacturing in China after joining the WTO will become the worlds equipment manufacturing base. 而在现代制造业中,无论哪一行业的工程装备,都越来越多地采用由模具工业提供的产品。 In the modern manufacturing industry, no matter which industry, engineering equipment, are increasing

39、ly used to provide the products from the mold industry. 为了适应用户对模具制造的高精度、短交货期、低成本的迫切要求,模具工业正广泛应用现代先进制造技术来加速模具工业的技术进步,满足各行各业对模具这一基础工艺装备的迫切需求。 In order to meet the users high-precision mold manufacturing, short delivery time, the urgent demand low-cost, mold industry is extensive application of modern

40、advanced manufacturing technology to speed up the mold industry, technological progress, to meet the basic sectors of the mold process equipment urgent needs.13.参考书目参考文献1模具设计与制造党根茂 骆志斌 李集仁编,西安电子科技大学出版社2冲压工艺与模具设计张如华主编,清华大学出版3冲压工艺与模具设计王信友主编,清华大学出版4模具设计与制造简明手册冯炳尧等编,上海科学技术出版社5实用模具技术手册邓石城 王旭编,上海科学技术出版社6冲

41、模设计手册张鼎承主编,机械工业出版社7互换性与技术测量廖念钊主编,机械工业出版社8冷冲模设计手册编写组,机械工业出版社9冲压加工设备与自动化王平主编,华中科技大学出版社10冷冲模具设计精要周本凯编写11模具专业英语机械工业出版社14.谢辞致谢词本文主要阐述了冲压工艺及模具,让我对冲压模具产生了浓厚的兴趣,同时,受我专业的影响,我已经习惯于关注带来的一系列机遇与挑战。 本篇设计虽然凝聚着自己的汗水,但却不是个人智慧的产品,没有老师的指引和赠予,没有父母和朋友的帮助和支持,我在大学的学术成长肯定会大打折扣。当我打完毕业论文的最后一个字符,涌上心头的不是长途跋涉后抵达终点的欣喜,而是源自心底的诚挚谢

42、意。我首先要感谢我的老师卢振华,对我的构思以及设计的内容不厌其烦的进行多次指导和悉心指点,使我在完成论文的同时也深受启发和教育。 再次由衷感谢答辩组的各位老师对学生的指导和教诲,我也在努力的积蓄着力量,尽自己的微薄之力回报母校的培育之情,争取使自己的人生对社会产生些许积极的价值!15.附页凹模加工工艺过程 材料:Gr12硬度:5862HRC零件工艺过程卡模具名称止动片级进模零件编号1零件名称凹模零件件数1工序号工序名称工序内容设备1备料锻件(退火状态)175145352粗铣铣六面到尺寸17214232,注意两大平面与相邻邻侧面用标准角尺测量达基本垂直线割机3平面磨磨光两大平面厚度达31,并磨两

43、相邻侧面达四面垂直。垂直度0.02/1004钳划线 划出各孔径中心线并划出凹模洞口轮廓尺寸钻孔 钻螺纹底孔,销钉底孔,凹模洞口穿线孔铰孔 铰销钉孔到要求攻丝 攻螺纹丝到要求5热处理淬火 使硬度达58-62HRC6平面磨磨光两大平面,使厚度达30.5镗床7线切割割凹模洞口,并留0.010.02研余量8钳研磨洞口内壁侧面达0.8um配推件块到要求9平磨磨凹模板上平面厚度达要求10钳总装配冲孔凸模加工工艺过程 材料:Cr12硬度:5260HRC零件工艺过程卡模具名称止动片级进模零件编号2零件名称冲孔凸模零件件数2序号工序名称工序内容1备料锻件(退火状态):1570线割机2热处理退火,硬度达到5260

44、HRC3车 一端面,打顶尖孔。车外圆至12;掉头车另一端面,长度至尺寸66;打孔尖孔。双顶尖顶,车外圆尺寸12圆,达到11至要求,4热处理淬火,硬度至5260H RC。镗床5磨削磨削外圆尺寸11,10至要求6线切削切除工作端面顶尖孔,长度尺寸至65要求7磨削磨削端面至Ra0.8um8钳总装配落料凸模加工工艺过程 材料:Gr12硬度:5260HRC零件工艺过程卡模具名称止动片级进模零件编号2零件名称落料凸模零件件数1工序号工序名称工序内容设备1备料锻件(退火状态):7535702粗铣铣六面见光线割机3平磨磨高度两平面到尺寸684钳划线 在长度方一侧线切割夹位6后,划凸模轮廓线并划凸模中线。按凸模

45、洞口中心钻线切割穿丝孔、正方形。5热处理淬火 硬度达5260HRC6平磨磨高度到65.5镗床7线切割割凸模及两凹模,并单边留0.010.02研磨余量8钳研配 研凸模并配入凸模固定板研 各侧壁到0.8um9平磨磨高度到要求10钳总装配凸模固定板加工工艺过程 材料:Q275硬度:4348HRC零件工艺过程卡模具名称止动片级进模零件编号3零件名称凸模固定板零件件数1工序号工序名称工序内容设备1备料下料175145252热处理调质 硬度4348HRC线割机3粗铣铣六面达17214222mm,并使两大平面和相邻两侧面相互基本垂直4平磨磨光两大平面厚度达20.5,并磨两相邻侧面使四面垂直,垂直度0.02/

46、1005钳划线 凸模固定孔中心线,销钉孔中心线,螺纹过中心线,销钉过孔中心线钻孔 凸模固定孔穿丝线,螺纹过孔和销钉过孔到要求6线切割割凸模安装固定孔单边留0.010.02研余量镗床7铣铣凸模固定孔背面沉孔到要求8钳研配凸模板9平磨磨模厚度到要求10钳总装配 卸料板加工工艺过程 材料:Q275硬度:4348HRC零件工艺过程卡模具名称止动片级进模零件编号4零件名称卸料板零件件数1工序号工序名称工序内容设备1备料下料175145252热处理调质 硬度4348HRC线割机3粗铣铣六面17214222,并使两大平面和相邻两侧面基本垂直4平磨磨光两大平面,厚度达20,并磨两相邻侧面使四面垂直,垂直度0.02/1005钳划线 螺纹孔中心线,守位孔中心线及中间型孔轮廓线钻孔 螺纹底孔,定位钉底孔型孔穿线孔铰丝,攻丝 铰定位钉孔到要求,螺纹孔攻丝到要求6线切割割型孔到要求镗床7钳型孔与凸模装配定位钉与定位钉装配螺纹孔与螺钉装配8平磨磨厚度到要求9钳总装配凸模垫板加工工艺过程 材料:45钢硬度:4348HRC零件工艺过程卡模具名称垫片级进模零件编号5零件名称上垫板零


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