深港版小学英语六年级11册Unit1 练习题.doc

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1、 六年级上册英语练习题 Unit1 A healthy body姓名 班级 成绩 一、填单词,完成句子(首字母已给出) 1. I didnt e_ very often. I was very w_. 2. Peter like to e_. So he was very s_ and f _. 3. Candy is very thin. So she is very _. She is only 32 k_. 4. Look at these p_ f_ last year. I was fat. 5. Jim is very fat. So he is very h_. He is 18

2、5 c_.二、中译英 1. 健康的身体 _ 2. 去年 _ 3. 不喜欢锻炼_ 4. 多锻炼_ 5. 经常锻炼 _ 6. 明年_ 7. kg的全称_ 8. cm的全称_ 9. 今年_ 10. 喜欢锻炼_三、写出下列形容词或副词的比较级和最高级形容词比较级最高级形容词比较级最高级1.small 21.late 2.short 22.nice 3.tall 23.large 4.young 24.heavy 5.long 25.early 6.strong 26.easy 7.light 27.busy 8.low 28.slowly 9.high 29.pretty 10.slow 30.fun

3、ny 11.fast 31.dirty 12.high 32.beautiful 13.hard 33.interesting 14.cheap 34.expensive 15.bright 35.important 16.dark 36.different 17.cool 37.excited 18.fat 38.good/ well 19.big 39.bad/ill 20.thin 40.far 21.hot 3.old 41.many/much 四、根据句意填入单词的正确形式 1My brother is two years _ _ (old) than me. 2. Is your

4、sister _ _ (young) than you? Yes,she is. 3. Who is _ _ (thin),you or Helen? Helen is. 4. Whose pencil-box is _ _ (big),yours or hers? Hers is. 5Ben jumps _ _ (high) than some of the boys in his class. 6Does Nancy sing _ _ (well) than Helen? Yes, she does. 7My eyes are _ _(big) than hers. 8Which is _

5、 (heavy),the elephant or the pig? 9Who gets up _ _ (early),Tim or Tom? 10Do the girls get up_(early) than the boys? No,they_ _. 11Jim runs _ _ (slow). But Ben runs _ _(slow).12.Jack is _ _(tall) than his brother.13.Betty looks _(young) than her friend.14. I think the weather in spring is _ _(wet )th

6、an it is in winter. 15.Tom is _ _(heavy) than he was last year. 16.Grace is the _(old) of the two. 17.Who do you think is _(strong),Carl or Mark ?18. It is_(warm) today than it was yesterday.五、选择正确的词填空。 Sarah is 12 years _ (old,older).She is one year _ (older,oldest) than me.But I am 0.1 meter _ (ta

7、ller, tallest) than her.She studies in Guangzhou interational Shool.She studies _ (harder,hardest) in her class.Everyone likes her. Yesterday ,she was ill.She took some medicine and she feels _ (good,better) now.六、选择填空。 ( )1. The yellow shoes are than the blue ones. A.expensiveB. expensiver C. more

8、expensive ( )2. A cow is bigger than a mouse. A.much B.more C.many ( )3. Whos the ,Jean,Joan or Jennet? A.thinner B. thinest C.thinnest ( )4. Tim is than Jack. A. funnyB. much funny C. funnier ( )5. Im taller than others in my class.Im . A.tallB.tallest C.the tallest ( )6. Who can sing better Rose?

9、A.thanB.then C./ ( )7. I have books than you have. A.manyB.much C.more ( )8. His uncles house is very . A.old B.older C.oldest ( )9. My bike is ,but his bike is . A.new,new B.new,newer C.new,newest ( )10. Please clean your room. Its now. A. cleanB. dirtyC. tidy ( )11. I am 137cm and Tom is 138cm. So

10、 I am _ than Tom. Ataller Bslower C shorter Dstronger ( )12. Now the air in our town is than it used to be. Something must be done to stop it. A. very good B. much better C. rather bad D. even worse ( )13. The moon is_ than the earth AsmallBsmallerCsmallestDthe smallest ( )14. The more exercise you

11、do, the you will be. AweakerBhealthierCluckierDworse ( )15. Bob is _ this year, he is last in the race. A. slow B. slowing C. slower D. slows ( )16. These moon cakes are delicious. Yes. But I think the ones with nuts are than that one. A. delicious B. more delicious C. the most deliciousD. the delic

12、ious ( )17. I dont think they can do as as we do. AbestBbetterCgoodDwell ( )18. This book isnt so as that one. Its hard to read. AnewBdifficultCeasyDeasier ( )19. In our city, its in July, but it is even in August. Ahotter; hottestBhot; hotChotter; hotDhot; hotter ( )20. Do you think Yao Ming plays

13、basketball as as Michael Jordan? AbadBbadly Cwonderful Dwell七、翻译句子1谁比Jim年纪大?是你。 _ is _than Jim?_ are2谁比David更强壮?是Gao Shan. _ than David?Gao Shan_.3谁的铅笔更长,他的还是她的?我想是她的。 _ pencil is _ ,_ or _?_ is,I think.4Yang Ling每天睡得比Su Yang晚。 Yang Ling _ to _ _ than Su Yang every day. 5你放风筝比王兵放得高吗?不,我比他放得低。 _ _ yo

14、u_ _the kite _than Wang Bing?No,I _ it _than _ .6我的姐姐起得比我早。 My _ up _than me.7她不擅长体育。但我跳得没有她高。 She doesnt _ _ _in PE. But I dont _ _than _.8英语和数学同样重要 English is important math.9露西的个子比那个女孩高 Lucy is the girl.10Haley 不能在Ted 之前赶到终点线。 Haley did not _ _ the finish line _ Ted.11Julia 今年比 Lily矮,但她也比lily长的快和

15、强壮。 Julia is _ than lily. She is also _ and _ than lily.八、根据所学课文,填入适当的单词。(首字母已给出)Yesterday, Ted and Haley had a r _.Lots of animals c_ to cheer。Haley is f_ than Ted but is also very l_。So,what h_.。 It was a hot day。The race s_ in the morning .Haley w_ faster。In the afternoon, Haley Was h_ and tired。Ted was slower so Haley had a r_ under a tree. Then,she f_ asleep. Ted was slower b_ he did not stop. Soon he was f_ .Ted was n_ the finish line. Then,Haley w_ up. She ran very fast but it was too late。She did not g_ to the finish line before Ted. C_,Ted!


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