2020版七年级英语下册 Unit 6 Seasons Lesson 33 Kim’s Favourite Season课件 (新版)冀教版.ppt

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1、Unit 6Seasons Lesson 33,. 根据汉语提示写出下列单词 1. 温度n. _ 2. 馅饼n. _,temperature,pie,. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子 1. 她拎着一个非常大的黑色袋子站在全班面前。 She stands _ _ _ the class _ a very big black bag.,in,front,of,with,2. 这是一个采摘苹果的好季节。 It is _ _ _ _ apple picking. 3. 我通常帮妈妈做苹果馅饼。 I usually _ my mum _ apple pie.,a,great,season,for,help,

2、make,4. 全班为金姆鼓掌。 The class _ _ Kim. 5. 它多有趣啊! _ _it is!,claps,for,How,fun,. Read the passage and answer the questions 1. What does Kim often wear during the season? _,Sweaters and scarves.,2. Whatre in Kims big black bag? _ 3. Where does Kim like to play with her friends? _,Apples.,In the leaves.,要点

3、1 It is a great season for apple picking. 这是一个采摘苹果的好季节。(P86) Step 1 难点探 (1)句中的for是什么词性, 其后接动词时, 应该用什么形式? (2)Its+n. +for sth. 的同义句式是什么?,Step 2 句型研 It is a great season for. . . 是一个固定句型, 意为“这是的好季节”。 for后跟名词或v. -ing形式, 跟动词时, 也可用to do sth. 即It is a great season to do sth. 。例如: Its a great season for exe

4、rcise. 这是锻炼的好季节。 It is a great season to plant trees. 这是种树的好季节。,Step 3 考点练 这是一个放风筝的好季节。 Its a _ _ _ _ a kite. It is a great season _(visit) Beijing.,great,season,for,flying,to visit,要点2 full adj. 满的 Step 1 难点探 full的常见短语是什么?,Step 2 语境悟 *Often, we pick five full bags! 我们经常摘满满的五袋子! (P86) *Thanks. Im fu

5、ll now. I cannot eat any more. 谢谢。我现在吃饱了。我不能再吃了。 *The glass is full of water. 杯子里盛满了水。,Step 3 知识得full的用法 (1)意为“充满的”, 修饰物, 常用短语be full of=be filled with, 意为“充满”; (2)还可以修饰人, 意为“饱的”。,【助记】,Step 4 考点练 (2019武威、白银中考)生活充满了意料之外的事 情。导学号 Life is _ _ the unexpected. 读书使人充实。 Reading makes a _ man.,full,of,full,要

6、点3 happilyadv. 幸福地; 满足地 Step 1 难点探 happy与happily的区别是什么?,Step 2 语境悟 *Everyone happily takes an apple. 每个人都开心地拿着一个苹果。(P86) *They sang and danced happily. 他们高兴地唱着歌、跳着舞。,*I felt happy when I heard the good news. 当我听到那个好消息时, 我感到非常高兴。,Step 3 知识得 happy与happily的区别,【拓展】 形容词变副词时, 一般在词尾后加ly; 如果形容词以辅音字母+y结尾, 则把y变为i, 再加ly。如: slowslowly; quickquickly; heavyheavily等。,Step 4 考点练选词填空: happy/happily (2019泰安中考) The man is _(happy) describing what he saw during his winter vacation. 导学号 Tom had a _day.,happily,happy,


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