2020版九年级英语全册 Unit 4 Stories and poems Lesson 23 The Giant(Ⅱ)课件 (新版)冀教版.ppt

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《2020版九年级英语全册 Unit 4 Stories and poems Lesson 23 The Giant(Ⅱ)课件 (新版)冀教版.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020版九年级英语全册 Unit 4 Stories and poems Lesson 23 The Giant(Ⅱ)课件 (新版)冀教版.ppt(25页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4Stories and Poems Lesson 23,. 根据汉语提示写出下列单词或短语 1. 偷看; 窥视v. _ 2. 场景; 景色; 风景n. _ 3. 爬行; 匍匐行进v. _ 4. 敲; 敲打; 碰撞v. _,peek,scene,crawl,knock,5. 颈; 脖子n. _ 6. 邪恶的adj. _ 7. soft 为形容词, 意为“_”, 其副词形式为 “_”。形容词变副词时, 一般在形容词后加词缀 “_”。,neck,wicked,柔软的,softly,-ly,8. self 为名词, 意为“自己”, 其形容词形式为 “_”; 意为“自私的”; self还和人

2、称代词组成合成词, 如: 你自 己“_”; 她自己“_”等。 9. spread为动词, 意为“张开, 扩展”; 其过去式和过去 分词均为“_”。 10. 拆除; 击倒; 撞倒 _,selfish,yourself,herself,spread,knock down,11. 立刻, 立即_ 12. 盛开; 怒放_ 13. 与一道 _,at once,break out in blossom,along with,. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子 1. 鸟儿四处飞翔歌唱, 花儿偷偷地从绿色的草丛中张 望。 Birds were _ _ and _, and flowers were peeking

3、up _ the green grass.,flying,about,singing,through,2. 孩子们四处奔跑, 并坐在树枝上。 Children _ _ about and _ in the branches of the trees. 3. 巨人下定决心, 并出去到花园。 The giant _ _ _ and _ out to his garden.,were,running,sitting,made,a,decision,went,4. 当孩子们看见巨人, 他们是如此害怕以至于跑掉了, 花园又变回了冬天。 _ the children saw the giant, they

4、 were _ scared _ they all ran away, and the garden _ _ winter again.,When,so,that,turned,to,5. 但是有一个小男孩没有跑, 因为他没有看见巨人的到 来。 But one little boy did not run _ he did not see the giant _.,because,coming,6. 小男孩伸出双臂, 搂住巨人的脖子并亲吻他。 The little boy _ _ _ his arms, put them around the giants neck and kissed hi

5、m. 7. 从那时起, 巨人的花园成为了孩子们的乐园。 _ _ _, the giants garden _ _ a childrens playground.,stretched,out,with,Ever,since,then,has,been,. Read the text and answer the questions 1. Who brought spring for the garden? _ 2. What did the giant do with the wall of the garden? _,The children.,The giant knocked down t

6、he wall.,要点1 put up举起 Step 1难点探 (1)put up是什么结构的动词短语? (2)put up 有几种含义?,Step 2语境悟 *The giant took him gently in his hand, and put him up into the tree. (P58) 巨人轻轻地把他放在手里, 并把他举到树上。 *They are putting up several new buildings in that block. 他们正在那个街区建几栋新楼房。,*He put his hand up to ask a question. 他将手举起来提问题

7、。 *Can you put up the picture on the wall? 你能把这幅画贴到墙上吗?,Step 3知识得 put up的用法 (1)put up意为“举起; 张贴”, 是由“动词+副词”构成的短语, 当代词作宾语时, 放于动词和副词之间; 名词作宾语时, 放在中间或后面均可。,(2)put up的一词多义,【拓展】由put构成的常用短语,*The meeting was put off because of the heavy snow. 由于这场大雪, 会议推迟了。 *Far water does not put out near fire. 远水救不了近火。 *S

8、ome animals are put into the cages. 一些动物被放在了笼子里。,*Can you put down the names on the paper? 你能把这些名字记在纸上吗? *The film will be put on next month. 这部电影下个月就要上演了。 *He is always putting away his books after he finishes his homework. 每次做完作业后, 他总是收拾好自己的书。,Step 4考点练 她举起雨伞, 走了。 She _ _ her umbrella and walked o

9、ff. ( )They have _tents in order to go to sleep there at night. A. put upB. put off C. put awayD. put down,put,up,A,要点2 ever since 自从, 从起; 自从以后 Step 1难点探 (1)ever since 用在什么时态的句子中? (2)ever since, ever since then, since then, since 的区别是什么?,Step 2语境悟 *Ever since then, the giants garden has been a child

10、rens playground. 从那时起, 巨人的花园成为了孩子们的乐园。(P58) *We have been good friends ever since she came here. 自从她来到这儿, 我们就成了好朋友。,*I met Wang Mei in the Middle school and we have been close friends ever since. 我在中学遇到的王梅, 从那时起我们就成了好朋友。 *I have traveled to Beijing a few times since then. 从那以后, 我又去北京旅游了好几次。 *He has

11、been a doctor since he graduated from the university. 自从他大学毕业后, 他就是一名医生了。,Step 3知识得 ever since, ever since then, since then, since,Step 4考点练 从那时起, 他再也没有出现过。 He _ _any longer _ _ then. ( )(2018黔南州中考)Jack has learned more about teamwork(团队合作) _he joined the soccer team. A. untilB. sinceC. whileD. though,hasnt,appeared,ever,since,B,


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