2020版九年级英语全册 Unit 5 Look into Science Lesson 26 Keep the Candle Burning课件 (新版)冀教版.ppt

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1、Unit 5Look into Science Lesson 26,. 根据汉语提示写出下列单词或短语 1. 浅的adj. _ 2. hold 为动词, 意为“_”, 其名词为“_”, 意为 “支托物; 持有者”。 3. light 为名词, 意为“光, 光线”; 还可作动词, 意为“_ _”, “lighter”为名词, 意为“ _”。,shallow,holder,点,燃,打火机; 点火器,支撑,4. match作动词, 意为“_”; 作名词, 意为“火 柴”, 是_, 还可意为“比赛, 对手”。 5. examine 作 _, 意为“检查”, 其名词形式为 “_”, 意为“考试, 检查”

2、。,相称; 相配,可数名词,动词,examination,. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子 1. 倒半碟水。 Fill the dish _ _ with water. 2. 小心地把广口瓶放在蜡烛上方直到广口瓶的顶部倒 置在盘子上。 Carefully _ the jar _ the candle _ the top of the jar _ on the dish.,half,put,over,until,rests,full,3. 当蜡烛停止燃烧的时候, 它已经用光了空气中所有的 氧气。 _ the candle _ _, it _ _ _ all the oxygen in the air

3、. 4. 水会上升多少呢? _ _ does the water rise?,When,stops,burning,has,used,up,How,far,5. 因为大约五分之一的空气是由氧气组成, 所以水上升 并且充满广口瓶的大约五分之一。 _ about _ _ of the air is made up of oxygen, the water _ and _ about one fifth of the jar.,Because,one,fifth,rises,fills,. Read the text and answer the questions 1. How long shou

4、ld you make the candle burn before you put the jar over it? _.,Two or three minutes,2. Why does the water rise and fill about one fifth of the jar? _ _,Because about one fifth of the air is made up of,oxygen.,要点1 use up 用光, 用完 Step 1难点探 (1)use up是什么结构的短语? (2)常见的与up相关的短语有哪些?,Step 2语境悟 * When the cand

5、le stops burning, it has used up all the oxygen in the air. 当蜡烛停止燃烧时, 它已经用完了空气中所有的氧气。(P68) *Leave me some water to wash. Dont use it up. 给我留点水来洗。 别用光了。,Step 3知识得 use up的用法 use up意为“用完; 用光”, 是“动词 + 副词”短语。名词作宾语时, 名词可放在副词前, 也可放在副词后; 代词作宾语时, 代词则必须放在副词前。该短语相当于run out of. . . , 可用于被动语态。,【拓展延伸】 与up有关的短语,St

6、ep 4考点练 ( )(2018河池中考)The boy ran out of his money to buy the book because he loved it very much. 世纪金榜导学号 A. took upB. gave up C. picked upD. used up,D,肥皂在哪里? Where is the soap? 抱歉, 我用完了。 Sorry, I have _ _ _. (2018曲靖中考)当我们班上最好的歌手出现时, 每个 人都兴奋地喊叫起来。 When the best singer in our class _ _, everyone shout

7、ed with excitement.,used,it,up,showed,up,要点2 分数的表达法 Step 1难点探 (1)你知道分数的英语表达方法吗? (2)分数短语在句中作主语, 谓语动词用单数形式还是复数形式?,Step 2语境悟 *Because about one fifth of the air is made up of oxygen, the water rises and fills about one fifth of the jar. 因为大约五分之一的空气是由氧气组成, 所以水上升并且充满广口瓶的大约五分之一。(P68) *Two thirds of the wa

8、ter around the world is polluted. 世界上三分之二的水被污染了。,Step 3知识得 (1)分数的分子用基数词, 分母用序数词; 当分子大于1时, 分母要用复数形式; 分子和分母之间可以加连字符, 也可以不加。 (2)分数后面跟of短语作主语时, 谓语动词的单复数由of后面的名词的单复数决定。,【助记】 分子基数词, 分母序数词, 分子大于1, 分母加 s。,Step 4考点练 ( )(2018黄冈中考)Dad, about _of our classmates wear glasses. Oh, thats terrible. You all should take good care of your eyes. 世纪金榜导学号 A. three fourthB. third fourth C. third fourthsD. three quarters,D,( )(2018咸宁中考)Nowadays China has about 25, 000 kilometers of high-speed railways. Thats _of the worlds total. A. two thirdB. two-third C. two thirdsD. two three,C,


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