2020版九年级英语全册 Unit 7 Work for Peace Lesson 40 The UN—Power of Words课件 (新版)冀教版.ppt

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1、Unit 7Work for Peace Lesson 40,. 根据汉语提示写出下列单词或短语 1. 受苦, 受难v. _ 2. 总部n. _ 3. 状况; 形势n. _ 4. 使满意; 使满足v. _,suffer,headquarters,situation,satisfy,5. 永远adv. _ 6. 熬过, 挨过 _ 7. 第二次世界大战 _ 8. 联合国 _ 9. 秘书长 _ 10. 联合国安理会 _ 11. 常任理事成员 _,forever,suffer through,World War ,the United Nations (the UN),the Secretary-Ge

2、neral,the UN Security Council,permanent member,. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子 1. 20世纪初, 人们在很多战争中受苦受难。 _ _ _ _ _, people suffered through many wars.,In,the,early,twentieth,century,2. 联合国安理会有15个成员国, 其中5个为常任理事 国中国、法国、俄罗斯、英国和美国。 The UN Security Council has fifteen members, _ _ _ are _ _ China, France, Russia, the U. K.

3、 and the U. S.,five,of,which,permanent,members,3. 成员们达成协议不总是容易的。 It is _ _ _ for the members to _ _ _. 4. 想象一下让所有193个成员(国)都满意是多么的困难! _ _ how difficult it is to _ _ 193 members!,not,always,easy,reach,an,agreement,Just,imagine,satisfy,all,5. 让我们期待着他们1945年想出的阻止战争的理念永 远传下去吧。 Lets _ _ the great idea they

4、 had in 1945 to _ war will _ _. 6. 对话甚至争论总好于战争! Wordseven _ wordsare always _ _ war!,hope,that,prevent,last,forever,angry,better,than,. Read the text and answer the questions 1. When was the UN formed? _ 2. How many member states are in the UN today? _ 3. Where is the headquarters of the UN? _,In 19

5、45.,193.,In New York City.,要点1 It is not always easy for the members to reach an agreement. 成员们达成协议不总是容易的。(P104),Step 1难点探 (1)你能分析这个句子的句式结构吗? (2)Its adj. +for sb. to do sth. 和Its adj. of sb. to do sth. 的区别是什么?,Step 2知识得 “Its+adj. +for sb. to do sth. ”结构, 意为“对某人来说做某事是的”, it 为形式主语, 真正的主语是后面的不定式短语 to d

6、o sth. 。其句子结构如下图所示:,*Its difficult for us to win the match. 对于我们来说, 打赢这场比赛很困难。 *Its important for us to study English. 学习英语对我们很重要。 *Its very polite of you to say so. 这样说, 你真是太有礼貌了。,【辨析】Its adj. +for sb. to do sth. 和Its adj. of sb. to do sth.,*Its dangerous for children to cross the busy street. 对孩子们

7、来说, 穿过繁忙的街道很危险。 *Mary, its very kind of you to help me with my homework. 玛丽, 你能帮我做作业, 真是太好了。,Step 3考点练 ( )Was it necessary _John _some photos before helping the old man? I think so. In this way, he could protect himself later. 世纪金榜导学号 A. of; takingB. for; taking C. of; to takeD. for; to take,D, 算出这个

8、数学难题你真是太聪明了。 _ _ clever _ you _ _ out the maths problem.,It,is,of,to,work,要点2 however adv. 然而 Step 1难点探 however和but有什么区别?,Step 2语境悟 *However, the UN is still the best way for the world to solve its problems. 然而, 联合国仍然是解决世界问题的最好的办法。(P104) *Lucy is very young, but she can live on her own. 露西很小, 但是她可以靠自己生活。,Step 3知识得 however和but,Step 4考点练 选词填空: however, but I offered Sandy a helping hand. _, she refused it. The dress is really beautiful, _ it is too small for me.,However,but,


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