九年级英语下册 Unit 1 Asia Grammar课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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1、Grammar,Unit1 How can we become good learners?,Unit1 Asia,1.To master the different uses of it. 2. To learn more about the Summer Palace.,Learning aims,Lets learn some knowledge about the Summer Palace,Warm-up,the Summer Palace(颐和园),它是以昆明湖、万寿山为基址,以杭州西湖为蓝本,汲取江南园林的设计手法而建成的一座大型山水园林,也是保存最完整的一座皇家行宫御苑,被誉为

2、“皇家园林博物馆”,也是国家重点景点。,颐和园,北京市古代皇家园林,前身为清漪园,坐落在北京西郊,距城区十五公里,占地约二百九十公顷,与圆明园毗邻。,Main attractions,各种形式的宫殿园林建筑3000余间,大致可分为行政、生活、游览三个部分。,颐和园占地面积 达293公顷,主 要由万寿山和 昆明湖两部分组 成。,仁寿殿,以仁寿殿为中心的行政区,是当年慈禧太后和光绪皇帝坐朝听政,会见外宾的地方。,行政区,乐寿堂,生活区,仁寿殿后是三座大型四合院:乐寿堂、玉澜堂和宜芸馆,分别为慈禧、光绪和后妃们居住的地方。,游览区,颐和园自万寿山顶的智慧海向下,由佛香阁、德辉殿、排云殿、排云门、云辉

3、玉宇坊,构成了一条层次分明的中轴线。山下是一条长700多米的“长廊”,长廊枋梁上有彩画8000多幅,号称 “世界第一廊”。长廊之前是昆明湖。昆明湖的西堤是仿照西湖的苏堤建造的。万寿山后山、后湖古木成林,有藏式寺庙,苏州河古买卖街。后湖东端有仿无锡寄畅园而建的谐趣园,小巧玲珑,被称为“园中之园”。,佛香阁,排云殿,文昌阁,长廊,it的用法,作为非人称代词的用法,作为人称代词的用法,其他用法,概述:it是代表人以外的动物或物品的单数名词,通常意为“它”。除此之外, it还有很多其他特殊的用法, 而其意思根据实际情况而定。,it,概述:我们常用it作人称代词, 代替人、事、物。,1. it 用来指代

4、动物。如:,Look at the monkey. It is so cleaver. 看这只猴子, 它真机灵。,This is the Summer Palace. It is really beautiful. 这是颐和园,它真美。,作为人称代词的用法,2. it 用来指代不清楚性别的小孩。 如:,My sister will have a baby soon. We guess it will be a boy. 我的姐姐马上就要生孩子了。我们猜是一 个小男孩。 There is a baby over there. It is so cute. 那边有个宝宝,真可爱!,3. it 用来

5、指代不明身份的人。 如:,Who is that over there? Maybe it is your friend Jack. 那里的人是谁?也许是你的朋友杰克。 Someone is knocking at the door. Please go and see who it is. 有人在敲门。请你去看看是谁。,4. it 用来指代前面提到过的事物。 如:,This is not my book. It is Jims. 这不是我的书。它是吉姆的。 Many people have been to Guilin. It is a wonderful place. 很多人去过桂林。它是

6、个很美的地方。,it 可以用来指代时间、日期、天气、温度、距离等。 如:, Whats the time now?现在是几点? Its ten oclock. 十点。 When is the Teachers Day? 教师节是在什么时候? Its on 10 September. 九月十日。,作为非人称代词的用法, Whats the weather like today? 今天天气如何? Its nice. 是晴天。 How far is it from your home to school? 从你家到学校有多远? Its an one-hour ride. 骑车要一小时。,it 还可以

7、用来作为形式主语或形式宾语,指代 动词不定式或者从句。 如:,It is so nice to go climbing with him! 和他一起爬山真好! It is good that we have many friends! 我们有许多朋友真好! I find it easy to solve the problem. 我发现解决这个问题很容易。,其他用法,it 作为形式主语常用于下列句型。,It takes some time to It takes one hour to get there. 到那要花一个小时。,It is +adj. +(of/for) +to It is n

8、ice of you to help me. 你能帮我真好。,It is said/reported/ that It is said that everyone may have a chance to travel to Mars in the year of 2050. 据说到2050年每个人都有机会到火星旅游。,think(s) /find(s) it easy/ difficult/hard/ to ,it 作为形式宾语常用于下列句型。,Nobody thinks it easy to figure out this Math problem. 没人认为解出这道数学题很简单。 I f

9、ind it interesting to learn something new. 我发现学习新东西很有趣。,A visit to the Summer Palace,The exchange students visited the Summer Palace yesterday. Kevin is writing about it. Read the passage below and find out what each it refers to. Write your answers in the blanks.,A Using it as a pronoun,Yesterday w

10、e visited the Summer Palace and spent about three hours in it. The palace is a Chinese garden and mainly includes a hill and a lake. The lake is very bigit takes up three quarters of the area. It was frozen, so we could not row a boat there. It was really a pity.,1._ 2._ 3._ 4._,the Summer Palace,th

11、e lake,the lake,we could not row a boat there,Across the lake is a 17-hole bridge. There are many stone lions on either side of it. The lions are all different from each other. Isnt it amazing? While I was walking along the bridge, my mobile phone rang. It was my mum. I told her that the Summer Pala

12、ce was well worth visiting.,5._ 6._ 7._,the 17-hole bridge,the lions are all different from each other,unknown person,1. The lake is very bigit takes up three quarters of the area. 湖很大,占了四分之 三的面积。 短语take up 的意思是“占据(空间),占用 (时间)”。如: The table takes up too much space. 这张桌子太占地方了。,Language points,(2) thr

13、ee quarters 四分之三 Review: 分数表达法 分子(用基数词)/分母(用序数词复数表 示;分子1时用单数形式)如: 五分之三threefifths 十分之七 seventenths 二分之一 one (a)half (不能用onesecond),2. Across the lake is a 17-hole bridge. There are many stone lions on either side of it. 湖上有一座十七孔桥,桥两边有很多石狮子。 第一句为倒装句。当表示地点状语的介词 短语位于句首时将谓语提到主语前面构成 完全倒装。如: In front of t

14、he building is a big park. 在这个建筑前面是个大公园。 (2) on either side of =on each side of,B Using it as an impersonal pronoun,We also use it for the time, the date, the weather, the distance, etc. It is 6:30 p.m. It is raining heavily outside. It is 1 January today. It is New Years Day. In Beijing, it is cold

15、 and windy in winter. It is two kilometres from my school to my home.,The exchange students left for Shanghai. Kevin has made some notes in his diary. Rewrite his sentences with it. 1.Today is 22 February. We left Beijing for Shanghai early in the morning. _. We left Beijing for Shanghai early in th

16、e morning.,Leaving for Shanghai,It is 22 February today,2. Shanghai is about 1,300 kilometres from Beijing. _from Beijing to Shanghai.,It is about 1,300 kilometers,3. I woke up at 5 a.m. this morning. _ when I woke up this morning. 4. I felt a little cold when we went out. The temperature was only 2

17、C. I felt a little cold when we went out. _. .,It was 5 a.m,It was only 2C,5. Winter is very cold and dry in Beijing. In winter, _.,it is very cold and dry in Beijing,6. We arrived in Shanghai on a sunny day. _when we arrived in Shanghai. 7. We got to our hotel at noon. _when we got to our hotel. 8.

18、 Our hotel is not far from the Bund. _ from the Bund to our hotel.,It was sunny/a sunny day,It was noon,It is not far,C Using it to replace the real subject or object,Sometimes we use it to replace the real subject or object in a sentence. In this situation, we put the real subject or object later i

19、n the sentence in the form of a to-infinitive or a clause. It is very tiring to climb the steps. It is popular to hire a bicycle and ride around the countryside. It is amazing that there are so many rocks in unusual shapes in the cave. Many people find it pleasant to travel around.,Useful structures

20、 with it It is + adjective + (of/for) + to . It takes . some time to . It is said/reported/. that. . think(s) /find(s) it easy/difficult/. to .,About Shanghai,Miss Thompson, a British teacher traveling with the exchange students, is writing down what she thinks about Shanghai. Help her complete her

21、notes with it.,Traffic: The traffic is often busy, but public transport here is quite good, so (1)_ (easy) for people to get around. Weather: (2)_(sunny) and warm. We like (3) _ here. Environment: (4) _ (said) that the air is not clean here, but I do not think the pollution is as serious as I imagin

22、ed.,it is easy,It is sunny,it,It is said,Sights: Shanghai is beautiful. (5)_(fun) to ride around the city and visit the interesting places. Food: Chinese food is delicious. I will ask my family to go to a Chinese restaurant and try (6)_ when I get back. Hotel: We all think (7)_ (comfortable) to stay

23、 in this hotel. They provide a high level of service.,It is fun,it,it is comfortable,People: The local people are friendly. (8)_(kind) of them to answer all our questions.,It is kind,1. Hewasnearlydrownedonce. Whenwas_? _ wasin1998whenhewasin middle school. A.that;It B.this;This C.this;It D.that;Thi

24、s 2. Someoneisringingthedoorbell.Go andsee _. A.whoishe B.whoheis C.whoisit D.whoitis,一、单项选择。,A,D,Exercise,3. Infact_ isahardjobforthepolice to keeporderinanimportantfootballmatch. A.this B.that C.there D.it 4.Mikesmotherkepttellinghimthat he should workhard,but_didnthelp. A.he B.it C.she D.which 5.

25、Sinceyouhaverepairedmycomputer,_is noneedformetobuyanewone. A.itB.thereC.thisD.that,D,B,A,二 、填空。,1._(据报道) alotofpeople lost their jobsinthecitylastmonth. (report) 2. _(看来)nobodyknows what has happened. (seem) 3. _(看起来似乎)itsgoingtorain. (look) 4._(很可能)thethieves dont know howmuchitisworth. (likely),It is reported that,It seems that,It looks that,It is likely that,Homework,Remember all the new words and expressions in this unit. 2. Find more exercises about the use of it and finish them.,


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