云南省2019中考英语复习 第1部分 教材同步复习 Grade 7 Book 1 Units 5-9课件.ppt

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1、教材同步复习,第一部分,Grade 7Book 1,Units59,中考考点 精讲,2,3, 活学巧练 fetch, bring, take, carry 1Remember to _ your book to school tomorrow. 2He is _ a big box on his back. As good friends, we should help him. 3Lets go and _ some water. 4Dont forget to _ you umbrella when you go.,bring,carrying,fetch,take,4,5Bill, pl

2、ease _ another chair. There is no chair for your aunt. AcarryBfetch CtakeDbring 6Ann, wait a moment. Its so cold outside. Youd better _ a coat. AfetchBbring CtakeDcarry 7The books are too heavy for me to _. Would you give me a hand? AcarryBbring CfetchDtake,B,C,A,5,6,常见play短语如下: play football 踢足球pla

3、y chess 下国际象棋 play the piano 弹钢琴play the violin 拉小提琴 play sports 做运动play a role 发挥作用;有影响,7, 活学巧练 8Many young boys enjoy _.(踢足球) 9My mother is fond of _ in her spare time.(弹钢琴) 10Id like to invite Tom to _.(下棋) 11Mr. Green enjoys _ in his free time.(玩纸牌),playing football,playing the piano,play chess,

4、playing cards,8,12Peter, stop playing _ the toy car. Its so dirty. AwithBat CforDto 13I like playing _ tennis while my brother likes playing _ guitar. Athe; /B/; / C/; theDthe; the 14As a _, he always puts the team in his mind.(play),A,C,player,9,10,11, 活学巧练 15Mr. Hill enjoys _ every morning with a

5、glass of hot milk.(读报纸) 16Lets _ tomorrow! I heard that there is a new film called Ready Player One(头号玩家)(看电影) 17He _ a beautiful bird flying in the sky when he _ out of the window. Alooked; lookedBsaw; looked Csaw; watchedDlooked; saw,reading newspapers,see a film,B,12,18Whenever Mary _ an interest

6、ing story, she cant keep it to herself and wants to share it with her friends. AseesBlooks CreadsDwatches,C,13,14,活学巧练 19Listen! The music _ sweet. Its Yesterday Once More, my favorite. AlooksBsounds CfeelsDtastes 20Lucys idea sounds _. All of us like it. AwellBgood CbadDbadly,B,B,15,21The running w

7、ater makes the stones _ very smooth. AsoundBtaste CsmellDfeel 22My friends mother _ younger than she is. AlooksBsounds CfeelsDsmells,D,A,16,17,常见的v.ing形容词和v.ed形容词及短语总结如下:,18,活学巧练 23My mother was _ with me because I stayed up late playing computer games last night.(annoy) 24The movie Us and Them(后来的我

8、们) was so _ that I couldnt help crying.(move),annoyed,moving,19,25How do you like your new job in the bank? Its _. I do the same thing every day. AinterestingBexciting CsurprisingDboring 26They were _ when they heard the _ news that the first lady would visit their school on the morning of Tuesday.

9、Aexcited; excitingBexciting; excited Cexcited; excitedDexciting; exciting,D,A,20,21,询问价格的句型,22, 活学巧练 27_ is the jacket? Sixtyfive yuan. AHow farBHow old CHow manyDHow much 28_ the price of the Apple Watch? 800 dollars. AWhat isBWhat are CHow much isDHow many are,D,A,23,29How much _ would you like? O

10、ne kilo. AsheepBfruit CcakesDpear,B,24,25,26, 活学巧练 30Shops are not allowed to _ cigarettes to anyone under the age of 18. AbuyBsell CsaleDgive 31There are lots of goods on _ during Christmas Day. AsellBbuy CsaleDduty,B,C,27,32The shoes _ are at a low price though they look very nice. Aon saleBon foo

11、t Con vacationDon time 33You can _ everything from the nearby supermarket. It has all the things you need. Yes, its very convenient. AsaleBteach CbuyDsell,A,C,28,29, 活学巧练 34My aunt is busy _ breakfast in the kitchen now. Acooks Bcook Ccooking Dcooked 35I was busy _ the final exam. I have little time

12、 to hang out with my friends. AtoBat CforDwith,C,D,30,分析云南省近四年的中考真题, 书面表达涉及校园生活的共八次。要涵盖以下几方面: 描述校园生活的某个或某几个方面, 亦可记叙某个事件, 感悟事情本质, 寻找内心触动点, 升华内心情感。 主体时态: 一般过去时 主要人称: 第一人称,话题写作 指导,校园生活(2018年2次; 2017年3次; 2016年2次; 2015年1次),31,1Time is quick. School life is short. 2Life is like a box of chocolate, youll n

13、ever know what the next bite tastes like. 3Guangming Middle School is where my dreams take wings. 4Looking back on my middle school life, theres much to remember. 5Throughout the years, one thing about my school life impressed me the most. 6Everybody knows school is a place to study. 7For me, school

14、 time is the best time in life. 8Thanks to my school, I know how to chase after a dream. 9My school is the best place to have fun and study.,32,1美好的时光很短暂, 该说再见了。 Good time is short. Its time to say goodbye. 2学校是追梦的好地方。 School is the best place to chase after a dream. 3正是由于老师们和同学们, 学校生活成了我最好的记忆。 Than

15、ks to teachers and classmates, school life becomes my best memory. 4三年的生活有很多值得去记忆的。 Three years life has a lot to remember. 5回首学校生活, 我有很多想说的。 Looking back on school life, I have a lot to say.,33,1There is a tall teaching building in my school. 2There are many clubs in my school. 3I found it relaxing

16、 to take a walk on the playground. 4Of all the subjects, history was my favorite. 5I made a lot of friends in the school. 6My friends cheered me up when I was sad. 7We helped each other through difficulties and troubles. 8Whenever I listened to teachers in class, I was so attracted.,34,1学校里有个小花园。 Th

17、ere is a small garden in the school. 2我们发现做作业很有趣。 We found it interesting to do homework. 3所有活动里, 我最喜欢艺术节。 Of all the activities, the Art Festival was my favorite. 4我们同学之间都互相学习。 My classmates learn from each other. 5无论何时碰到问题, 我都会向老师求教。 Whenever I met a problem, I would ask my teachers for help.,35,1

18、Those memories of middle school should stay with me forever. 2Now I have to say goodbye, but I will always cherish my teachers and friends. 3Thanks to my middle school, I grow up mentally. 4All in all, my school life is as colorful as a rainbow. 5My middle school life is over. I will miss it. 6My te

19、achers will be proud of me when they see me again, I promise. 7I will be holding the memories of my school life.,36,1我们会怀念并珍视初中生活的。 We will miss and cherish our middle school life. 2正是因为有这些朋友, 我从不畏惧困难。 Thanks to my friends, I am never afraid of difficulties. 3总的来说, 我很热爱初中生活。 All in all, I love my mi

20、ddle school life. 4我的英语老师就如朋友一般有趣。 My English teacher is as interesting as a friend.,37,请根据以下信息写一段话进行描述: 我在光明中学上学, 我的校园很大, 很漂亮, 而且很干净。课程很多, 老师很忙, 作业很多, 但学习十分有趣。学校有很多活动, 有很多俱乐部。 I am a student of Guangming Middle School. We have a big, beautiful and clean campus. At school, we have many subjects and

21、much homework to do. Our teachers are very busy from work. There are many activities and clubs in our school. Studying in here is fun.,38,请根据以下信息将短文补充完整:,39,(2015昆明) The good old days 要求: 1.注意紧扣主题, 意思连贯, 语言通顺, 书写规范; 2不得使用真实姓名和校名, 如需使用名字, 请用Mike, Gina等英文名字, 校名统一用Guangming Middle School; 3词数不少于60。,40,

22、1文体: 本文题目是“The good old days”, 要求考生回忆自己过去某段时间的生活, 属于说明文。 2人称: 谈论与自己相关的人和事应该采用第三人称, 谈论自己的感受应该使用第一人称。 3时态: 谈论过去的事情必须采用一般过去时。 4写作要点: 介绍那段时光; 带给自己什么样的感受; 对自己有什么影响。,41,42,The good old days Time flies, before I can say goodbye, middle school life has already come to an end. My friends and I fought and cri

23、ed in the old days. Later, we became friends again. They showed me what real friendship is., 用looking back on来改写这个句子,43,My teachers helped me grow from a kid to a teenager. They gave me knowledge and a good lesson of going after dream. My parents hair turned gray. I hope my dream can come true; my p

24、arents supported me in doing that with all they have. Busy may be the word to describe my good old days, but its value for me is far beyond words., 用more than改变句子 用they改写句子 用其他形容词来代替busy,44,The good old days Time flies, before I can say goodbye, middle school life has already come to an end. Looking

25、 back on the old days, my friends and I fought and cried. Later, we became friends again. They showed me what real friendship is. My teachers helped me grew from a kid to a teenager. They gave me more than knowledge: they gave me a good lesson of going after dream. My parents hair turned gray. I hop

26、e my dream can come true, they supported me in doing that with all they have. Tough, bright, passionate, these may be the words to describe my good old days, but its value for me is far beyond words.,45,My School Life 提示: 无论对于谁, 学校生活总是令人难忘的。你在集体生活中收获了什么?哪些人和事对你产生了巨大的影响?请抓住初中生活让你感动的瞬间, 介绍你的初中生活。 要求:

27、1.短文词数不少于60; 2语言流畅, 内容连贯, 书写规范; 3文中不能使用你的真实姓名、校名。,46,My School Life _ _ _ _ _,Theres not a moment in my middle school life that Ill not cherish. We had many classes a day. My favorite subject was math. Whenever I solved a difficult problem, I felt very proud of myself. My friend Jack was not so good

28、 at math, so I helped him every day. My classmates were a group of very funny people. We played basketball every afternoon. Thanks to them, my school life was rich and exciting. A poet said that the pure and bright things shall never die. Somehow, I know deep down in my heart that he is right.,47,1文体: _ 2人称: _ 3时态: _,记叙文,第一人称,一般过去时,48,49,


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