冀教版六年级英语下册《Unit 3 What Will You Do This Summer.Lesson 14 Tomorrow We Will Play》教案_5.doc

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1、Lesson14 Tomorrow we will play教学设计 本课教学目标:(一)、知识与技能目标1.学生能够通过图片和老师的动作提示,听懂、会说、认读拼写单词close,angry2.学生能够在老师的指导下认读、理解单词will, pick3.学生能够在老师的指导下听懂录音材料。4.学生通过阅读和练习,认读、理解并运用下列句型 Whatwillyoudotomorrow? IwillIwillnot(二)、情感态度目标1.调动学生学习的积极性,使学生在不断体验成功的同时增强英语学习的自信心。2.增强学生对环境的保护意识,摒弃不良行为。(三)、学习策略目标1.学生能够在课堂交流中学会倾

2、听,积极思考,主动探究。2.学生通过同伴互助、小组合作在语境中学会运用will和willnot3学生能够将英的知识与生活相结合,用英语表达生活,从而培养学生综合能力。教学重点:1.学生能够通过图片和老师的动作提示,听懂、会说、认读拼写单词close,angry2.学生能够在老师的指导下认读、理解单词will, pick3.学生能够在老师的指导下听懂录音材料。4.学生通过阅读和练习,认读、理解并运用下列句型 Whatwillyoudotomorrow? IwillIwillnot教学难点:4.学生通过阅读和练习,认读、理解并运用下列句型 Whatwillyoudotomorrow? IwillI

3、willnot教具准备:图片 PPT 教学过程:Step1 Warming Up1.Greeting How are you?Hows the weather today?2. Talk about the weather becomes warmer and warmer, so we can go out to play. Maybe you can go swimming/play football/fly kites (图片头脑风暴,复习旧知识,为新知做好准备, 大胆表达调动学生学习的积极性)Step 2 Leading in This is my daughter, she will

4、 go out tomorrow. Lets see what will she do this Sunday. She will wash the clothes in the river/plant flowers/look at the beautiful flowers. (由熟悉的人、事,自然引导学生认识will,为新课做准备) Okay, what will Danny and Jenny do tomorrow? Do you want to know? Lets see.Step 3 New Concepts1.Look at the video. And answer the

5、 questions. Read the questions together first. (1).What day is tomorrow?(2).What will Jenny do tomorrow? (3).Will Danny fly a kite?(4)Will Danny pick the flowers? Then listen, and answer the questions.2. Check the answers. They may have mistakes about question (4) .Will Danny pick the flowers? Let t

6、he students read picture4-6 again, and think it over. This time the students will understand clearly. Check the answer together: No, he will not.3 . Understand “angry”. Act “angry”4. What will Danny do tomorrow?What will Danny do in the park? 通过问答,让学生增强学生对环境的保护意识,摒弃不良行为。2. Step 3 Practice1. What wil

7、l you do in the park. 通过谈论, 老师加以正确引导,使学生养成良好的行为习惯和文化品格3. Look at the pictures, and make sentences use “will” or “will not”.扩展学生思维,巩固所学知识。4. Childrens Day will come, It will be the last Childrens Day of you in primary school. What will you do on this Childrens Day? Write the plan, and share in the class. 通过最后一次儿童节,引发学生情感,做计划,度过一个有意义的儿童节达到学以致用的目的。Step 3:Homework1. Make a plan about: What will you do in the summer holiday. (write about 5 sentences)2. Talk with your friends about your plan.3. Do the exercises.


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