山东省德州市2019年中考英语一轮复习 七下 第3讲 Module 1-Revision module A课件.ppt

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《山东省德州市2019年中考英语一轮复习 七下 第3讲 Module 1-Revision module A课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山东省德州市2019年中考英语一轮复习 七下 第3讲 Module 1-Revision module A课件.ppt(20页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、七年级下册 第 1 讲 Module 1Revision module A,purple,careful,carefully,care,careless,carelessly,strange,stranger,strangely,strange ness,camera,leave,left,ride,rode,ridden,teach,taught,teacher,best,better,good/well,beautiful,beautifully,beauty,swam,swum,fly,flew,flown,swim,play,player,silly,stupid,win,won,wi

2、nner,hope,hopeful,hopefully,hopeless,cheer,cheerful,cheerfully,collect,collection,collector,second,two,twice,fun,funny,rain,rainy,true,truth,able,unable,ability,rise,rose,risen,change,cheap,cheaper,expensive,heavy,heavily,heavier,easy,easily,easiest,certainly,certain,certainty,advantage,disadvan- ta

3、ge,receive,compare,comparison,comparative,pay,paid,safe,safely,safety,safer,product,produce,production,producer,across,cross,crossing,third,three,tour,tourism,tourist,church,churches,first of all,be careful with,from now on,in a hurry,hundreds of,worry about,get on well with sb.,promise to do sth.,(

4、be) ready to do sth.,just like,fly a kite,go over,look forward to,make friends,enjoy oneself,take a walk,go sightseeing,in the future,be able to,not.any more,come true,not only.but also,try on,wait a minute,online shopping,turn left,get off,on the other side of.,Whose bag,Thats why airports stations

5、,like to be,at the weekend,Who else,What plans,Would join,In years time,What size,Excuse me the way to,Turn left third on,考点 1 leave的用法,They leave things on planes.他们把东西落在飞机上 M3 P4,He plans to leave for Paris.他计划动身去巴黎。 The kid cried,“Dont leave me by myself.”这个孩子哭道,“别丢下我自己。” Youd better ask for leav

6、e and have a rest.你最好请假休息一下。 leave和forget表示“忘记”时的区别,1.Im sorry,Mr.Hu.I _ my English exercise book at home. It doesnt matter.Please remember _ it here this afternoon. Aforgot;to bring Bleft;to take Cforgot;to take Dleft;to bring 2Dont _to say thanks when other people help you. Aleave Bforget Cremembe

7、r Dfall,D,B,考点 2 promise的用法,.I promise to help YOU!我保证帮你们! M2 P10 promise作动词,意为“承诺;保证”,其后可接双宾语或动词不定式等。promise的基本用法如下:,3.Linda is not coming for the party tonight. But she_! Apromises Bpromised Cwill promise Dhad promised 4They promised that they _ me look for my key until it was found.But they soon

8、walked away. Awill help Bhave helped Cwould help Dhad helped 5My father promised _ a computer for me if I got a good grade in the final exam. Abuy Bbuying Cto buy Dbought,B,C,C,考点 3 make的用法,Choose me and we can make our classroom beautiful.选我吧,我们可以把我们的教室变得漂亮。 M2 P10 make为使役动词,意为“使”。其用法如下: 6.Whos you

9、r favorite teacher? Miss Green.She makes us_ English in an interesting way. Abelieve in Btake part in Ccome up with Dfall in love with,D,考点 4 sure的用法,Sure!当然! M3 P14 sure还可单独使用,常用来回答一般疑问句,意为“当然;的确”,相当于yes或certainly。 7.I am _ that she will like this book. Atrue Bsure Ckind Dsorry,B,考点 5 辨析 can与be abl

10、e to,Computers wont be able to do that.计算机做不了那个。 M4 P20,(1)共同点:后接动词原形;在一般现在时和一般过去时中可互换,如:I can play the piano.我会弹钢琴。 (2)不同点:can只用于一般现在时和一般过去时中,如:I can play the piano.我会弹钢琴。be able to可用于各种时态,如:Youll be able to surf the Internet for half an hour.你将能上网半小时。can没有人称和数的变化;be able to有人称和数的变化,如:He is able to

11、 mend bikes.他会修理自行车。can可以表猜测(主要用于疑问句和否定句中)。如:The man cant be Li Lei,he has gone to Beijing.那个人不会是李雷,他已经去北京了。,8.1 have travelled a lot.I _ speak four languages. Acan Bmay Cmust Dneed 9I will _ drive the car in a week. Acan Bcould Cwas able to Dbe able to,A,D,考点 6 辨析 take,bring,carry与fetch,Will they c

12、arry lots of books to school?他们将带很多书去学校吗? M4 P20,10.Dont_ the dictionary away.I am using it. Atake Bbring Ccarry Dfetch 11Remember to _ your book to school,and we will use it tomorrow morning. Abring Btake Ccarry Dfetch,A,A,考点 7 need的用法,Will students need computers at school?学生在学校将会需要电脑吗? M4 P20,(1)

13、作实义动词:sb.need(s)n./pron.“某人需要”。如:I need some help.我需要些帮助。 sb.need(s) to do sth.“某人需要做某事”。如:He needs to buy a pair of shoes.他需要买双鞋子。 sth.need(s) doing/to be done“某物需要被”。如:Our classroom needs cleaning.我们的教室需要被打扫。 (2)作情态动词:后跟动词原形,无人称和数的变化。 常用于否定句和一般疑问句。如:You neednt do homework at once.你没必要马上做作业。 常用need

14、nt作以must开头的一般疑问句的否定回答,相当于not have to。 (3)作名词,常用作不可数名词,in need of “需要”。如:We are in need of some information.我们需要些信息。,12.Must we finish the homework now? _Our teacher doesnt ask us to. AYes,we must BNo,we mustnt CNo,we neednt DYes,we neednt 13Dont throw away the waste paper.It needs _ Ato recycle Brec

15、ycling Crecycle Drecycles,C,B,考点 8 辨析 rise与raise,The sea level will rise as well.海平面也会上升。 M4 P22,14.The price of phones _ recently. Arise Bhas risen Craise Draised 152018泰安改编And researchers say that may not only cause sleeplessness,but also _the risk of obesity(肥胖症),diabetes(糖尿病)and other diseases.

16、Arise Brose Craise Draised,B,C,考点 9 compare的用法,You can also compare the prices of the same product and spend a lot.or save money.你还可以比较相同产品的价格,花很多或者省钱。 M5 P28,compare作动词,意为“比较”,其固定用法有:compare A with B“比较A与B”;compare A to B“把A比作B”。其中,作“与比较”讲时,既可以用with,也可以用to,如:He compared his camera with/to mine.他拿自己的照相机和我的比较。作“把比作”讲时,只能用to,如:Books can be compared to friends.书好比朋友。,16.If you always _ yourself with others,you may have tons of pressure. I agree.We should believe in ourselves. Acompare Bcomplain Cconnect Dconsider,A,


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