冀教版六年级英语下册《Unit 3 What Will You Do This Summer.Lesson 14 Tomorrow We Will Play》教案_6.doc

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1、冀教版 六年级下册Lesson 14 Tomorrow We Will Play! 教学分析1、学情分析小学六年级的学生已经具备了基本的英语学习素养,对于一些常用的单词,语法与句型有了基本的了解,且拥有了一定的口语基础,在六年级上学期接触并学习到了be going to 形式的一般将来时表达法。同时该年级学生已经初步具有了一定的语言提炼、归纳和总结能力,但还有待提高和加强。2、教材分析本节课是冀教版义务教育教科书小学英语六年级下册第三单元的第2课时,题目Tomorrow We Will Play! 在本课中,Li Ming和Danny在讨论他们的周末计划,本节课主要学习will结构的一般将来时

2、, will结构所代表的一般将来时及其否定形式与句型What will you do?是本课的重点。教学目标1、 知识与技能目标(1)学生能够听懂、会说、认读和书写单词: close, angry(2)学生能够认读、理解并运用下列句子: What will you do tomorrow? I will_.2、情感与态度目标通过文本内容的学习,调动学生学习的积极性,使学生在不断体验成功的同时,增强英语学习的信心。教学重难点1. 教学重点will引导的将来时态肯定及否定形式。句型What will you do?的掌握与使用。2. 教学难点对一般将来时的理解和运用。教学准备多媒体教学过程Step

3、 1 Warm up (5 minutes)1.Greeting2.Free talkT: Tomorrow is Saturday.What are you going to do tomorrow ?S: Im going to go to the zoo. T: Im going to go to the zoo. I also can say” I will go to the zoo.T:What will you do tomorrow? S: I will_.【设计意图】:通过Free Talk的形式,将学生脑海中对于一般将来时be going to 表达法进行简单输出,并为新授

4、环节打下基础。同时通过猜测能够让学生头脑风暴,不断复习旧知,也给新课文的出现埋下伏笔。Step 2 Presentation and Practice (25 minutes)1. Read and answer the questionsT: What will Danny and Jenny do tomorrow?What will Danny do tomorrow?S:answer the question.【设计意图】:通过学生自读课文理解文本,再通过回答问题监测学生理解的对错,并感知和初步运用新知。Will Danny fly a kite? Will Danny look at

5、 the beautiful flowers? Will Danny pick the flowers? Are they yes or no? Lets listen! 【设计意图】: 以文本人物为主线直接进入本课学习,通过有意义的思维预测文本,第一次接触文本,从文本情境中初次感知新知。 T: Will Danny go on a trip next week? Lets look and write “will”or “will not”.【设计意图】结合现有教材,运用生动的语言,引导学生分析教材,使学生及时将所学知识能够达到充分运用。2. Read and answer(1)(学生通过自

6、由读课文回答教师提出问题)T:Danny will not fly a kite. What about Jenny? What will they do tomorrow? Lets read the text, then answer my questions.Questions:Where will they go tomorrow?What will Jenny do?What will Danny do tomorrow?Danny will not pick the flower. What does he say to Jenny?(2)(教师反馈答案过程中新授一般将来时)T:

7、Where will they go tomorrow?T: What will Jenny do in the park?T: WhatwillDannydotomorrow? T: Can Danny pick the flowers?T: If he picks the flowers, what will he do?【设计意图】学生第二次接触文本,通过细读文本,找出问题答案。读并寻找问题答案,让学生带着目的用英语做事情,从中感知并在头脑中提炼总结一般将来时will肯定及否定表达法,并且尝试运用语言表达。(3)(学生选择图片并描述人物的感受并模仿Jenny生气语气)T: If Dann

8、y do that, how is Jenny now?T: Yes, Jenny is angry. Is the man angry? Who else is angry?T: Yes, they are angry, and Jenny is angry. What does Jenny say to Danny? Who can say it like Jenny?T: What will you do when you are angry? Can you act it out?T: What does Danny say?【设计意图】教师在反馈学生答案的同时,给学生渗透will结构

9、的一般将来时,will引导的特殊疑问句what will you do? 等语法。从文本情景出发,操练angry在句子中的用法。学生通过选择图片描述人物的感受,学生进一步体会angry一词,通过模仿Jenny生气的语气来增加学习的趣味性,通过意义思维,转化成自己的想法来演绎现实生活中的真实情景。3. Imitate and act(学生尝试模仿读文本,然后自己选择喜欢的角色两人一组做角色扮演)T: Now try to imitate, then act it out.【设计意图】回归文本,让学生对所学重点在头脑中进行总结并沉淀,学生可以自主选择自己喜欢的角色,创造以学生为主体的自主学习氛围。

10、4. Look, draw and write(学生在模仿朗读课文后完成练习题)T: Do you have any questions about this text?Lets look, draw and write.【设计意图】:学生通过操练不断扎实一般将来时的运用,第三人称到第一人称做充分的操练,再次夯实知识点,并且由口头落实到笔端。Step 3 Production (9 minutes)T: All of you will have a good tomorrow. You know our summer holiday is coming. What will your fami

11、ly do this summer holiday? Now make a plan for your familys summer holiday. You can talk about it with your partner.【设计意图】通过谈论暑假出行计划,贴近学生生活的话题,激发学生用英语表达的欲望,培养学生的语言运用能力。Step 4 Homework (1 minute)Write an e-mail to Jenny. She wants to enjoy your holiday. Such as: on weekends, on Childrens Day or summer holiday.【设计意图】:通过时下流行交流方式来完成课后作业,让学生积极完成作业,把重点知识的学习延伸到课堂之外。板书设计Lesson 14 Tomorrow We Will Play!What will you do tomorrow?I will fly a kite tomorrow.


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