冀教版六年级英语下册《Unit 3 What Will You Do This Summer.Lesson 14 Tomorrow We Will Play》教案_8.docx

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1、Lesson 14:Tomorrow We Will Play一、教学目标:1、 知识与技能:学生能听、说、读、写单词angry,close,will并学会应用;能运用一般将来时进行表达,了解一般将来时的形式:will+动词原形 2、过程与方法:通过谈话交流,情景模拟,课件呈现等方式让学生能自由表达未来自己的计划。 3、情感态度价值观:增强环境保护的意识。二、教学重点:能听、说、读、写单词angry,close,will并学会应用;能运用一般将来时进行表达,了解一般将来时的形式:will+动词原形。三、教学难点:能灵活运用一般将来时态描述自己的计划。四、教具学具或课件:图片,课件,词卡。五、教

2、学过程:(一)1.问候:Good morning,class.Are you happy today? Lets sing a song“If you are happy?” 2. 复习:be going to 句型。International Workers Day is coming.What am I going to do?(播放课件)(二)新授:1.揭示课题:当学生说到You are going to go shopping.时,教师说:Yes,I am going to go shopping.I can also say“I will go shopping.”板书will,领读

3、,学生跟读,Today,lets learn Lesson14:Tomorrow We Will Play.(出示课题)2. 出示学习目标(看课件)3. 学习pick,angry,close,open,引导对话:What will you do tomorrow?I will go to the park.I will look at some flowers.I will pick some flowers.(拿一束花演示)Is it wrong or right?Oh,I am sorry,I will not pick some flowers.(板书will not)You will

4、pick some flowers .Your teacher will be angry.(板书angry)Oh,no,the weather is rainy and windy.I will run home.(做跑的动作)Then,I will close the door.I will not open the window.4. Close your eyes.(趁机把词卡饭贴)提问:Open your eyes.What will you do tomorrow?(找学生问答训练)5. Danny and Jenny will go to the park,too.Now lis

5、ten to the tape and answer the questions.(播放课件录音和问题)学生听,讨论并回答问题。(抽签让学生回答)进行过程性评价,给表现好的组加分。6. 再次播放录音,学生跟读,两人一组角色表演。(3) 操练(出示课件)(4) 巩固和拓展:Tomorrow is Saturday.What will you do?A plan for tomorrow.(课件展示自己的计划)Lets write.给学生时间写计划,用展台看学生的作品。(5) 总结:What do you know?师生共同总结,说到I will not pick some flowers.(播放课件,进行情感教育)(6) 评价:表扬获胜队,鼓励落后队。(7) 作业:Look at our homework.(写暑假的计划)(8) 板书设计:Lesson 14:Tomorrow We Will PlayWhat will you do tomorrow?pick some flowerswill notwillrun homeclose the doorlook at some flowersopen the windowgo to the park


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