山东省潍坊市2019年中考英语总复习 第5课时 七下 Modules 9-12课件.ppt

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1、第5课时 七年级下册Modules 912,考点一 woman的用法 【课文原句】 Womens Day妇女节(七下P54) women的所有格形式是在后面直接加s; woman, man作定 语时,同后面的名词一起变复数。 Some women teachers and men doctors are among the tourists.游客中有一些女教师和男医生。,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 1I want to make a special present for my mother on _ (woman) Day.,Womens,考点二 born的用法 【课文原句】 His r

2、eal name was Samuel Clemens and he was born in 1835 in Missouri.他的真名叫萨缪尔克莱门斯, 1835年出生于密苏里州。(七下P54) 表示“出生”要用be born,并且动词be通常只用was 或were。 be born后可跟形容词、名词或不同的介词,表达的意思也 不同。其常见用法如下:,born in/on日期,表示“出生的时间/地点”。 Tom was born in Shandong Province on February 12, 1999. 1999年2月12日汤姆生于山东省。 Karl Marx was born o

3、n May 5, in Trier.卡尔马克思5月5日 生于特里尔。 Li Ping was born in 1988.李平生于1988年。,考点三 marry的用法 【课文原句】 He married in 1582 and had three children.1582年他结婚了,有了三个孩子。(七下P56) (1)marry是动词,意为“结婚”,表示动作,不能与表示一 段时间的状语连用。“与某人结婚”用“marry sb.”或“get married to sb.”,不能用“marry with sb.”。 Jane got married to a doctor last month.

4、上个月简和一位 医生结婚了。,(2)get married“结婚”,表示动作,是非延续性动词短语, 不能和表示一段时间的状语连用。 Lucy and Peter got married last week.露西和彼得上周结 婚了。,(3)married是形容词,意为“已婚的;结婚的”;be married 可以与表示一段时间的状语连用。 Are you married or single?你结婚了还是单身? She has been married for five years.她已经结婚5年了。,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 2My grandparents _(marry) for ov

5、er 60 years and they love each other very much.,have been married,考点四 successful的用法 【课文原句】 He became a successful actor and began to write plays.他成了一名成功的演员,并且开始写戏剧。 (七下P56),(1)successful是形容词,意为“成功的”。 The flower show is quite successful.这次花展十分成功。,(2)succeed是动词,常用搭配为succeed in doing sth.意为 “成功做某事”; su

6、ccess是名词,意为“成功”;successfully 是副词,意为“成功地”。 Most of us look forward to great success but not everyone can succeed.我们大多数人都渴望巨大的成功,但不是每个 人都能成功。 We got to the top of the mountain successfully at last.最终 我们成功地到达了山顶。,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 3What do you think of the speech given by Chairman Xi Jinping in the UN? I

7、ts very _ (success). His speech succeeded in _ (get) foreign friends appreciations.,successful,getting,考点五 die的用法 【课文原句】 William Shakespeare died at the age of fiftytwo.威廉莎士比亚逝世时52岁。(七下P56),【辨析】 “死”得其所,【拓展】 常用短语 die from 意为“由于而死”,一般常用于由外伤、意 外、衰老引起的死亡。 The old man died from a car accident last year.这

8、个老人去 年死于一场车祸。,die of的意思同die from,一般指由于疾病、情感等原因 引起的死亡。 His grandfather died of liver cancer in 1992.他的祖父1992 年死于肝癌。,die out 意为“(家族、物种等)灭绝;绝迹”。 Dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago.恐龙在六千五百万 年前灭绝了。,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 4His grandmother _(die) for 6 years. And he still misses her very much.,has been dead,

9、考点六 ed形容词和ing形容词 【课文原句】 I was so excited!我太激动了。(七下P60) (1)ing形容词,一般用来形容“事物本身具有的性质”,表 示“令人的”。多用于修饰物。 I found the story is too boring.我发现这个故事太无聊了。,(2)ed形容词,一般用来表示“人的感受”,表示“感到 的”。 When the students heard of the news, they all felt excited. 当学生们听到这个消息的时候,他们都感到很激动。,【拓展】 中考中常见的此类形容词,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 5The n

10、ews is really _ (excite) and were _ (excite) about it.,exciting,excited,考点七 till与until的用法 【课文原句】 We waited till all the lights were on. 我们一直等到所有的灯都亮了。(七下P62) (1)till意为“直到为止”,until是till的强调形式,它们 表达的意义是相同的,都表示“直到某时”。表示“直到(某 时)(某动作)才(发生)” ,通常用“not. until.”的结构。,(2)until与not. until.的用法区别 until“直到为止”,主句的谓语

11、动词通常为延续性 动词。 I will be here until he comes back. 我将一直在这里直到他回来。,not. until.“直到才”,主句的谓语动词通常 为非延续性动词。 They didnt go home until the movie was over.他们直到电 影结束才回家。,翻译句子。 6(2016广西贺州中考改编)昨天晚上我的哥哥直到完 成工作才去睡觉。 _ _.,Last night, my brother didnt go to bed until he,finished his work,(1)Russian是形容词,意为“俄罗斯的;俄罗斯人的;俄

12、语 的”;用作名词,意为“俄罗斯人;俄语”;名词Russia意为 “俄罗斯”。 Some Russians will come to visit Harbin.一些俄罗斯人将 来参观哈尔滨。 Great. Some buildings in Harbin are of Russian style.好极 了。哈尔滨的一些建筑是俄罗斯风格的。,(2)表示国家、某国人、语言的名词一览表。,考点九 else的用法 【课文原句】 In some places, it isnt polite to look at people when you talk, but in other countries i

13、t isnt polite to look somewhere else在一些国家,当你说话时注视着他们是不 礼貌的,但在其他一些国家当你说话时四处张望是不礼貌 的。(七下P68),(1)else作形容词时常用来作后置定语,即放在疑问代词who, what, which等后面,或者放在something, anything, nothing, anyone, everyone等不定代词之后。 What else do you want?你还想要别的什么吗? Nothing else.别的什么也不要了。,(2)else作副词时通常放在疑问副词when, where, how等的 后面。 Wher

14、e else do you want to go?你想去别的什么地方吗? When else can I meet you?其他什么时间可以与你见面?,考点十 think about的用法 【课文原句】 What does Tonys mum think about rock music?托尼的妈妈认为摇滚乐怎么样?(七下P72),(1)think about意为“想;思考;认为”,此时可与think of 互换。 Ill think about it and call you back later.我考虑一下, 稍后打电话给你。 Im thinking of a way to help he

15、r.我在想一个帮助她的办法。,(2)What do/does. think of.?意为“认为怎么 样?”,of后接名词、代词或动名词形式。用来询问某人 对某人、某事的印象、评价、看法等。类似表达还有:,回答时,多阐明自己的看法或表明自己喜欢的程度。 常会用到下面的句型:主语love(s)/like(s)/dont(doesnt) like/cant stand宾语。或者“Sounds great./Pretty good./Its fantastic.”等表示观点、建议的表达。,(3)What do you think of/about.?与How do you like.? 句型“What

16、 do you think of/about.?”相当于“How do you like.?”,该句型提问的是对某事物的看法或印象,所以 回答这样的疑问句时,通常选择用来描述事物的形容词。 对于此句式的考查,潍坊中考设题通常放在听力题的第一 个题或考查交际用语的单项选择题中。,翻译句子。 7你认为这场足球赛如何?(think about) _?,What do you think about the football game,考点十一 辨析sound, voice和noise 【课文原句】 Hmm, the sound is very. different, isnt it? 嗯,这声音很与众不同,不是吗?(七下P72),(1)此处sound作名词,意为“声音”。 Is the sound of her babys cry?是她的婴儿的哭声吗?,(2)sound, voice与noise的用法区别,There were strange sounds coming from the next room. 隔壁房间传来奇怪的声音。 I could hear angry voices in the meeting room.我听见会 议室里愤怒的说话声。 Noise levels have been reduced by 20%.噪音值下降了20%。,


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