The Deep Meaning of Scarlet LetterNathaniel Hawthorne.doc

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1、霍桑红字的象征意义微探The Deep Meaning of Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel HawthorneContentsAbstract and key words 1I The Experiences of the Author. .2II Plot Overview and Main Characters.3III Symbols.9 IV The Content of the Deep Meaning of the Scarlet Letter.12V Conclusion.17Reference.18The Deep Meaning of Scarlet

2、 Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne摘 要:霍桑的成名作红字描写在北美殖民地的教区,一个年轻的神父丁梅斯戴尔与少妇海丝特相爱,并有了一个女儿小珠儿,这种行为触犯了加尔文教第七条戒律,被判被通奸罪,并要佩带代表这一意思的红字“A”。虽然海丝特拒不吐露同犯,但是,海丝特的丈夫齐林沃斯,一个伪善的学者开始了他罪恶的报复,他刺探他妻子的情人的内心并使其遭受精神折磨,神父最终吐露真情,并死在海丝特的怀抱。海丝特胸前的“A”字有着丰富的象征含义,并有着演变过程,从通奸(Adultery),到能干(Able),再到天使(Angel),总之,海丝特的一生由红字浓缩;同时红字还被人们理解

3、为原罪(Apple),反映人生来而罪恶,它还反映了作为社会的人和自然人的冲突;另外,霍桑无疑还从女性主义角度,对男权社会中两性的不平等进行揭露;它也是美国(American)的象征。这个模糊,隐晦的“A”字,它是一种Ambiguity,Abstract,指引着我们不断探索其象征意义。本文将通过对红字中各人物的分析,对于社会,人性,罪恶等的关系的阐述,初步讲述一些红字“A”的象征意义。 关键词:人物 象征 罪恶 社会 女性主义意识 美国Abstract:The famous work The scarlet letter written by Nathaniel Hawthorne descri

4、bes the young minister Dimmesdale and a married woman fell in love with each other in the North America colony, and they had a daughter named Pearl,it was a religious state, this doing committed adultery which was the seventh crime by the Puritan, and Hester was forced to wear the scarlet letter “A”

5、 which means Adultery .Though Hester refused to tell her coaclulterer, her husband Chillingworth who was a hypocrisy scholar lusted in revenge to the lover of his wife. He observed his inner thought movements and made him in spiritually self-torture. Dimmesdale admitted to being Pearls father at the

6、 very end of the novel, and reveals that he had a scarlet letter branded into his flesh. He died upon the scaffold while holding Hesters hand. The scarlet letter A upon Hesters breast is rich in symbolism meaning, and had a developing process. At the beginning, it means Adultery, then it was taken a

7、s Able, finally it was seen as Angel, in short, the whole life of Hester was distilled as a scarlet letter “A”; At the same time, A also taken as “original sin” (Apple).It also showed the contradiction of people in society and in nature;Additionally, Hawthorne undoubtedly, in the feminist stance, ex

8、posed the inequality of men and women in the men authorities society;It is also a symbol of Ameicanness.The ambiguous and abstract letter “A” will lead us to find out its further meaning.This paper means to analyze the main characters in the work The Scarlet Letter; the relations of society, human n

9、ature and sinness, further present some symbolism meanings of the scarlet letter “A”.Key Words: character symbolism sin society femininist consciousness America The Deep Meaning of Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel HawthorneMany teachers or literature lovers, or graduate students who study language or lit

10、erature, presented their viewpoints about the understandings of the scarlet letter. To the mysterious letter A, different people have different ideas. Today I will discuss the symbolism in The Scarlet Letter, first we will begin from analyzing authors experiences, through this we can perceive some i

11、deas from his work.I The Experiences of the AuthorNathaniel Hawthorne was born in Salem, Massachusetts, in 1804. His family descended from the earliest settlers of the Massachusetts Bay Colony; among his forebears was John Hathorne (Hawthorne added the “w” to his name when he began to write), one of

12、 the judges at the 1692 Salem witch trials. Throughout his life, Hawthorne was both fascinated and disturbed by his kinship with John Hathorne. Raised by a widowed mother, Hawthorne attended Bowdoin College in Maine, where he met two people who were to have great impact upon his life: Henry Wadsworth Long-Fellow, who would later become a famous poet, and Franklin Pierce, who would later become President of the United States.


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