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1、新郑市外国语小学 Xin Zheng Foreign Language Primary School “自备课”导学案课 题: Unit 9 Where is my toy car? The third period 学科英语年级四年级班级四年级各班主备人孙晓华审核人王娜课型词汇教学学习内容: under on in 句型:Where is my toy car? Its under the cap学习目标:1、With the help of the teacher and the tape, the students can listen and read the words ( unde

2、r,on,in ), copy under, on, in correctly. 2、With the help of the pictures,the students can point and read the words correctly.3、The students can use the new words to make some phrases and sentences.学习重点: The students can read and copy the words.学习难点: The students can recognize the new words.学法指导: Gro

3、up work, Taskbased method Game评价设计:1.针对学习目标1,可以采取观察学生的口型,表情,个别提问,小组提问的方法,检测学生对单词的发音,采取课间巡视,学生作业展示,学生间互评的方式,检测学生对单词的抄写。 2.针对学习目标2,采取个别提问,开小火车爬楼梯等形式,检测的达成情况。 3.针对学习目标3,采取个别提问的方式,同桌互说的形式。学习准备:Cards ,tape, 班班通授课节数:1节学习过程: Step Listening practice: T: Boys and girls, please open your books, turn to Page U

4、nit 9. Look at Part 1. Now lets listen to the tape. The first time, when you listen, please listen carefully and point it. The second and third time, please follow it.(落实目标1的要求)Step Presentation.1.T: Its warm today. Lets play a game, OK? First, where is my toy car ? T: where is it? Ss: 帽子下边。 T: Yes,

5、 its under the cap. under(做出在下边的手势),Now look at the new word. Listen carefully, Now who can read it? (学生个别提问发音)T: (正音) now look at my fingers. If I show one, you just read it for one time. If I show two, you read it for two times. T: Who can read it? Ask the students to read it one by one T: Look! t

6、oy car. Where is my toy car? where? Whats meaning? Ss:我的玩具车在哪里?T:clever! now, read after me.( Read it for several times)T: Where is my toy car? who can answer me ?Ss:帽子下面。T:yes, so we can say its under the cap. follow me .Ss:T: who can read it?(个别学生读)T:well, I ask ,you answer, or you ask I answer. C

7、lear?(运用师生间的相互问答来操练新单词与新句子) (落实目标2的要求)2.T: next we can see (出示玩具大象图片)。Where is it? Ss: 盒子里.T: Its in the box .in . Now who can try to read the word? Ss: 学生尝试发音,对于发音正确者,请其他同学跟读。T: Now when I read it in a low voice, you read it in a high voice. When I read it in a high voice, you read it in a low voic

8、e. T: Now who can read it? (Ask some students to read it)T:Who can make some phrases ? (老师板书学生组的词) (落实目标2的要求) Ss: .3.T: Now look ! Its a toy motorbike. Where is the toy motorbike? Ss:在地板上。.T: yes, on the floor. follow me. Ss: T:Who can make some phrases ? (落实目标2的要求 Ss: 5.Practice Ask and answer. (快问

9、快答) (落实目标3的要求)Step Writing practice.T: Please take out your exercise book quickly. Now look at the blackboard. I write a letter you write a letter. (老师进行书写指导,注重区分手写体和印刷体)T:Who wants to show your hand writing ? (展示个别学生的书写,指出其中值得学习的地方和应该改进的地方) Step V Make a composition.Hello, I am . I am a girl. Im 10. I have many toys. This is my toy bus. That is my toy plane. Where is my toy car? Oh, its under the cap. My toy ship is on the desk. Do you like toys? Can you tell me your toys? 批 注板书设计: Unit 9 Where is my toy car?Words: Sentence:under on in -Where is my toy car? -Its under the cap. 4


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