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1、词汇手册整理1. abilitythe ability to do the capability of doing be (un)able to do be capable of sth/doing 1 主语可以是物 2 可以加不好的事 Cf. was able to do ( = managed to do = succeeded in doing sth) Could enable sb. to do2. (ab)normal adj. n. above normal below normal return to normal Cf. average adj. 平均的; 典型,有代表性的

2、n. above/below average on (the) average against an average of the average drivers common adj. 人人都有;到处可见 Its common to have a mobile phone now. 共同;共有 have in common; common interest ordinary adj. general adj. 总的the general manager the general idea/outline 社会一般的the general public general knowledge gen

3、eral electiongenerally speaking in general VS in detail usual adj. universal adj. a universal truth/rule a universal language/universal peace/donor topics of universal interest n. the universe Cf. space3.aboard adv. prepgo aboard the ship.On board4.abroad adv. go/study abroad; from home and abroad5.

4、 absence n. ones absence from in the absence of = for lack of absent adj. be absent from VS be present at absent-minded6.absorb vt. absorb light/water/heat/the training/what he says (sb.) be absorbed in sth/doing sth7. accept vt. Cf accept an invitation receive an invitation Cf. be accepted by all b

5、e well/coldly/poorly received by all Cf. be accepted by a company be admitted to/into a company (un)acceptable adj. be acceptable to sb. 8.access (u)n. the access to the village have (easy/no) access to the library the Internet access (in)accessible adj. be to9.accident n. Cf. accident event inciden

6、t issue by accident = by chance = accidentally = unintentionally on purpose = by intention = by design = purposefully = intentionally10.according to the chairman/reportaccording to the specific situationaccording to me (此表达法错,正确为so/as far as I am concerned)11.account account for1)占据 Girls account fo

7、r 30% of the whole class.2)解释的原因 The student could not account for his absence.Give a detailed/full account of sthTake sth into account/considerationOn no account should we give up. We should not on any account give up.12.with great accuracyCf. accurate exact actual13.accuse sb. of sthcharge sb. wit

8、h stharrest sb. for sth.blame sb. for sth. = blame sth. on sb. scold sb. for sth.criticize sb. for sth.14.accustomed adj. his accustomed seat/ an accustomed smile be accustomed to sth./doing sth. = be used to sth./doing sth. get accustomed to sth./doing sth. = get used to sth./doing sth.15.ache n. h

9、ave a bad headache/stomachache vi. = hurt I ache all over. My heart aches for you. My leg has been hurting/aching since yesterday. Cf. hurt (hurt, hurt) vt. hurt my leg/have my leg hurt/hurt my feelings vi. My leg hurts. wound vt. a wounded solider n. = injury injure vt. injure his leg / injure his

10、feelings n. injury damage vt. damage the table/chairs damage ones health/eyesight n. do/cause damage to Cf. damages destroy vt. spoil vt. Spare the rod, spoil the child. a spoilt child spoil his birthday party/the picnic Cf. offend himharm vt. harm sb. harm ones eyes n. do harm to sb. = do sb. harm

11、= be harmful to = be bad for16.achieve vt. achieve success/ fame/recognition/an effect 达到(较抽象) achieve a task/ones aim 完成 achievement n. make achievements in accomplish vt. accomplish a task/ones aim 完成 accomplish something/nothing/wonders/whatever you do 做到(具体) fulfill vt. fulfill a promise/contras

12、t 履行 fulfill a task 完成 fulfill ones needs/requirements = meet; satisfy 满足17.acquire vt. acquire sth. 获得 acquire a knowledge of French/a bad reputation 学得;养成 gain vt .gain sth. gain/lose five minutes a day obtain vt. obtain sth. obtain ones goal earn vt. earn sb. sth. win vt. win sth. win sb. sth. wi

13、n over sb. 18. across the desert; shout across the room; run across the plainCome across19.act as act n. Cf. act behaviour action deed20.actual adj. the actual price/ the actual cost/ his actual words/ in actual fact Cf. real real leather/silk a real person in real life true Its not true. She made u

14、p the story. true love/friends21.adapt v. adapt sth. to sth. adapt oneself to sth. = adapt to sth. adopt vt. adopt a child adopt a good attitude/the proposaladjust vt. adjust the focus/ the clock adjust oneself to sth. = adjust to sth.22.add v. add sth. to sth. add up A and B add that 接着说 add to sth

15、. = increase sth. 增添了 add to our helplessness (sth) add up to 总和 addition n. in addition to = besides in addition = besides = furthermore = whats more23.address n. 注意词义 vt. address the envelope address the meeting/ a large audience24.admire vt. admire you/ admire your bravery /admire you for your br

16、avery admire the beautiful sunset = appreciate 25.admit vt. admit sb. to/into sp. admit doing sth. VS deny doing sth. Cf. permit vt. permit sth. permit doing sth. permit sb. to do allow vt. allow sth. allow doing sth. allow sb. to do advise doing advise sb. to do recommend doing recommend sb. to do2

17、6.advance v. n. C/U make advances in = make progress in advancement n. U advanced technology / advanced course27.take full advantage of = make full use of = make the most of Cf. make the best of have an advantage over sb. 28.adventure n. 冒险的活动Cf. venture n. 冒险的事业 Every venture has the possibility of

18、 making or losing money. Risk29.advertise the new car model in the newspaperadvertise for a job/roommate30.advise sb. on sth. suggest sth.advise sb. to do suggest ones doingadvise doing suggest (to sb.) that (should) doadvise that(should) do give advice to sb. on sth. make a suggestion to sb. give t

19、ips to sb. on sth.31.affair (usu. pl.) foreign affairs/ political affairs household affairs/ a love affair Cf. business do business with business hours on business or for pleasure Its none of your business. set up/start a business matter Its a matter of choice/of personal tastes/life and death. Is t

20、here anything the matter with you?32.affect vt . affect a childs growth (不良影响) be affected by the story = be moved/touched by the story be affected by a disease = be infected with/by a disease = develop/catch/pick up/(carry) a disease Cf. influence vt. influence a childs thought/opinion n. U have in

21、fluence on effect n. have an effect on achieve the intended effect cause and effectcreate a wonderful sound effect(sth.)take effect bring sth. into effect effort n. make effort(s) to do without effort(s) in ones efforts to do spare no efforts to do through combined efforts impact n. have an impact o

22、n33.afford vt. 买得起 afford sth. afford to do 承受得起后果 A language learner cannot afford not to have a dictionary.34.afraid adj. be afraid to do be afraid of doing Cf. I am afraid of dogs. I fear dogs. Dogs frighten me. I am frightened at dogs.35. agree to do agree to my plan agree with me/my words/what

23、I saidHis words dont agree with his actions. 相符 The food/weather here does not agree with me. 适合,适宜 (All of them) agree on (a date)come to/reach/arrive at an agreementagreeable(= pleasant) people/weather36.ahead of me 在前面;胜过ahead of time/schedule VS behind time ahead of ones time/the times VS behind

24、 the times 落后于时代37.aid n. a knowledge of first aid hearing aids audio-visual aids teaching aids come to/ go to ones aid/help/rescue/assistance with the aid of = with the help ofaid v. = help; assist aid (sb.) with sth. aid sb. in doing 38. aim his gun at the target aim his words at me aim at sth. ai

25、m to do = aim at doing The advert aims at promoting good service. aim high achieve ones aim to do sth.39. alike(adv.) The boss treats us all alike. (=in the same way)(adj.) The two brothers look much alike. Cf. A looks like B. 40.Cf. alive the oldest man alive catch sb. alivekeep sb. aliveliving the

26、 oldest living man the living and the dead a living languagelively a lively boy/lessonlive (adj.)a live broadcast/match experiment on live animals(adv.)be broadcast live41.all students/all the students/all of the studentsall of themin allall in allafter allabove allfirst of allall over(not) at all42

27、.almost nobody/nothing/nonot nearly satisfactory = far from satisfactory/perfect/enoughalmost/nearly everybodyCf. almost/most/mostly43.alone adj. She is alone, but she is not lonely. adv. do it alone = do it on ones own = do it by oneself Money alone(光,仅仅) cant make me happy. lonely adj. She is lone

28、ly. a lonely girl a lonely village = a remote/faraway village44. amaze vt. amuse vt. 45.have an ambition to do sthachieve/realize/fulfill ones ambition46.a large amount of; a great deal of + Uplenty of, a large quantity of; large quantities of + U/Cmasses of; a good many; a large number of + C47.in

29、ancient times VS in modern timesthe ancients48.be angry with sb. at/about sth.49.announce vt. 公开宣布announce sth. ( announce their marriage) announce that declare vt. (权威.政府)宣布; 申报关税declare sth. (declare peace/war) declare sth/sb. (to be) + n./adj. (declare the meeting open) declare thatclaim vt. 要求获得

30、权利;认领某物 claim sth. (claim the wallet/ claim the reward) 自称 claim to do ( 无claim sb. to do) claim that demand vt. 需要 demand sth. ( demand great care/patience) = need sth.= call for sth. = require sth. (强烈)要求 demand sth. ( demand an apology/ demand a reasonable explanation) demand to do (无demand sb. t

31、o do) demand that(should) do require vt. 需要require sth.= need sth. = demand sth. = call for sth. require doing = require to be done ( = want; need; deserve) (规定) 要求require sb. to do (sb. ) be required to do require too much of sb. = ask too much of sb. = expect too much of sb. ( = beg sth. of sb.) r

32、equire that(should) do n. requirement meet/satisfy admission/entrance requirements inquire vi. 咨询,询问inquire for sth. = ask for inquire about sth. = ask about inquire into the matter inquire after sb. n. inquiry make inquiries for/about/into/after request vt. 请求 request sth. (from sb. ) request sb. t

33、o do request that(should) do n. make an request for sth. a pamphlet will be sent on/upon request at ones request = at the request of sb. command vt. command the army / command silence 指挥 command respect/ command a high price 博得 command a large vocabulary/ command English = master command sb. to do c

34、ommand that(should) do n. have a good command of English = have a good mastery of English50. annoy vt. 惹恼annoy sb. (with sth.) be annoyed by the poor bus service disturb vt. 打搅disturb sb. (with sth.) Dont disturb. 扰乱disturb the smooth surface of the river disturb the balance of nature 使心烦意乱be distur

35、bed by the news disturbance n.interrupt vt. 打断interrupt us (with sth.) interrupt our conversationbother vt . 打搅bother sb. with sth. vi. 麻烦;费心Dont bother to do that. Dont bother about supper.He hasnt even bothered to write to his parents. 他甚至懒得写信给他爸妈51.answer vt. answer the question = reply to the qu

36、estion answer the telephone/doorbell/the appeal of the government answer for 为。负责 n. = reply52. be anxious for sth. = be eager for=be desperate for be anxious about sth. = be worried about 53.anyhow = anyway adv. 无论如何Cf. somehow adv. 不知怎么的; 以某种方式 somewhat adv. = a bit; a little54.apologize to sb. fo

37、r sth.make an apology to sb. for sth.55.appeal vi.恳求;要求 appeal to sb. for sth./ appeal to sb. to do sth. = call on sb. to do = urge sb. to do 诉诸appeal to war/arms 吸引appeal to me appeal n. make an appeal for sth.56.Cf. sb. appear/seem/happen to be/to do There appear/seem/happen to beIt appear/seem/ha

38、ppen that Cf. sb. is said/reported/known/assumed/thought/believedto be/to doIt is said/reported/known/assumes/thought/believed thatAs is known, .57. have an appetite for sth. lose/stimulate ones appetite58. burst into applause warm applause join in the applause59. electrical appliances = electrical

39、equipment household appliances Cf. appliance 器具electrical/household appliancesequipment Utool carpenters tools /gardeners toolsinstrument lab/musical/medical instruments an instrument for/of communicationdevice a device for peeling apples/for closing the door automaticallyimplement 用具farming/writing/gardening implementsfacility U 便利 be used with great facility pl.设施 kitchen/airport/educational/language teaching ple


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