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1、英语文体学导论期末考查论文I wondered lonely as a cloud文体分析班级:_ 学号:_ 姓名:_This poem was one of William Wordsworths representatives. It is said that this poem was written through the authors experience, going sight-seeing with his sister and being greatly attracted by the native nature. And it belongs to the emotio

2、n recollected in tranquility. The main idea of the poem is that at first the author felt depressed and then was inspired by the enjoyable daffodils to become happy at last. In this poem, the author greatly appreciates the daffodils. Of course, stylistics is quite important in writing for it can help

3、 author express their ideas more effectively so it is unavoidable for Wordsworth to adopt some aspects of stylistics. This article discusses the language of this poem from syntax, phonology and graphology, semantics, lexical, language usage and passage.1. Syntax (1) Repetition is used for the sake o

4、f emphasis to highlight a particular meaning.a) “I gazed- and gazed- but little thought”, the word “gazed” means a long time staring, and the author repeats it 2 times in order to show a very long time in enjoying the pleasant moment with the daffodils and expresses the authors endless happiness.b)

5、Another word “dance” or “dancing” appears every stanza in this poem, which emphasizes the happiness of those daffodils from beginning to the end, and shows the endless pleasant of the nature. (2) Parallelisms refers to the same structure is repeated two or more than two times. It can produce some es

6、thetic efforts: patterned and in rhyme, good to read. “Besides the lake, beneath the trees”, they are prepositional phrases and shows the position of those daffodils. (3) Inverted sentences are to change the normal word to produce some emphatic effect. “Ten thousand saw I at a glance”, here is to em

7、phasize that the daffodils are initiative, I the passive, and also can show “I” was influenced by the daffodils pleasure. Another effect is to achieve the same rhyme, such as “what wealth the show to me had brought” and “And then my heart with pleasure fills”.2. Phonology (1) Phonaesthesia (sound sy

8、mbolism) occurs when certain sounds become associated with certain meanings even though they so not attempt to imitate the sound. It used to achieve a sense of reality and vividness. Through reading the word “twinkle”, readers have a image of this action in mind; and the word “tossing” has the same

9、effect. Even though readers do not experience the real situation, they still can feel what the picture is because these words can create those pictures in peoples minds. (2) Sound pattering can achieve a sense of rhythm and harmonious and connective effect. a) Alliteration refers to the repetition o

10、f the initial sound, such as “Besides the lake, beneath the trees”. This kind of alliteration can make sentences tripping off tongue. b) Assonance refers to the use of the same related vowel sounds in successive words. “Lonely, o er, host, gold”, this usage of the same sound “/ou/” creates a harmoni

11、ous effect and sounds good. (3) Rhythm refers to a rhyme scheme (pattern) formed by stresses perceived as peaks of prominence. And this poem is iambic pentameter, and its rhyme scheme is ababcc. its sure to sounds good. Besides, readers would have an expectation of the next coming rhyme after one. E

12、very stanza has end rhyme in this poem. For example, the end rhyme in the first stanza is /d/ /z/ /d/ /z/ /z/ /z/. (4) Punctuation marks are mainly used for special stylistic effects or rhetorical purposes. This poem adopts dash. “I gazed- and gazed- but little thought”, in this sentence, the origin

13、al meaning of the “gazed” is a long time, and the usage of two dash here is to express the time of addiction in the pleasure with little thought is so long that “I” realizes it is too long. It greatly helps the author convey his idea.3. Semantics (1) Reference means that some units of language can b

14、e explained by referring to some other elements in the above or in the text below. And the author uses anaphora, one kind of reference, points above in this poem. “They” appearing in the second, third and forth stanza refers to the daffodils in the first stanza. This kind of reference can avoid repe

15、tition or burdensome, and looks simple of a language. (2) Conjunction refers to the elements which connect the clauses and sentences in a text, such words as, “and”, “however”, etc. “And then my heart with pleasure fills, And dances with the daffodils.” It is used to show the detailed relations with

16、 each parts and this can show the author present emotion filling with happiness and pleasure.4. Lexical (1) Many of the words (images) chosen are simple words which have concrete meanings and frequently used in our daily life. So readers can easily understand the meaning. Even though these words are

17、 simple, they can form a very vivid, wonderful picture appearing in readers minds. This indicates that the author is happy when wondering in the nature. The author expresses his feeling of happiness through the picture formed by those simple words. (2) “Wealth” in the third stanza refers to the spir

18、itual wealth which means the happiness and pleasure brought by daffodils, and it also can show the great power of the nature which can influence human beings emotion.5. Language (1) Simile. “I wondered lonely as a cloud”, here the author has “I” to “cloud” to express the authors loneness and depress

19、ion. And besides, the author regards daffodils to stars to express the large number of the daffodils and their pleasure and happiness. (2) Personification. “Tossing their heads” to show the daffodils have the same character of human. And “outdid the sparkling waves in glee”, here the author gives th

20、e daffodils a feeling of happiness as human beings. In fact, the author employs personification throughout this poem for the author endows the daffodils feelings as human. This can help readers easily understand the pleasure. (3) Antitheses. When the author expresses the daffodils are pleasant, he m

21、akes a comparison with the dancing waves to show that the daffodils are happier than the waves. This can fully express the authors intention.6. Passage At the beginning, the author expresses a kind of depression and loneness, but at once, the authors feeling changes with the appearance of the dancin

22、g daffodils. And then describes the daffodils pleasure and happiness to show the beauty of nature can affect humans inner heart through some images in the natural world. This poem mainly shows the beautiful nature and its great influence on human. It is a kind of expression emotion through images. I

23、n conclusion, this poem, “I Wondered Lonely as a Cloud”, reflects many sides of stylistics, including syntax (repetition, parallelisms, and inverted sentences), phonology (phonaesthesia, sound pattering, rhythm, and punctuation mark), semantics (reference, conjunction), lexical (images), and languag

24、e. It fully helps express the authors feeling and create an unexpected effect. In a word, stylistics can be almost found and used in every kinds of writing.Bibliography1. Wang Shouren, 2005. Selected Readings in British Literature. M High Education Press 2. Wang Zuoliang, Ding Wangdao.1987. Introduc

25、tion to English Stylistics. M Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press3. Zhang Deilu, Zhang Guo.2008. A Coursebook on English Stylistics. M High Education PressI wondered lonely as a cloud William Wordsworth (17701850)I wondered lonely as a cloud That floats on high oer vales and hills, When all

26、 at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils: Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the milky way, They stretched in never-ending line Along the margin of a bay: Ten thousand saw I at a glance, Tossing their

27、 heads in sprightly dance. The waves beside them danced, but they Outdid the sparking waves in glee; A Poet could not but be gay; In such a jocund company; I gazedand gazedbut little thought What wealth the show to me had brought: For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude; And then my heart with pleasure fills, And dances with the daffodils.(unit 6, Wang Shouren, 2005. Selected Readings in British Literature. M High Education Press)(选自英国文学选读第三版,2005年王守仁主编,第六单元)


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