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1、9 What is Dongdong going to do? (Part D)教学设计一、教学目标:1.能理解新单词和短语:meat, umbrella, newspaper, cross the road, stop his car。2.能掌握句型-What isgoing to do? He/ She is going to3.能在语言实践中熟练且正确地运用“be going to”结构构成的一般将来时。二、教学重点及难点重点:理解新单词和短语:meat, umbrella, newspaper, cross the road, stop his car。难点:在各种情景交际中熟练且正确

2、地运用“be going to”结构构成的一般将来时。三、教学准备报纸一份、雨伞一把、多媒体四、教学设计实物教学法、情景教学法五、教学步骤Step 1 Warming up1. Greetings.2. Today,I will divide you into two Groups. You are Group A, you are Group B. 3. Play a game.T: First, lets listen and do. Please follow me. swim, swim, swim run, run, run sleep, sleep, sleep read, rea

3、d, readLets do again. “swim, swim, swim; run, run, run; sleep, sleep, sleep; read, read, read” Well done! Please look at me. What is Miss Long going to do? (The teacher yawns) Guess, please!Ss: Miss Long is going to sleep.Step 2 Presentation and drill1. T: Now, look at the screen. What is she going

4、to do? (go to school)Ss: She is going to school.T: Yes. She is going to school. Read after me“going to school”(twice) Please answer me. What is she going to do?Ss: She is going to school.Then, ask some students to answer the question.2. Show a picture of meat.T: Whats this?Ss: Its a piece of meat.Te

5、ach “meat”“ea” /i:/,mea/mi:/,meat/ mi:t/T: What is she going to do?Ss: She is going to buy some meat.Teach “buy some meat” (twice)Teach the sentence patterns: -What is she going to do? - She is going to buy some meat.Ask and answer.1) Group A and Group B. 2) Work in pairs. 3) Performance. 4) Ask som

6、e students to answer.3. Show a picture of umbrella.T: Whats this?Ss: Its an umbrella.Teach “umbrella”.T: Who can read the word?S1: Umbrella, umbrella.T: Good job!Show an umbrella.T: Whats this?Ss: Its an umbrella.T: Yes, youre right. Its an umbrella. What is Miss Long going to do?Ss: Miss Long is go

7、ing to open her umbrella.Teach “open her umbrella”T: What is Miss Long going to do?Ss: Miss Long is going to open her umbrella.T: Look! What is she going to do? Hands up!S2: She is going to open her umbrella.T: Good! Answer me together! What is she going to do?Ss: She is going to open her umbrella.

8、(Twice)Ask and answer. 1) Work in pairs. 2) Performance.4. Show a newspaper.T: What this?Ss: Its a newspaper.Teach “newspaper”T: Who can read the word?S3: Newspaper, newspaper.T: Excellent! Look at the screen. Whats that? Hands up!S4: Its a newspaper.T: Well done! Now, answer together!Whats that?Ss:

9、 Its a newspaper.T: What is he going to do?Ss: He is going to read the newspaper.Teach “read the newspaper”T: What is he going to do?Ss: He is going to read the newspaper. (Twice)Ask and answer. 1) Work in pairs.2) Performance. 3) Ask some students to answer.5. Show a picture of road.T: Whats this?S

10、s: Its a road.Teach “road”T: What is he going to do?Ss: He is going to cross the road.Teach “cross the road”Ask and answer.6. Show a picture of car.T: Whats this?Ss: Its a car.T: What is he going to do?Ss: He is going to stop his car.Teach “stop his car”Ask and Answer.Step 3 PracticeT: Please look a

11、t the picture. Who are they?Ss: They are Mr Li, Mr Zhang, Mr Wu, Wenwen and Johnny.T: What are they going to do? Now, lets say one by one.T: Who is he?Ss: He is Mr Wu. T: What is Mr Wu going to do? Hands up!S5:He is going to buy some meat.T: Wonderful!Answer me together!What is Mr Wu going to do?Ss:

12、 He is going to buy some meat.T:Read the sentences together.Speak other peoples plans with the same method.Step 4 Consolidation1. Show some pictures and answer the questions.2. Ask your classmates “What are you going to do this weekend?板书: Unit 9 What is Dongdong going to do? (PartD) What is he/she going to do? He/She is going to school. buy some meat. Open her umbrella. read the newspaper. cross the road. stop his car.再在黑板左边画两棵苹果树画苹果奖励学生。教学反思:本课从字,词,句对学生进行递进式新授,操练。重点难点得到突破,通过合作学习,学生掌握较好。但教学方式较单一,操练形式更需多样化。


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