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《片段Section D.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《片段Section D.doc(17页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Section DThe main activities are 1a and 3. 本课重点活动是1a和3。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some new words and phrases:2. Review how to give advice:(1)You should/shouldnt (2)Youd better (not) do (3)Why not ? / Why dont you ?3. Review the form of the e-mail. Teaching aids 教具小黑板/录音机/幻灯片/小纸箱/卡片. Fi

2、ve-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:15分钟)1.Have a test (before class )2.通过复习疾病及建议的表达方式,导入本课新单词。(1). (归纳总结Topic 1, 强化前三个Section中的重点知识。 T: Boys and girls, today we will review the main knowledge.(可挂小黑板。)(运用头脑风暴,复习本话题所学有关疾病和建议的相关词、短语、句子。将学生分成四组,填写多的组为优胜组,全班同学击掌三下,以示鼓励。)(可以在准备好的小黑板上画出下

3、面的表格。)(第一块小黑板)AboutIllnessGroupABCDWordPhraseSentence(第二块小黑板)AboutAdviceGroupABCDWordPhraseSentence(让学生将刚才所填写的词、短语和句子,利用两人一组对话的形式,串编起来,进一步复习巩固,使学生能在实际交际中运用自如。)(教师走到学生中间。几分钟之后。)T:Stop here. Ill ask one student to say his illness. The other student gives him some advice.S1:I have a toothache.S2:You sh

4、ould go to see a dentist.S3:I have a headache.S4:Youd better stay in bed and take a good rest.S5:Im feeling terrible.S6:Youd better go to see a doctor.S7:I have the flu.S8:You should drink lots of boiled water.2. (让学生利用本话题中重要语句编对话。采用接龙方式进行。)T:Well done! Now, sum up the main language points in this t

5、opic by yourselves, and then make a dialog one by one.S9:Whats wrong with you? / Whats the matter?S10:Im afraid S11:Youd better drink a lot of boiled water. / Youd better have a good rest.T:Very good.(教师边听学生说边板书,总结语言点,并适时讲解。)Language points:Whats wrong with ?Whats the matter ?take a resttake care of

6、a lot of/lots oftake some medicine/take some pillsbrush ones teethDont worry!nothing serious3. (利用上面板书的内容造句子,将学生分成A、B两组进行竞赛。教师说出比赛规则,每组每说对一次,就得到一个“”,对号最多的为获胜组。)T:Then lets have a competition. This side is Group A. That side is Group B. Lets make sentences, OK?Ss:OK.T:Take a good rest.(GA)S1:You shou

7、ld take a good rest.T:Good. Take care of.(GB)S1:You should take care of your eyes.T:Take some pills.(GA)S2:When I have a cold, I take some pills.T:Good.(同时板书)Group A Group B T:Group A wins! Congratulations!(GA)Ss:Yeah!(全班同学击掌三下,教师给予表扬。在欢快的气氛中结束复习,激发学生学习新知识的兴趣。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:7分钟)通过对疾病

8、和建议的表达方式的复习,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。1. (根据对话内容猜词,然后听录音,完成1。)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:8分钟)复习英文电子邮件格式,根据关键词讲故事,培养学生综合运用语言的能力和口头表达能力。1. (复习英文电子邮件格式。)T: According to the two e-mails, sum up the form of the English e-mail.(挑几个学生说出格式的特点,教师最后归纳并补充。)2. (巩固1, 完成2内容。)Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:5分钟)通过对语法内容的训练及重点句子的

9、听写,让学生灵活运用所学知识,达到学以致用的目的。T: Now, please listen to me. Then Ill dictate some of the sentences. (听写内容:)I dont feel like eating.I have a headache/the flu.Im sorry to hear that.How are you feeling today?But my left leg still hurts when I move it.(听写完成之后,上交学习组长检查。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)通过做游戏,

10、进一步复习本话题的重点知识,使学生能把所学知识用于实际生活中。1. (通过对话及听写的训练,学生基本掌握了保持健康这个话题。下面做一个游戏。)T: Boys and girls, now lets have an interesting game. Well play “Dr. Know-it-all” in our class. (解释Dr. Know-it-all的意思。) (给每位学生发一张卡片,让其在卡片上写出一种疾病名称。) T: Each student has one card. Please write down a kind of illness on your card.

11、(必要时可作解释。) (教师收集每一个学生自制的卡片,然后把它们混合放在一个小纸箱里。) T: Now, I call one student to come to the front, get one card out of the box, and then act as a patient. The others guess whats wrong with him/her. Then give him/her some advice.(学生以抢答方式进行,讲台上的学生表演卡片上所写的病症,如果下面的学生猜对了,表演病人的学生要喊Yes,然后猜对的学生继续给建议,若建议合理,教师要说Go

12、od idea;如果猜错了,表演病人的学生便说No,然后由其他学生来抢着猜。)Example:S1: Ouch! (手摸后背)S2:Do you have a backache?S1: Yes!S2: Oh, you shouldnt lift heavy things.T: Good idea!S1: Thank you!(教师可以找一名学生帮助统计,选出Dr. Know-it-all。)2. (回忆本课开始时,第一步复习中的关于疾病和建议的头脑风暴。两人一组,将其记录下来,复习几遍选出几组,由两人分别将illness及advice复述给全班同学。说得流利且内容多的小组获胜。教师准备几份小礼

13、物作为奖励。) T: Well done! Congratulations to the winners.(鼓掌,在愉快的气氛中结束本课。)3. Homework:让学生仿照1a和1b写e-mail。T: Please write an e-mail according to 1a and 1b after class.Written work:(1)假设你和同桌是一对相距遥远的朋友,你喜欢哈利波特这部电影,但在当地买不到它的影碟。你的朋友送了你一张哈利波特的影碟(DVD),你非常喜欢。由于你最近患了重感冒,头痛、发烧、咳嗽,所以一直没看。出于礼貌,你给朋友发一份e-mail,告知近况。(2)

14、同桌写封回信。主要是针对病情给些好的建议。(这一步需要两名同学合作,经过1a和1b的练习,这部分不会太难。)板书设计:Section DtYoud better see a doctor.Youd better not . You should stay in bed. You should eat hot food.4.教学后记:Topic 2 I must ask him to give up smoking.Section AThe main activities are 1a,2 and 3a. 本课重点活动是1a, 2和3a。. Teaching aims and demands 教

15、学目标1. Learn some new words: cause, tired, litter,meal, without2. Learn some knowledge of healthy habits and unhealthy habits: (1)Staying up late is bad for your health. (2)Is going to bed early good or bad for our health?Its good.3. Get to know that its necessary for us to have healthy habits. Teach

16、ing aids 教具多媒体课件/小黑板/录音机/幻灯片. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:6分钟)1.Have a test (before class)2.复习Topic 1中有关疾病的话题,导入生活习惯与健康的话题。导入新课。(1). (采用由浅入深的方式,复习Topic 1所学的关于表达疾病及建议的方式。首先以师生问答的形式帮助学生回忆。)T:Boys and girls, today Im not feeling well. If I have a toothache, what should I do?

17、S1:You should go to see a dentist.T:If I have a headache, what should I do?S2:Youd better stay in bed and have a good rest.T:If I have a cold, what should I do?S3:Youd better go to see a doctor.T: You are very clever!(板书重点句型。)If I have a , what should I do?toothacheheadachecold You should/shouldnt /

18、 Youd better (not) / Why not ?(通过问题的进一步深入,引导学生说出更多的建议方式,最后由学生以对话形式表演出以上疾病和建议内容。)(2). (由疾病话题,谈及如何保持健康,再过渡到生活习惯。通过调查几个学生的生活习惯,导入本话题。) T:When we are ill, we feel terrible. So health is very important. If we have good living habits, we will be in good health. Do you think so? Ss:Yeah! (板书,让学生猜测词义并要求学生掌握

19、。)health T:Now I will make a survey about your living habits. Would you mind answering? Ss:Of course not.T:Do you brush your teeth every day?S4:Yes.T:Is it a good or bad living habit, boys and girls?Ss:Its a good habit.T:Yes, its good for our health. In this lesson, lets talk more about living habit

20、s and discuss which are bad and which are good.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:11分钟)继续调查学生的生活习惯,引出1a中有关表达生活习惯与健康的词汇和短语。培养学生的听说能力。1. (找同学回答问题。) T:Do you usually go to bed late?S1: No, I dont.T:Very good. Its good for your health.T:S2, what do you usually do before going to bed?S2:I usually play compute

21、r games.T:Do you always do that very late?S2Yes, I do. I like it very much.T:Are you tired next day?S2:Yes, I am.T:Oh, its too bad. I think staying up late caused you to feel tired. It is bad for your health.(解释stay up late这个词组。)T: When are you going to bed this evening, S2?(板书要求掌握。)cause, tiredS2:I

22、m going to bed at nine this evening.T:Good. Its good for your health.2. (通过图片展示一些生活习惯。然后让学生判断图片上表示的习惯是否有益健康。) (教师可利用多媒体出示(1)一个学生晨跑的画面。(2)一男孩不洗手就吃饭的画面。(3)一男孩吃饭囫囵吞枣的画面。(4)一男孩抽烟的画面。(5)一个学生早上做早操的画面。如果没有多媒体,教师可以直接表演动作或用出示图片的方式来导入。)Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4 Picture 5T:Lets look at the screen

23、. (Show Picture 1) Is it good for your health?Ss:Yes, it is.T:(Show Picture 2) Is it good or bad for your health?Ss:Its bad.3. (由生活习惯切入到主人公Kangkang的问题上来,设置听力任务。听1a录音。)T: Today, our friend, Kangkang, looks tired. Whats wrong with him? Now, please listen to the tape and find out the answers.(教师用多媒体或小黑

24、板出示课前准备好的问题。)(1)Whats wrong with Kangkang today? Why?(2)What advice does Jane give Kangkang?(核对答案。)4. (让学生跟读1a,并找出关键词。)T: Now open your books. Read 1a after the tape and find out the key words in the dialog.(可让学生举手发言回答问题,也可抢答。教师板书关键词,为学生下一步自由表演做准备。)(板书)look tired, headache, soccer game, stay up, lat

25、e, be bad for , feel better, Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:8分钟)完成1b。通过表演,复述等活动,进一步巩固和强化对1a的理解。1. (可让学生看1b的例子,两人一组完成1b。)2. (让学生根据板书的关键词,用自己的语言表演1a对话。巩固1a中呈现的重要短语。) T: Now please practice and act the dialog out in pairs, using the key words on the blackboard. (教师走到学生中间指导。几分钟后,找两个同学到讲台前来表演。) T: Well d

26、one!3. (在表演的基础上,教师对1a中主人公Kangkang的问题提问,学生回答,进一步强化对1a的理解。)T: Now lets talk about the story together. What caused Kangkangs problem? S1, please.(必要时,可用汉语解释本句。)S1:He watched a soccer game on TV last night. He went to bed very late.T:So he didnt get enough sleep. Whats Kangkangs feeling now?Ss:Kangkang

27、is tired and has a headache.T: Yes. Because Kangkang didnt get enough sleep, he is tired and has a headache. Then whats Janes advice for Kangkang, S2?S2:Jane thinks staying up late is bad for his health. She asks Kangkang to go to bed early this evening.T:You are very clever. Is Kangkang going to be

28、d early this evening?Ss:Yes, he is.T:Very good. 4. (让学生自编对话,巩固1a对话中所呈现的内容。)T: Next, make a dialog according to 1a and the example in 1d.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)通过听、说、读、写等形式的活动,进一步练习和扩展关于生活习惯的词汇及短语,并学习应用选择疑问句来判断生活习惯与健康的关系,引导学生养成良好的生活习惯。完成2, 3a, 和3b。Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)通过采访、学唱歌等综合

29、探究活动,增强健康意识。1. (教师提出问题,让学生以采访的形式收集答案。每次请46名学生帮助教师收集答案。)T: You can walk around our classroom and help me find the answers. What is good for your health?(两分钟后。)T:Let me see who can get the most answers. Go!S1:Whats good for your health?S2:Doing morning exercises.S1:Whats good for your health?S3:Washin

30、g hands before meals.S1:Whats good for your health?Sn:(教师须限定时间,答案收集完毕后,请收集答案的学生依次到讲台前作汇报。对于收集答案较多的同学,给予表扬。)(做另一个采访并收集答案:Whats bad for your health?)T:Well done! Thank you! Now lets make another survey. The question is: What is bad for your health? Begin!S4: Whats bad for your health?S5: Staying up la

31、te.S4: Whats bad for your health?S6: Going to school without having breakfast.(必要时教师给予学生指点。)2. (学习生活常识,深化健康意识。) T:You all did well today, boys and girls. So I will give you a gift now.Ss:What?T:An English song Keeping Fit.(教师可放幻灯片,也可写在黑板上。)Keeping FitEat well for your breakfast,Eat right for your lu

32、nch,Eat a little for your supper,You can always keep fit.(这首歌仍然可以采用大家熟悉的生日快乐歌的曲调。这样学生学起来容易。)T:Let me sing this song for you, OK?Ss:Yeah!T:Do you like it?Ss:Yes.T:OK, this time follow me.(教师教唱两遍后,学生可以自己唱。)3. Homework: 写一篇短文介绍你周围人的生活习惯,判断他们的生活习惯对健康是否有益。板书设计:I must ask him to give up smoking.Section Al

33、ook tiredIm sorry to hear that.stay up lateStaying up late is bad for your health.do morning exercisesI must have a good rest tonight.take some medicineIs going to bed early good or bad for our health?be good/bad forIts good.4.教学后记Section BThe main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。. Teaching a

34、ims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some new words:article, smoke, cancer, litter, necessary, enough2. Learn some useful sentences:(1) How terrible!(2) Its necessary for your health.(3) I must ask him to give up smoking.3. Form good living habits. Teaching aids 教具卡片或多媒体课件/图片/录音机/磁带/小黑板或幻灯片. Five-finger Tea

35、ching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)1.Have a test.(before class)2.复习巩固Section A的内容,导入1a的生词。1). (教师出示教学卡片或多媒体课件,复习学过的良好生活习惯及不良生活习惯。将其顺序打乱,让学生分出好与坏两类。)T:Hello, boys and girls. Lets look at the living habits in the pictures. Choose good habits from them, and say them out in English. First, go

36、od habits, please.Ss:Going to bed early and get up early.Doing morning exercises.Washing hands before meals.Brushing teeth twice a day.T:Well done! Then bad ones, please.Ss:Staying up late at night.Going to school without breakfast.Playing sports right after meals.Keeping fingernails long.2). (以问候学生

37、的方式,复习前面所学知识。通过师生问答的形式导入其他不良习惯,学习新知识。) T:Nice work. How are you feeling today? Ss:Very well, thanks. T:Im glad to hear that. I think health is very important. Do you think so, boys and girls? Ss:Yes. T:What is good for your health? S1:Washing hands before meals.S2:Going to bed early. S3:Doing mornin

38、g exercises. S4:Brushing teeth twice a day. S5:Keeping short fingernails. T:Whats bad for your health? S6:Staying up late. S7:Keeping long fingernails. S8:Going to school without breakfast. S9:Eating too much candy. S10:Working too long. T:Well done! Lets begin the new lesson to learn more about the

39、 good and bad living habits.3). (教师出示此课中所涉及的不良习惯的图片,逐步导入新课。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:12分钟)通过听、说的训练,学习1a,并强化对1a的理解。1. (设置听力任务,播放1a录音,完成听力任务。)T: Oh, smoking is bad for our health. Please listen to 1a, and answer the following questions:(1)Which part of our body is smoking bad for?(2)What may smok

40、ing cause?(核对答案。教师可以帮助学生回答第二个问题。)T:Well. What may smoking cause?Ss:“癌症”。T:Right. The article says smoking is bad for our lungs. It may cause cancer. So we must ask people to give up smoking.(板书并要求掌握。)article, cancer2. (跟读1a,注意语音语调,然后写出对话中的关键词及关键短语。)T: Now, please read 1a after the tape. Pay attentio

41、n to the pronunciation and intonation. Then find out the key words or phrases in this dialog.(板书并让全班同学齐读,进一步熟悉关键词及关键短语,为下一步复述对话做准备。)read in the sun, article about smoking, help him relax, be bad for health, teeth, yellow, cough, be bad for our lungs, cause, cancer, terrible, give up, show to3. (让学生再

42、读1a,找出关键句型。) T: Read 1a again and find out the main sentence patterns.(板书,解释并强化。)ask sb. (not) to do sth.must (not) do sth.give up doing sth.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:6分钟)复述1a对话,完成1b和1c。对must, must not及dont的用法进行操练。1. (根据板书的关键词与关键短语,复述1a对话。) T:Close your books, and look at the key words on the b

43、lackboard and try to retell the dialog. (巩固板书的关键句型,灵活应用。) T: Well done! Please make new sentences with “ask sb. (not) to do sth./must (not) do sth./give up doing sth.”(对个别学生提问。)2. (完成1b,教育学生要养成良好的生活习惯。) (让学生看图并连线,找几名学生读出连线后的完整句子。)T: Very good. Now please look at the pictures in 1b. Read the good or

44、bad habits and match. Then Ill ask some of you to say your answers.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:7分钟)完成2a和2b。让学生学习更多有关良好生活习惯的表达方式。Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)1.通过综合探究活动,进一步巩固本节课所学的语言点,并运用到实际生活中。帮助学生养成良好的生活习惯。2. Homework: 根据你所积累的个人卫生习惯的相关知识,结合本节课所学的must, must not/dont的用法,分别写出至少五条健康的和不健康的生活习惯,并将好的习惯

45、运用到实际生活中。3.板书设计:I must ask him to give up smoking.Section Bbe good forSmoking is bad for his health.be bad forIt may cause cancer.give up doing sth. I must ask him to give up smoking. to do sth. Its necessary for your health.ask sb.not to do sth.It will keep you active during the day. do sth. Breakfast gives you energy for the morning.must not do sth.4.教学后记:Section CThe main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。. Teaching aims and deman


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