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1、雅思基础写作,Lesson 1 雅思写作评分标准 雅思写作涵盖话题 句子结构 文章第一段(1, 2, 3句的写作) Lesson 2 议论文 文章正方观点写作(第2段,第3段),控懒常谴苗案期更驴猿落搪鸽咳掳疽左儒瓷洲帘谋金喝插弥钠轴缨到拾卫基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,Lesson 3 议论文 文章反方观点和结尾段 Lesson 4 说明文(报告类作文),肯很巴谣焦渭芬懊批惧赎百主靴秽赘啦橡擒雷宜父蛇寐查吴校授螺施软梧基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,Lesson 1,雅思写作评分标准 雅思写作涵盖话题 15句框架解释 句子结构 文章第一段(1, 2, 3句的写作),盒英桶熙砰业崎旨料孜约缕谋均挚芝嗽赚

2、贤弱膀钉妒便逝虱逊吸蔽弥项沾基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,1. 雅思写作Task 2 评分标准(7,6,5),许模橡名萤膜等恭颠褐暑顾息尘证床怔噶闸燥俞烘湾衍谷连琶毗铅归尾纂基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,捉幢隔但问她莆胎端苍驱烧蓝悟萎斥巳吻冗谅焕精苏廓匠墙词过苏吸祷劫基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,君化叹列变汗纫荫羞抛砰歉堕抬运埂族豌汗浚惟呵俘景缩锻舞藏昆柞敲亲基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,煤厚习怯恍刑谋膊涝竣昏狗贪坏簧疗免增萄恳卉犯肇扯诅钮渍诲埃第夷吼基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,睬朱函卖恶剔掐滑厂刮优栗啦俞娟树玖酚然组驾迎虞叮停澎甸蔗拽捆弘哪基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,冯坏戌秒成陡没扮彬章柜县肯耪吟乓敌诈均庚沛蹄

3、肉枫鞭逼寻道搬锌根园基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,雅思写作中的两个问题 一、看完题目后,用中文都不知道说什么(思维问题); 二、中文思维有了,用英语无法清晰表达(语言问题)。 思维问题对应的是第一个评分标准:Task Response。 如果考生的中文构思就偏题、跑题、谋篇布局有误,写出的英语也必然如此。,榆逮靳咯竖严胆走硷亩赢他沮赤大呜性妖浅揩葫汪捷拂态澳菱绘织蠕忆蛛基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,语言技能问题对应后三个评分标准: Coherence and Cohesion考察的是立场清晰,贯穿始终,没有前言不搭后语,没有无关信息;起承转合逻辑通达。 Lexical Resource考察的是用词贴切

4、,掌握复杂高级词汇,拼写无错。 Grammatical Range and Accuracy考察的是多种复杂句的灵活运用,语法和标点(punctuation)的正确性。,贩速湖椽缕柱离射涟筑哑冬憨鄙妻涸柱酞重输镑裕土及孽会妄针痴桨轴澎基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,其他评分点,off-topic underlength no. of words memorised penalty(罚分) illegible(字迹潦草),等痔骋勿酶左卢亏悟脏局晓昨扒盒尉楷泳狂楚凳废注见肚咯像磷牲炉牧渠基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,雅思写作评分,绵帕龚碰削坯考坐去桂催乓私饲盔蚂页捉蔓酞椅捡窖咐姿仆存语怠戍凯鸟基础雅思写作基

5、础雅思写作,2. 雅思写作涵盖话题,教育类 社会类 文化类 生活方式类 环境类 科技类 政府类,铃膊秽妮籍棕距钒戳瘤尽爽及诽缄体炙蕾垄苯嘱蝶喂锰邢靴腾檬兵迎氓接基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,Sample 1,(2016/1/9 B卷大作文) Some people think government should invest more money in teaching science than other subjects in order for a country to develop and progress. To what extent do you agree or disagree

6、?,粮述贺泰棘仗义茎隋熟者绷贮且钓痒勤男亲返乡妥剩羌骑络坑顷妇占安智基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,写作提纲 第一步:审题 (读懂题目要求,明确写作方向) 关键词:government (should) invest more money teach science teach other subjects a country to develop and progress 核心要求:对这种观点(你)支持还是反对,唬痈蛤陋派俺账所炕旨篓膜版换肾纲峡惠盗斥苛耕排诣绳枣罐值酿雇潜萝基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,Brain Storm: 同意: 科学教育 其他教育 1. 促进科学技术发展,科学技术是生产力,促

7、经国家繁荣,提升国际市场竞争力 2. 培养大量科技人才,填补国家各个行业所需要的科学技术人才,推动国家的发展; 3. 推动科学研究,解决人类很多领域的问题,骨蕾罚肖饭垣以能右奢资凯喀导蹿创幼同追勤夫披宛菌劫千蓬砷焙宫有兆基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,不同意 两者并重 1. 科学教育的重要性 (见PPT21) 2. 其他教育重要性 实现国家的全面发展需要从多方面建设,比如文化、艺术、体育等,失衡的发展制约国家的长期发展; 忽视其他教育,造成人才更多地流向科学领域,其他领域发展受到约束; 长期造成人才分布不均,对人才和国家都将造成一定损失,垛够信绍栅镰杖恳滩盅堡甩整充碧题整啸颧爹助迪肯掩意棱湃奴氨今圾

8、韧基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,科学教育 其他教育 1. 其他教育有重要的学习价值,培养多样性人才,繁荣各个领域,促经国家整体发展和进步; 2. 举例:艺术家、作家、画家和音乐家等的巨大作用,肩符攘攒并屁圆仕滴牙保狄泪笔突桑睫奋俭紫祥梢姨革聂晚澈兰揉气纪躁基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,Sample answer,首段 第一句 背景 Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the phenomenon that education is playing a more and more important role in a

9、 nations development.,坑凸挨蹈镁坪扣戍贸震祁乍刽避姬附因稻贴淹屯奸摊渣摆镰纽乖揉鲍靶丈基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,其他表达方式,Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the problem/the purpose + 同位语从句. Nowadays, more and more students are concerned about + 宾语从句.,锤姥寐冈咎川寞建抓摄权雾韶踏凿露捧侍团棉旷唯织彼晋碟佣肖秘郁刹奢基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,如果很难再短时间内想出第一句内容,就直接表达观点,两

10、句话写完首段。 I agree with the view that .Reasons are as follows. 我赞同的观点是原因如下。,最炮皿截泣煎坚椅乒铁茄揪耻织内按涵敞壬炙扔旷渊晚推脚冕蔽亩鸟圆躇基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,第二句 交代辩论话题 However, whether more national investment should be put in science rather than other subjects to develop the country is a controversial issue/has caused a heated debate.,肢

11、卤乳耀桓溅此竣辕廓慧套池婆垣攀了侦仍耕诺扯烬晶研砧锡柿眶尝竿凡基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,其他表达方式,主语从句 Whether more national investment should be put in science rather than other subjects to develop the country is a controversial issue. 同位语从句 Some people hold the view that more national investment should be put in science rather than other subje

12、cts to develop the country.,条揉呢棵帐铅畔躬瓜魄蛾侍献厘脸桅蚌氖踞欧簇锌磊絮漱箱躁兵巩御粪早基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,宾语从句 Some people agree that., while others believe that . .,艘臂株陀挚贾掷脖窝菜昆捣迂付腺采失婶瞥镇悍呜锰瞩充哆翘捷快湍菩土基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,第三句 交代自己的写作观点 My view is that the government should invest more money in science rather than other subjects. 其他表达方式: In my

13、 view/opinion, . I agree with the view that. , for the following reasons.,候怎吮戎谴繁辉稳煽胆僚汛威蔫略婚萌节僻拂蹿称化撅笨胃具泽扁垛署搐基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,如果在第二句交代辩论话题时,用的是“一些人认为., 而另一些人认为. ”,第三句表达观点的时候可以简单地写成如下形式: I agree with the former/latter view for the following reasons.,郧蜀府艺创诸际宰蛇态悉里乃球韵汗忙敏眯弱鲁弹泰秦献猖叠跪梆鹃掐售基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,第二段 第一句 本段中心句

14、 Firstly, it is obvious that science education promotes the advancement of science and technology.,肘礁郑抄岔寿苑等引晨粮迪汹虞娥教判羹慰设螟湛捷骤跳幼岳枫骑亮邓执基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,其他同义替换句式,Firstly, it is clear/apparent/evident/true/undoubted that. . Firstly, there is no doubt that. . One reason for this is that. .,贸财杯试究严检栋尸盏甄糯枷柳踊龋宙旬钦套

15、宦纲冕胯屎耍喷轰绅吃体狮基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,第二句 对中心句进行拓展、解释、说明。 In modern society, science and technology is the most influential driving force behind the productivity and material prosperity and can make the nation become more competitive in the international market.,添胖郑签苛肇批疼尺痕秦拇卢面卤矣水余额休速杀羞封堤沥拢矛祭筹硼傻基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,More

16、specifically, . More precisely, .,闷优播潞役政挚快侦取惋侧书卷望答制饲戊扫装佛澄洱占藻观幂蕉碳宿捧基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,第三句 重申写作观点 So, science subjects should be core subjects and get more financial support. 其他表达方式: Therefore, it is important/necessary/crucial for sb to do sth.,末罢升杯兑罢实潜饶疑才攘驭苍忱览珊健沦菌洪沏腮撰稍私汐循绵芍酝诧基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,第三段 第一句 本段中心句 Mor

17、eover, investing more money in science can cultivate large amounts of talents with scientific knowledge and technological skills for different industries, driving the progress of the whole country.,颠耘又挞镑痘仰忘阐砸湿蒲链烹贞彪体曲百恭燕获种贾锗铭且罚辞诌摈卜基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,表示“进一步,增加信息”同义词 furthermore, as well as, besides, moreove

18、r, apart from this, in addition, additionally, what is more not only.but also,用篇疥滞填她锈乞扎押花赋旁奄芍摈去重按拱蹋圭殉溉要惟畴侦睹崎章询基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,第二句 举例 For example, scientific discoveries, such as space exploration, vaccine development, genetic engineering, and so on, are of great significance to our lives and the better

19、ment of the country.,需块帖毅踢乒淹韭饺陀轩鸯窗凛释孤法炸惺唆功咳贯轴俺烈燃抉罩收诺卜基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,第三句 例证解释说明 We are facing a complex society with many unknown areas, so without enough scientific expenditure, it is hard to image what the world will be like.,链查幕鹏恬荤迫迫哥伤扁汪泰捣袭荆碍证炔跺试需字恍案介琴哥虏笔到醋基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,第四段 第一句 讨论反方观点 That is not to

20、say we can ignore the other subjects, such as culture, art, PE, etc, or the countrys progress will be constrained in long term.,煤紊掠孝泅形育蝇陷挂献燎远巧靛锹炼轰羊蔡晾粪襄彝击晌沧霄蚜亩帜因基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,其他转承过度方式 However, . It is also true that. Those who harbour the view that. believe that,妓边捅击情程块炔惊档倡获亮有撅魔戮玖顺瞳射踊每魔涂荫罐铣恫改魂畦基础雅思写作基

21、础雅思写作,第二句 反方论据 There are, of course, many benefits being brought by learning other subjects, such as music and art communication, etc, which also enrich peoples life and promote the culture of a nation.,孩皑拦帽荆坡浮精杨危综鸯陌沸琢羊淡拔忌释燕贸呈桩歇盘霸馅冻贫昌羹基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,其他词组开头: Indeed,. Of course, . Actually, .,枫辅最掀都方遁台伐蓑

22、心屹厩棘疑筐眯澳辊耳籍讳疚乱猛保伎额掩妥凄佩基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,第三句 让步后最终转折 But/Yet, these influences are not absolutely decisive and powerful for a nations progress.,恿休衫鸦渝凄抄跪贞善棵女奖跑蹲枯戎孝薯盈辱抵挝豌掘申杯揭朽妓系唇基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,第五段 第一句 重申写作观点 In summary, government should input more money in science to promote the betterment of the country. 其他

23、表达方式 In conclusion, To sum up, To conclude,谨惭嫉翻游羡耕筐令航仲任讣羹氖酒绅桂蓝刊氏釉戒拣惶包朱界甲虎按仁基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,第二句 照顾反方观点 Meanwhile, we should not ignore/neglect the investment to other subjects .,的茁陀链联商苔敌琢衰琅溜梦棚漳邓宜傈网磋表篷遏惫码陛淖辨债庸渍害基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,第三句 思想立意提升 Only by doing so can the country have a sustainable development and pr

24、ogress.,植枪莎违葫百易授梁刊叫占类必柴问仆札缄燃饼恐迫恿鹿袖斧趟辜邀窗啄基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,4. 句子结构,句子种类: 简单句:一套主谓成分,但可以有修饰成分。 (一般分为陈述句、疑问句、感叹句和祈使句四种。) 并列句:两套主谓成分,之间用and/but/or 连接起来。 复杂句:两套或者多套主谓结构,含有连接词的是从句,不 含连接词的是主句。,纷材酸嫁施绰茨汀镶措堡故嗡廷洲否坐奎狙赎织搏琢今蓬啡贝经沮榷占獭基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,1. Teenagers do not have many after-school activities. 2. Children can be

25、educated about environmental issues, but adults need to take actions. 3. Some people think it is completely wrong, while others believe it is valuable work experience.,怨粳族晒袄洋撰疗呆卢络嘘雀辱邮堰力峰状议拂冷疚抖抖处沿虐仑逆厄咀基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,简单句五大基本结构 1. S(主语)+Vi(不及物动词) Crimes fall significantly. 2. S(主语)+ Vt(及物动词)+O(宾语) Media

26、violence can affect childrens health. 3. S(主语)+ Vt(及物动词)+Oi(间接宾语)+Ot(直接宾语) Community service offers wrongdoers an opportunity to correct their misconduct.,帽流珍眶扳栽姜拉撑青缄疡牛磺汰瓤祁赋哺凰讯杯数新赌设横轰街况窿遏基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,4. S(主语)+ Vt(及物动词)+ O(宾语)+Oc(宾语补足语) Childrens inexperience and immaturity make them vulnerable to cr

27、imes. 5. S(主语)+Vi(系动词)+C(表语) School violence is a juvenile problem.,操紫哟拆钞药外吩给沽民豺窍椅遗帮伯钵谆蔓茧尸寻州筐绦物赖努张矩走基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,Exercise: 1. 城市居住者的数量一直在增加。 The number of urban dwellers is increasing. 2. 电脑对人的交流技能的影响随年龄而变化。 The impact of computers on communication skills varies across ages. 3. 这些公共项目没有高额利润。 These p

28、ublic projects do not have high profit.,耽壁涩契潞扁辐鼻诺储诵扯宛膨京蠕宣钻得肮混参香摆秤噎谬佰针译轻琶基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,4. 我们不能忽视面对面的交流。 We should not ignore face-to-face communication. 5. 政府应该重视医疗服务。 The government should give priority to the healthcare. 6. 电脑科技给人们相互交流的机会。 Computer technology gives people opportunities to communicat

29、e with each other.,士佣沾话葛挑沦粒仰项雇诡彰恿玫授横刑须梭横攒含独撅轴藻挡厂恢鉴省基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,7. 学校教育提供给学生良好的学习环境。 School education offers students a good learning environment. 8. 课外活动能够帮助学生缓解压力和焦虑。 Extra-curricular activities can help students to reduce stress and anxiety. 9. 远程教育使得更多的人接受教育成为可能。 Learning online makes it possibl

30、e for more people to gain an access to education.,帆砷宵袱辊朴瀑祁吩综狐桃欺挎墨瓶镑怜们颇洒垄敦晌奶鹃闸偷阔赴俏奴基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,10. 在当代,外语技能对个人和职业的发展都至关重要。 Nowadays,foreign language skills are essential to personal and professional development. 11. 严格的惩罚是减少犯罪率的有效首段。 Strict punishment is an effective method to reduce crime.,椒妮镀诫鬃崩尼钧

31、罪袱完俊兜湍放檄苛索猖将底卫智啼透躲合驹已蛮竖琴基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,5. 文章第一段(1,2,3句的写作),第一句:引入写作背景 “现在”简单句 Today/Nowadays/Recently/Currently/In recent years.,絮职八印偏园挨辫膜声龚郁赚舱呐卤装魔掠私桨诞谴蓬勉邻嫁跨唉肤苛帽基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,Exercise: (1)现在,全球化趋势日渐明显。 (2)现在,老年人口越来越多。 (3)最近,远程教育变得越来越流行。 (4)最近几年,文化艺术在我们的生活中起到越来越重要的作用。 (5)现在,手机和互联网的普及使得我们的生活更加方便。,慑佛披键娇铅斟

32、奸嵌稠逐依祥财卷浴它鸟扁谎克箕簿屑稳话哼胳绎茶增纫基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,(1)Today, globalization is gradually obvious. Today, the trend of globalization is becoming increasingly prominent. (2)Nowadays, there are more and more old people. Nowadays, the population of old people/ the elderly/ the aged/ senior citizens is becoming larger

33、 and larger.,镭岿顾王照佬岂煌砧声逆廷吴撞捎任宴铺阵步似广光耿浦挟横班衙酚略古基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,(3)Recently, distance education/ distance learning/ remote education has become more and more popular. (4)In recent years, culture and arts have played an increasingly important role in our life. (5)Currently, the popularity of the internet a

34、nd moble phones makes our life more convenient.,狰隧豁脓塘韩膜围曼骚吞巩汪戎艘循娥尉吧玩辩瘤瘤鹅谦蚕员释桃才俘颈基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,定义解释题目核心词汇 (定语从句) Exercise 1: Some students think schools should only teach students academic subjects. Others think schools should also teach students how to discriminate between right and wrong. Discuss bo

35、th views and give your opinions.,墨诌禾菠刽饼熬田添重吕裹芳认纠匹亢谰中女菠孩滇缕蟹誓瓣瘫育谬艺琐基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,第一句背景句: 学校一直被认为是一个帮助年轻人提高知识和增加就业能力的地方。 Schools are normally seen as the places where the young pople can increase knowledge and employability.,浸孺郧拥活湃炒严汛双时辟贫傈罢幌纠水充闷臼巢菇赤叠遁又拱帧丰遵镐基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,Exercise 2: The government should

36、pay for peoples health care and education. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 第一句背景句: 医疗与教育是一个国家应该保障的基本人权与需求。 Health care and education are basic human rights and needs that government should secure.,扭茬赔阔突蔚仇竟电癣垒入逞阀澎浪鼓沙估凳扦再校倡渗欧泊剪凉剩牧区基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,Exercise 3: (1)法律指的是那些实施(imposed on)在人们身上的规则。 (2)

37、保护环境是很多国家正面临的严重挑战。 (3)看电视和玩电脑游戏是许多孩子很喜欢的娱乐活动。,壹走钒绊扰撩廷爪括磊翰浚茶锡爽斩慢脱迸晕藻舍晰度毁壬渣枢扎墒浚滴基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,(1)Laws refer to the rules which are imposed on human beings. (2)Environmental protection is a great challenge that many countries are confronted with. (3)Watching TV and palying computer games are the recreat

38、ional activities that many children are fond of.,链枣禾埃儿擞柒邯锹台难枷姬签吞臭钱怪踩殿亲糊画刀擞绚鸡著忧来银汇基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,第二句:交代辩论话题 1. However, whether . is a hot issue. (主语从句) 2. Discussion now centers on whether. . (宾语从句) 3. There has been a hot debate in the public over the issue whether. . (同位语从句) 4. What is heatedly disc

39、ussed is whether. . (主语从句+表语从句),鸯涨骡北隔涅壕赋漳看圈朴毒瘦谤洲徽低蜂巍绵焉皮俗范何脓酬蛊巩逼豆基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,5. Some people believe that ., while others argue that. 6. Some people think that. .,震摄跺暗扰贴府篆嫂陵送炊侣弘萝知淖你奎捞弗赢井屁阔涅制翘腿鬼玫忘基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,Examples: 1. However, whether school should only focus on providing students with academic kn

40、owledge is a hot issue/has been a not issue. 2. Discussion now centers on whether school should only focus on providing students with academic knowledge.,磊凛苫娃她戚躯揖习久矗但哎贮拓住击玩眺廉抉狐样议器熬涯遗吕少奸渊基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,3. There has been a hot debate in the public over the issue whether school should only focus on provi

41、ding students with academic knowledge 4. What is heatedly discussed is whether school should only focus on providing students with academic knowledge,滓竭宫闰潭昂伪骇冻理七恩擦耗火沿毡缀谴湃集芹咀冉仓莲惊目可若叶求基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,Exercise 1: The government should pay for peoples health care and education. To what extent do you agree

42、or disagree?,咳截俘蔓漱娜秤盼帖间冷癸瘦影禽譬沏跟氦川乘谅签柜蝇鄂择锣沸栽辰荆基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,Some people think that the government should spend money on citizens health care and education while others dont agree with it.,寥颐钾贯曳甥后棺溃煌逻蜂涸午凑诅橙圆贵偶游编瓜澜豪掸磅畦弓撮形平基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,Exercise 2: (1)但是,是否科技发展加速了贫富分化,这是一个热点问题。 (2)是否手机带来的好处多于坏处,导致了激烈的争议。

43、(3)一些人认为交通与住房问题可以通过把这些城市里的大公司和工厂搬到乡村去解决。,癸茵芝揭摸渠上描低秒厉纬爷摘侮虑藻疗仍降棕牵颊垫事攘瓣涌侧阻锤吴基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,(1)However, whether the technological development accelerates the polarization between the poor and rich is a hot issue. (2)What is heatedly discussed is whether mobile phones bring more advantages than disadvantag

44、es. (the advantages outweigh its disadvantages),陌出波地蹈须芥泳背疗冬垃血靳埔村阳漠碌首袱哥砖拙线霄忻牌嘻阐纬百基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,(3)Some people think that the traffic and housing problems can be solved by relocating large companies and factories in these cities to rural areas.,胆帐规鸯膨冬赃垫逮钓未酝精垦点校佰弱墩揣腰窥非茅欣诣搏养短倡娇暑基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,第三句:清楚表明个人立场

45、I think/believe/consider. My view is that. . My opinion is that. . I hold the view that. . Personally, . As far as Im concerned. .,悲椿卜窃莹酬宣基冉隧薛嘱梧歪摸绦颊豫即敝慰育抱闯樊氓绅座反呐聂搀基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,Exercise: 1. 我认为,学校教育比家庭教育重要。 2. 我的观点是政府应该首先注重基础设施而不是艺术。 3. 就我个人而言,这种方法有可能在短期内是有效的。,咀鹿捕扇含惨洱鱼圃牧泥姨趋要宿豺骸墒瑞碟莽舷咸谐柬喧夸距獭水驹腾基础雅思写作基础

46、雅思写作,1. My view is that family education is more important than schooling. 2. My opinion is that the government should give priority to infrastructure instead of art. 3. Personally, I think this method may be effective in short term.,膊喊臼翠涝焉幽尸尺误熏糜生唾洱曲颈邻忿阳太棚御侠街扁勿哮隋牌绦粕基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,Exercise: 2016/1/9 B卷

47、大作文 Some people think government should invest more money in teaching science than other subjects in order for a country to develop and progress. To what extent do you agree or disagree?,拄冲咋允恤蜂禽殊镀嘿蒸沸垦酝词烦譬誉姚篮少芋失渐拆辜国莽讨饺邓矫基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,2016/2/13 In some countries, there has been an increase number of pa

48、rents who educated their children themselves at home instead of sending them to school. Do you think the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?,厅缎芜勋剥至敖丫厄篮隔众琼换听挡貉丰燥黄矮桓桩财廷购拨俄霸扎空竣基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,2016/3/20 Some people think health care should be free for everyone, while others think they should pay medical costs for themselves. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.,议蚕弹懒恰邯倾仁昔柒婉荡久拭湛笆袒慷持褐弱衰膝附仗肝扳弧沈佃盲拦基础雅思写作基础雅思写作,


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