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1、Lead-in,Have you ever been late for school?,Unit 10,By the time I got outside, the bus had already left. Section A Period 2,学习目标: 通过课前预习,检测78页重点单词及短语 2. 通过阅读,翻译,理解3a短文,会背会运 用重点短语 3. 通过本节课学习,能够合理安排自己的时间。,一、自学交流 自主学习(一) 内容:复习P78单词及短语 方法:大声自读 时间:2分钟,1.冲,奔 2.锁上 3.亲戚 4.break的 过去式 5.发出响声 6.跑掉 7.准时 8.出故障,自

2、我检测,rush,lock,relative,broke,go off,run off,on time,break down,合作学习(一),四人一组合作讨论3a大意 D正确读出短文 C翻译短文 B找出重点单词,词组 A按顺序写出故事中的事件,解答组内的疑难问题,Reading (3a:P78),The correct order :,alarm clock didnt go off 2. father went to bathroom 3. woke up late 4. took shower 5. had some breakfast,6. bus left 7. ran to bus

3、stop 8. started walking,9. got a ride with a friend 10. bell ringing,11. got to school 12. got to class,1.上课迟到 2.差点迟到 3.发出响声 4.醒来 5.等候某人做某事 6.出来 7.经过 8.让某人搭便车 9.准时 10.最后一遍上课铃,检测词组:,be late for class,come close,go off,wake up,wait for sb to do sth,come out,come by,give sb .a ride,on time,the final be

4、ll,展示释义: Discuss in a group. (四人一组积极地讨论下列词的用法,要学会充分地利用讲义,参考书,词典等) close,(1)close 在此为副词“接近地, 靠近 地”。此外came very close意为 “到时 与迟到很接近”。,I only just made it to my class 我恰好到教室。,make it 意为“成功了, 做成了”。 这里指的是没有迟到, 准时到达。,Have you got the job? 你得到那份工作了吗?,Yes, I made it 是的, 我成功了。,【相关链接】 1)make it还可以表示“成功”。例如: We

5、 have made it. = We have succeeded. 我们成功了。 2)make it还常用来约定时间。例如: Lets make it 8:30. = Lets meet at 8:30. 咱们八点半见面吧。,【闯关】 根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子,每空一词。 1. 至于下次会议,我们就定在后天吧。 As for the next meeting, lets _ _ _ _ _ tomorrow. 2. 我相信他如果真想干,他会成功的。 Im sure hell _ _ if he really wants to do it.,make it,make it the day

6、 after,归纳总结:,我掌握了单词: 学会了句型: 培养能力 我的疑问:,反馈训练: 根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子,每空一词。 1. 当我在等你的时候,看到一只袋鼠经过这里。 When I was waiting for you, I _ a kangaroo _ _. 2. 我让她搭了便车,所以她请我吃饭。 I _ _ _ _, so she invited me to _ _.,have dinner,saw,come by,gave her a ride,I. 用所给动词的正确时态填空,每空一词(含缩写)。,1. By the time I got to the train stat

7、ion, the train _ _ (leave). 2. The girl from Paris _ never _ (eat) dumplings since she came to China.,had left,has,eaten,3. This morning he _ _(not have) breakfast. 4. The Greens _ _(live) in London for ten years before they came here. 5. When the man got there, the meeting _ already _ (end).,ended,

8、didnt have,had lived,had,. 根据汉语提示完成下列英语句子, 每空一词。,1. My alarm clock _ _ (发出响声) at six oclock every day. 2. His car _ _(坏了) on the way to the cinema yesterday.,goes off,broke down,3. The boy had a quick breakfast and then _ _ (迅速离开) to the subway station. 4. Last Monday I _ _ (差点) to being late. 5. Miss Miller came by in her car and she _(让我搭便车).,came close,ran off,gave me a ride,Thanks for listening!,


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