人教版七年级英语下册《nit 7 What does he look like.Unit 7 What does he look like.(通用)》教案_5.docx

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1、人教版七年级下册Unit 7 What does he look like?Section A Period 1(1a-2c)一、教学设计思路:1.立足课本,充分发挥教材所提供的资源,采用任务型教学模式,学生在完成每个任务的过程中习得语言,并能用所学语言做事。2.教学形式多样化。本节课利用多媒体辅助教学,教学形式有听、说、画、写、游戏和结对练习等,可激发学生的学习兴趣,培养了学生的合作能力。学生在参与各种形式的学习活动中,达到了本节课的预期教学目的,即学生能正确使用所学目标语言对人的外貌进行初步描述。二、教材分析:本单元是Go for it七年级下册中第七单元“What does he loo

2、k like?”。本节课的教学内容为:Section A 1a-2c,话题为谈论人的外貌特征。主要学习用英语谈论人的身高、体格和发型。通过本节课的学习,学生能掌握并熟练运用描述人的身高、体格和发型的词汇及句型。三、学情分析:本单元话题“谈论人的外貌特征”贴近人们的日常生活,容易引起学生的学习兴趣,尤其是当谈论自己的朋友、同学、老师、父母等熟悉的人的外表时,学生能积极、主动地学习并使用所学语言。初一阶段正是学生正确世界观形成的关键时期,通过本单元学习,要让学生懂得理解和尊重每个人,决不能以貌取人。四、教学目标和教学过程:. Teaching aims:Knowledge objects:1. K

3、ey words: short, tall, of medium height, heavy, thin, curly, straight, long curly hair2. Sentence patterns:A: What does he/she look like?B: He/Shes tall and thin, and he/she has short curly hair.A: Is he tall or short?B: He is short.A: What do you look like? B: Im of medium height. Im a little heavy

4、. And I have short straight hair.Ability object:Be able to describe peoples looks using the target language.Moral object:Everyone is special. We cant judge people by their looks. Teaching key points:1. Learn some words about peoples looks.2. Learn how to describe peoples looks.3. Listening and speak

5、ing practice.Teaching difficult points:Learn how to describe peoples looks properly, pay attention to the usage of am/is/are and have/has.Teaching aids:A computer, a tape recorder and PPT.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Free talkT: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Mr. Zhou.T: Nice to meet y

6、ou.Ss: Nice to meet you, too.T: Sit down, please.Ss: Thank you.T: Whats your name? What day is it today? Whats the date?S1: T: Whats the weather like today?S2: .T: What nice weather! I hope well have a good time this morning. Today we are going to learn a new unit, Unit 7 What does he look like? In

7、this unit we will learn how to describe peoples looks.(设计意图:1. 自由交谈既复习了前面单元所学语言,又锻炼了学生的口头交际能力。2. 在新课开始前阐明本节课的教学目标,让学生知道本节课将要学些什么,做到心中有数。)Step 2 Presentation1. Show a picture of three students and teach new words: (short), tall, of medium height. A: What does he look like? B: He is short/tall/of medi

8、um height.2. Show a picture of three people and teach new words: heavy, thin, not heavy or thin.A: What does he/she look like? B: He is heavy/thin./She isnt heavy or thin.3. Show a picture of two people and teach new words: curly/straight (/long/short) hair.(设计意图:通过图片展示学习新词,引入描述人的外貌的句型。图片的使用既能引起学生的学

9、习兴趣,又能更直观地表现新词和句型的意义,利于增强学生对新词和句型的意义的理解。)Step 3 PracticeShow the picture in 1a on Page 49.Talk about the persons, a, f, h.e.g. T: What does she look like?S1: She is of medium height.S2: She is heavy.S3: She has long straight hair.(设计意图:充分利用教材所提供的资源,锻炼学生的观察能力和语言输出能力。)Step 4 Activity 1a-1c1. 1a. Stude

10、nts match the words with the people in the picture. Then check the answers with the class.2. 1b T: Look at the picture again. Where are the people? (At the subway station.). Look! This is Amy. She is looking for her friend. Listen and fill in the blanks in the picture and try to find Amys friend.Pla

11、y the recording twice.Check the answers. (Answers: tall, curly hair; Person h is Amys friend.)Practice the conversation after the teacher first.A: Is that your friend?B: No, it isnt.A: What does he look like? Is he short or tall?B: Well, hes really tall. And he has curly hair.Then students practice

12、it in pairs. (You ask, you answer. Then change the roles. You ask, you answer.)3. 1cImagine one of the people in 1a is your friend. Describe your friend. Your partner will find him / her. Students work in pairsA: What does your friend look like?B: Shes of medium height, and she has long straight hai

13、r.Ask two pairs to make conversations and others tell who their friends are in the picture. T: What do you look like?S: Im short and I have short straight hair.Students work in pairs to ask and answer the question: What do you look like?Get some pairs to act out their conversations.(设计意图:1a-1c通过图文和听

14、力练习学习描述人的外貌的基本词汇和询问人物外貌的句型。活动形式有:单词与图片配对、听录音填词和结对子练习。活动的安排遵循了先输入,后输出的原则。)Step 5 Activity 2a-2c1. 2aT: I have three friends. They are David, Sally and Peter. Listen and answer the questions. Is David tall or short? Does Sally have long or short hair? Is Peter tall or short?T: While listening, you can

15、 first circle the key words. For example: Look at Question One. If David is tall, you can circle the word “tall” first. If David is short, you can circle the word “short”. Then after listening, write down the answer in a whole sentence like He is tall. / He is short.Play the recording only once.Chec

16、k the answers with the whole class. Is David tall or short? (He is short.) Does Sally have long or short hair? (She has long hair.) Is Peter tall or short? (He is short.)2. 2bT: Listen again. Fill in the chart.Play the recording twice.Ask individuals to give the answerse. g. T: What does David look

17、like? S1: He is heavy and tall. He has curly hair.3. 2cT: Student A looks at the chart in 2b. Student B asks Student A questions about one of the people and then draws a picture of the person. (T draws a picture on the blackboard as an example.)Students work in pairs.Ask three students to show their

18、 pictures to the class.(设计意图:2a-2c提供了更为丰富的语境,通过听取信息的任务引导学生关注和区分描述人物外貌的两个不同句型:sb. is . 和sb. has .,进一步巩固描述外貌的词汇和句型,达到初步的语言输出。2a在听前,对听力方法进行适时指导,即听时圈出关键词,听后再用完整句子写出答案,可有效提高学生的听的能力。)Step 6 Game: Look and describe!T: Now lets play a game. Ill show you some pictures of different people. Youll have 20 secon

19、ds to watch the picture carefully. After 20 seconds, describe the person. If you can describe the person right, you will get a small gift.(设计意图:本环节设计了一个看图并在规定时间内记下人物的外貌特征,然后用本节课所学目标语言描述人的外貌的游戏。描述正确者将获得一份小礼物。游戏是学生最喜欢的一种学习方式,既能激发学生的学习欲望又能切实有效地提高他们的语言运用能力。)Step 7 SummaryT: What did we learn today?Descr

20、ibe peoples looks.LooksVerbsWordsHeightam/is/aretall, short, of medium heightBuildam/is/areheavy, thinHairhave/haslong hair, short hair, straight hair, curly hair, short straight hair Can you describe one of your classmates using the words in the chart? Write down your sentences in your exercise boo

21、k.Ask some students to read aloud their sentences.T: Different people have different looks. Everyone is special. We cant judge people by their looks.(设计意图:在描述人物外貌是何时用am/is/are,何时用have/has,是教学难点。通过表格形式引导学生对本节课所学重点词汇和句型进行总结,直观性更强,易于学生分辨。通过造句练习来提高学生的书写能力。小结之后适时对学生渗透情感教育:人不可貌相,每个人都是独一无二的。)Step 8 Homewor

22、k What do your parents look like? Describe them and draw a picture of your parents. My dad/mum is (设计意图:父母长什么样,学生再熟悉不过了。通过描写父母的外貌特征,进一步提高了学生的语用能力,还能增进孩子与父母之间的感情。) 五、教学反思: 本节课围绕“描述人的外貌”这个中心展开教学。从实际教学来看,基本达到了预期的教学目的,学生能用目标语言通过听、说、写的形式较准确和流利地描述人的外貌。但也存在一些不足,主要体现在以下几方面:1.教学节奏偏快,生词学习时教师示范和领读的次数不够。有些较难读的词如straight, mediun, height等,学生还不能准确读出。图中对话应该先带读,学生再两人一组练习,这样可以为学生后面的说打好基础。2.听力部分2b学生完成的不是很好,尤其是刚学的词有些学生听得懂却不能准确拼出,今后还要强化单词的记忆和使用。3.2c环节展示和评价学生的绘画时,由于有些学生的画太小,只有旁边少数学生看得清楚,没能兼顾到全体学生。该环节可让几个学生到黑板上画,再通过问答方式进行检测和评价。


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