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1、西安高新第一中学 李翔,English,Watch & Guess,What strange things are happening in the movie?,What is going to happen?,Watch & Guess,What strange things are happening in the movie?,What is going to happen?,Reading,Unit 4 Earthquakes,Task1:Read and try to find out,What? When? Where?,An earthquake.,On July 28th,1

2、976.,In Tangshang, Hebei Province.,3:00 am,3:42am,later that afternoon,soon after the quakes,signs,signs,timeline,another quake,3days,shake,Task 2:Read again and finish the timeline,Task 3: Main idea and structure,?,Task 3: Main idea and structure,Part2 (Paras2&3) Quakes,Part1 (Para l) Signs,Part3 (

3、Para 4) Rescue,Task 4:,Title,?,Everything was destroyed.,Huge cracks cut across roads.,Bridges fell down broken.,Houses were gone.,Wenchuan earthquake 14:28 May12, 2008,English,Maybe we cant decide when we will die, but we can decide how we will live.,Work like you dont need money, Love like youve n

4、ever been hurt, And dance like no ones watching.,Tangshans new look,Wenchuan earthquake 14:28 May12, 2008,Its better to be safe than sorry.,Remember,Earthquake safety,Quiz,Safety rules,Ill take the elevator.,What should you do?,Youd better go down in an elevator(电梯) if you feel an earthquake is comi

5、ng , because it goes fast.,When youre trapped , if possible , try to use a whistle first to get help instead of crying or shouting.,whistle,If youve noticed some strange signs made by animals you should be careful and report them to your parents.,What for,Mom?,Earthquake bag.,Its important to keep a

6、n earthquake bag at home, containing water ,a radio,a torch,etc.,Homework,Work in groups and get more information on the Internet to learn more about earthquake safety rules.Report to the class tomorrow.,San Francisco If youre going to San Francisco Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair If youre

7、 going to San Francisco Youre gonna meet some gentle people there For those who come to San Francisco Summertime will be a love-in there In the streets of San Francisco Gentle people with flowers in their hair All across the nation such a strange vibration People in motion Theres a whole generation with a new explanation People in motion,


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