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1、 综合教程教案 课程编号:06120560 课程名称:综合英语I 课程总学时/学分:80/适用专业:翻译专业 一、课程地位 综合英语是英语专业基础课,是一门综合英语技能课,课程时间为两学年,即四个学期。本课程传授系统的基础语言知识,训练基本语言技能,培养和提高学生综合运用英语的能力, 逻辑思维以及独立工作的能力,指导正确的学习方法, 丰富学生的社会文化知识,为进入高年级学习打下扎实的专业基础。综合英语I是为英语专业一年级第一学期开设的。本课程强调提高学生的基本语言知识和技能,对学生进行语音、词汇、语法等全方位的训练, 同时培养文学欣赏能力。 二、教材及主要参考资料 1. Gee, J.P. A

2、n Introduction to Discourse Analysis: Theory and Method. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.000 2. Hornby, A. S. Oxford Advanced Learners English-Chinese Dictionary . Oxford University Press.004 3. Littlewood, W. Communicative Language Teaching. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press

3、.000 4. Richards, J. The Context of Language Teaching. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 2001 5. 邓炎昌 刘润清语言与文化,外语教学与研究出版社,1996. 杜学增 中英文化习俗比较, 外语教育与研究出版社,1999. 何兆熊 主编 综合教程,上海外语教育出版社,2005 8. 夸克,戈林鲍姆 著,宋玉梅,王宁,王世斌 译朗文英语语法,吉林教育出版社,2009. 王佐良 丁往道 英语文体学引论, 外语教育与研究出版社, 1987 三、主要教学方法、主要内容和分配 本课程采用何

4、兆熊主编的综合教程第一册,本教材共分16单元,计划完成12个单元。 1 主要的教学方法 综合英语课程着重的是听说读写四种技能的综合训练,因此在教学的过程中以教材为基础,根据学生的现有水平和学习需要采取相应的方法使他们对重点知识融会贯通。以对文中的字、词,句、段以具体讲解分析为主,辅以对文章结构,写作目的和文体风格的分析讨论以及对课外相关资料的引入和讨论,为学生建构多位立体的知识架构。课堂通过小组讨论、教师提问、学生讨论和表演、辩论等多种方式促进课堂互动,促进学生课堂中的语言习得。课后,布置课文相关习题,对所学知识加以巩固。并且,为学生布置阅读和写作作业,通过作业检查,对学生学习进行监督,以提高

5、学生学习者自主。 主要内容 本课程每个单元包含两篇文章,其中Text是供学生课外阅读的,在课堂上不做重点讲解。 课时分配 计划安排每个单元讲解6-7个课时。课后布置作业,老师课后批改,并具体评分。 四、考核方式与成绩核定办法 1. 考核方式:闭卷考试 2. 成绩核定办法:平时成绩占70%,期末考试成绩占30% 五、授课方案 Unit 1 Never Say Goodbye 1. Teaching content: Analyzing text and discussing each part of the text; language points 2. Teaching requiremen

6、ts: ? To improve the Ss ability of reading comprehension. To know the main idea, the structure and style of the text. ? To appreciate the writing skills of the text. ? To master the language points and grammar of the text. Key points: Language work: confront, anguish, well up, rest on/upon, conspicu

7、ously, bring back, lock away, summon Analyzing the text in detail; understanding the theme of the text; discussing the exercises Difficult points: Understanding the sentences listed on Page, and analyzing the text in detail. Teaching Method: students-centered communicative teaching. Teaching previsi

8、on: reading Text 1; preparing the new words and expressions Time allotment and teaching procedures 1st class hour: Warm up discussion ; general introduction of the text; vocabulary 2nd class hour: structural analysis ; discussing the main idea of the text; analyzing the style and the rhetorical feat

9、ures of the text 3rd-4th class hours: analyzing the text in detail th-6th class hours: analyzing the exercises attached to the text; Text . Exercises: a) Finishing exercises attached the text on page-11. b) Translation: P9 4. Unit The Fun They Had 1. Teaching content: Analyzing text 1 and discussing

10、 each part of the text; language points 2. Teaching requirements: ? To improve the Ss ability of reading comprehension. To know the main idea, the structure and style of the text. ? To appreciate the writing skills of the text. ? To master the language points and grammar of the text. 3. Key points:

11、Language work: crinkly, plenty, adjust, light up, proper Analyzing the text in detail 4. Difficult points: understanding the sentences listed on Page 101. Teaching Method: students-centered communicative teaching. Teaching prevision: reading Text 1 7. Time allotment and teaching procedures 1st class

12、 hour: Warming up discussion: school in the future; general introduction; vocabulary 2nd class hour: structural analysis ; analyzing the style and the rhetorical features of the text 3rd-4th class hours: analyzing the text in detail th-6th class hours: analyzing the exercises attached to the text; T

13、ext. Exercises: a) Finishing exercises attached the text on Page 101-10b) Translating: P 105 Unit Whatever Happened to Manner 1. Teaching content: Analyzing text 1 and discussing each part of the text; language points 2. Teaching requirements: ? To improve the Ss ability of reading comprehension. To

14、 know the main idea, the structure and style of the text. ? To appreciate the writing skills of the text. ? To master the language points and grammar of the text. Key points: Language work: get away, pull out, stylish, gracious, compliment, bet, bother, count, cherish, infectious Analyzing the text

15、in detail; understanding the way the author develops his idea. Difficult points: understanding the sentences listed on Page0. Teaching Method: students-centered communicative teaching. Teaching prevision: reading Text 1 Time allotment and teaching procedures 1st class hour: Warm up discussion: What

16、do you think a good manner really is; general introduction; vocabulary 2nd class hour: discussing the meaning of the title; structural analysis ; analyzing the style and the rhetorical features of the text 3rd-4th class hours: analyzing the text in detail th-6th class hours: analyzing the exercises

17、attached to the text; Text. Exercises: a) Finishing exercises attached the text on Page0-2b) Translation: P25 Unit Dealing with AIDS 1. Teaching content: Analyzing text 1 and discussing each part of the text; language points 2. Teaching requirements: ? To improve the Ss ability of reading comprehens

18、ion. To know the main idea, the structure and style of the text. ? To appreciate the writing skills of the text. ? To master the language points and grammar of the text. Key points: Language work: hang out, blame, maintain, outlook, deal with, grateful, invincible Analyzing the text in detail; under

19、standing the way the author develops his idea. Difficult points: understanding the sentences listed on Page9. . Teaching Method: students-centered communicative teaching. Teaching prevision: reading Text 1; reading about AIDS 7. Time allotment and teaching procedures 1st class hour: Warming up discu

20、ssion: What do you know about the disease AIDS; general introduction; vocabulary 2nd class hour: structural analysis ; analyzing the style and the rhetorical features of the text 3rd-4th class hours: analyzing the text in detail th-6th class hours: analyzing the exercises attached to the text; Text.

21、 Exercises: a) Finishing exercises attached the text on Page9-7b) Translating: P73 Unit How to Be True to Yourself 1. Teaching content: Analyzing text 1 and discussing each part of the text; language points 2. Teaching requirements: ? To improve the Ss ability of reading comprehension. To know the m

22、ain idea, the An Integrated Skills Course 1 Unit1 Unit2 Unit3 Unit4 Unit5 Unit6 Unit Unit Contents Education . Friendship . Gifts . 1Movies . 1Our Earth .Part-time Jobs .0 Health .3Festival.48 Unit1 Education Objectives 1. Read what Bill Gates says about education; 2. Build up your vocabulary relati

23、ng to campus life; 3. Learn something from an ancient Greek educator; 4. Study different types of nouns; 5. Write an introduction of yourself. Focuses 1. Build up your vocabulary relating to campus life; 2. Write an introduction of yourself. Outline 1. Warm-up Discussion; study of words and expressi

24、ons in Text A; Vocabulary Check 2. Discussion of Text A and the follow-up exercises 3. Active Words and Vocabulary Check; Grammar Tips 4. Discussion of Text B and the follow-up exercises 5. Comprehensive Exercises 6. Practical Writing Procedures: Classroom Activities I. Warm-up discussion Question:

25、Do you know anything about Bill Gates such as his life and his educational background? Hint 1) birthday and birthplace: October8, 1995; Seattle, Washington 2) educational background: Harvard University 3) career: chairmen and chief software architect of Microsoft, the words largest and most profitab

26、le software company. 4) main events in his life: a. beginning programming computers at age 13; b. developing a version of the programming language BASIC for the first microcomputer in Harvard; c. founding Microsoft Corporation in 197at the age of 19 II. Vocabulary in Text A 1. education n. 教育 e.g. C

27、hildren in poor areas receive free education. educate v. 教育;教导 educated adj. 受教育的 e.g. a well-educated man educator n. 教育家,教育者 2. count v. 派用场,点数 e.g. 1) Every seconds counts. 2) What counts more is whether you have tried your best. 3) to count from 1 to 100 4) Count these apples. 3. advantage n. 有利

28、条件,好处;优点,优势 e.g. This product has many advantages. advantageous adj. 有利的,有益的,便利的 e.g. It is highly advantageous to us. Phrase: take advantage of 很好的使用;利用 e.g. take advantage of all educational opportunities Antonym: disadvantage n. 不利;不利条件 e.g. His bad health is a great disadvantage to him when he l

29、ooks for work. 4. lifetime n. 一生,终生 e.g. 1) a lifetime guarantee 2)lifetime membership 3) In my fathers lifetime there have been many changes in the village. 5. part-time adj.& adv. 兼职的 e.g. 1)a part-time job 2)He works part-time. full-time adj. 全职的 e.g. a full-time housewife 6. programmer n. 程序师,编程

30、员 program v. 编制程序 e.g. Please program the computer to do the job instead of doing it manually. 7. discourage vt. 不鼓励;使泄气,使失去信心 e.g. His parents discouraged him from joining the air force. discouraged adj. 泄气的,失去信心的 discouraging adj. 使人泄气的,使人失去信心的 e.g. 1) If you meet difficulty in your study, dont be

31、 discouraged. 2) It is discouraging that I didnt know how to solve the problem. Antonym: encourage vt. 鼓励 e.g. I encouraged her to work hard and to try to pass the examinations. courage n. 勇敢,勇气 e.g. David showed great courage when he saved the child from the burning house. 8. diploma n. 文凭,毕业证书 e.g

32、. a college diploma diplomatic adj. 外交的,从事外交的 e.g. Julia joined the diplomatic service after her graduation from university. 9. project n. 项目,课题 e.g. 1) an impossible project 2) The professor is directing a research project. Synonym: plan 10. highly adv. 高度地;非常 e.g. 1) a highly interesting story 2)

33、a highly paid job Phrase: speak/ think highly of 赞扬,对?给予很高评价 e.g. The leader speaks / thinks highly of our work. 11. focus v. 集中;聚焦 e.g. 1) to focus in work 2) All eyes focused on the speaker. focus n. 中心,焦点 e.g. Because of his strange clothes, he immediately became the focus of attention when he en

34、tered the office. 12. range n. 范围 e.g. You have a wide range of choices. range vi. 在某范围内变化 e.g. The temperature ranges from 10 to0 degrees. 13. attend v. 参加,出席 e.g. attend school attend a lecture attendance n. 出席,到场 14. automatically adv. 自动地 e.g. the machine operates automatically. automatic adj. 自

35、动的 e.g. We have an automatic washing machine. 15. drop out of 退学,不参与,退出 e.g. 1) He dropped out of school at the age of 10 because his family was too poor to afford the tuition. 2) She decided to drop out of the competition because it was not fire. 16. chance of a lifetime 千载难逢的良机,一生中唯一的机会 e.g. Its t

36、he chance of a lifetime. You will regret it the rest of your life if you dont take it. 17. try out 试验,考验 e.g. She bought a cookbook and tried out a few new recipes. 18. in short 简而言之,总之 e.g. In short, you should study hard for a better future. Synonym: in brief/ to sum up/ all in all/ in conclusion

37、III. Language Points in Text A 1. They want to know what to study, or whether it?s Ok to drop out of college since that?s what I did. what to study: This is a wh-word + infinitive structure used as the object, which can be changed into an object clause. Wh-word + infinitive structure can be used as

38、a subject, an object, or an appositive clause,for example: 1) How to improve their English is often discussed among the students. 2) We havent decided when to visit the place. 3) You havent answered my question about where to get these books. it?s Ok to drop out of college: Here it is used as a form

39、al subject, and the actual subject is the infinitive structure to drop out of college. The general pattern is It is + adj. + to do sth. More examples: 1) It was very thoughtful of her to come to see me when I was ill. 2) Its easy for me to see through his trick. that?s what I did: what I did here is

40、 a predictive clause introduced by what. It is always structured in the form of subject + be/ look/ remain/ seem + predictive clause and can be introduced by such words as that , and other wh-words, for example: 1) It seems it is going to rain. 2) This is why I refused to attend the meeting. 2. As I

41、?ve said before, nobody should drop out of college unless they believe they face the chance of a lifetime. As I?ve said before: This is a non-restrictive relative clause introduced by as, which can be placed at the beginning or at the end of the sentence. More examples: 1) As people expected, she wa

42、s admitted to Beijing University. 2) Hundreds of people were killed in the earthquake, as I have learned from the newspaper. unless: is a conjunction for an adverbial clause of condition , which equals ifnot. e.g. I wont leave unless the rain stops. 3. In my company?s early years, we have a bright p

43、art-time programmer who planned to drop out of high school to work. planned to: intend to do sth.计划、打算做某事 e.g. I plan to make a trip to Beijing during the summer vocation. who planned to work: a restrictive relative clause introduced by who since its antecedent is a person and serves as the subject in the clause. The relative pronoun that can be used here too. More examples: 1) The young man who sits there quietly is my


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