新冀教版三年级起点英语下册《unit 2 Animals at the zooLesson 12 The Clever Monkey》课件_14.ppt

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1、,冀教版 三年级下册,Unit 2 Animals at the Zoo,Lesson 12 The Clever Monkey Story time,1.What is this?,3.Do you like it? Why?,2.What does it eat?,dangerous,eat people,afraid,3.Do you like it? Why?,1.What is this?,2.What does it eat?,tender,gentle,1.What does the monkey eat? 2.Is the monkey clever聪明?,What can y

2、ou see in the picture? Is it deep?(它深吗?),scary,eat people,Picture 1,1.Who passes by the hole?(谁经过了陷阱?) 2.What does the wolf say? (狼说了什么?),Help! Help!,Oh! Its a wolf !,What is the wolf saying? Does the sheep want to help the wolf ? How does the wolf cheat the sheep? (狼是怎样骗羊的?) Is the wolf cunning? (狼

3、狡猾吗?),Mr sheep! Please help me! Pull me out!,No! You will eat me.,I will not eat you.You are a nice sheep.,Picture 2,Does the sheep help the wolf? Is the sheep kind?,Pull me out, please.,Okay!,Picture 3,Mr sheep,you are so kind!,Im hungry . I want to eat you.,Thank you.I will repay you.(我会报答你。),Pict

4、ure 4,What will the wolf say? Guess!,Is the sheep afraid 害怕? What does the sheep say?,Picture 4,Ha! Ha! Im out.Now Ill eat you.,No, please ! Help ! Help !,Listen to Picture1-Picture4,Who helps the wolf?,( )1.A wolf falls into the hole狼掉进坑里. ( )2.The cow helps the wolf. ( )3.The sheep is not kind善良.

5、( ) 4.The wolf is very cunning.狡猾,Picture 1-Picture 4 True or false (判断对 错 ),T,F,T,F,F,T,Picture5Picture8,Who can help the sheep?,Who is coming?,Picture 5,Can the monkey help them? Guess. What does the sheep say?,Picture 5,Hey! What happened?,I helped the wolf.But now he wants to eat me,发生,Do it aga

6、in !,Okay.,Okay.,1.What does the monkey say? 2.Do they agree?,Picture 6,又一次,Picture 7,No! He is a bad wolf.,Pull me out, Mr Sheep!,Oh,I see.Thank you, Mr.Monkey.,1.What do they say? 2.Will the sheep help the wolf this time这次? 3.Is the monkey clever? Why?(为什么?),What does the wolf say? Is he regretful

7、?,Picture 8,H E L P !,(他后悔吗?),Listen and read the story,整.swf,整.swf,Read the story.,以小组为单位,选择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文。,Read in groups,Try to answer the questions: 1.How many animals are there in the story? 2.At last 最后where is the wolf? 3.If 如果you are the sheep, will you save救 the wolf? (如果你是羊,你会救狼吗?) 4.In the

8、story, which animal do you like, the sheep, the wolf or the monkey? Why?,Try to answer the questions: 1.How many animals are there in the story? 2.At last (最后)where is the wolf? 3.In the story, which animal do you like, the sheep, the wolf or the monkey? Why? (你喜欢哪个动物,绵羊,狼和猴子?为什么?),Lets do some exer

9、cises,Look and match.,The monkey let them do it again.,The sheep doesnt pull the wolf.,The wolf let the sheep pull him out.,The wolf wants to eat the sheep.,Read and put the sentences in right order.,( ) One day, a wolf fell in a hole. ( ) The wolf wanted to eat the sheep. ( ) A sheep came and helpe

10、d the wolf. ( ) A monkey helped the sheep. ( ) The wolf was in the hole again.,1,2,3,4,5,Lets have a role play!,Mr Sheep,Mr Monkey,Wolf,What will happen next? (后面将会发生什么事呢?),Imagine,We shouldnt trust others easily. We can use our wisdom to solve the problem.,What did you learn from the story?,我们不能轻信别人。,遇到问题要学会动脑筋想办法。,Homework 1.Please tell this story to your parents. 2. Act the story with your partners.,


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