合作计划书PROJECT PROPOSAL山东大学国际合作交流处港澳台事务.doc

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1、山东大学“院际国际合作与交流特色项目”工作计划书 SDU Global Partnership Program (SDU GPP)Project Proposal项目编号(Project No.):项目名称 (Project Name):学科领域(Academic Area): 中方项目总负责人(分管外事院领导)Chinese Project Head:邮件Email:项目执行人(教授)Chinese Coordinator:邮件Email:联系电话Tel:手机Mobile:合作学校Partner University:外方合作负责人Overseas Project Head: 邮件Email

2、:通讯地址 Add.:电话Tel:申报日期 Submission date: 一、 项目概述 Project Introduction1. 名称 Name of the project: 2. 项目实施地点Locationsis this supposed to be plural? There is only one blank.: (国家country/地区region/城市city)3. 总述Summary:4. 预期目标Objectives:5.自身评估 Justification:1)简述开展该项目活动的必要性及与“院际特色项目”目标及要求的关联性Brief introduction

3、 about the necessity of organizing this project, and the specific objectives of the project in accordance with the objectives of the “SDU GPP”2)列举能预计出的组建项目团队人员 List of the potential targeted team members3)选取上述人员参与项目团队的原因 Reasons for selecting the above targeted team members4)项目直接及间接受益对象及人数The estima

4、ted number of direct and indirect beneficiaries6. 项目实施 Methodology 1)项目实施的办法 Method of implementation2)双方已开展的合作项目 Previous cooperation between the project partners3)项目内部评估机制和程序 Mechanism and procedures for the internal evaluation4)项目中涉及其它机构(合作伙伴或其他人员)的名称及每个合作伙伴在项目实施过程中起到的作用 Level of involvement and

5、activity of other organizations (partners or others) in the project5)参与开展该项目的人员分工(请按人员功能进行分类列举,无需写出人员姓名)Team work allocation for the project (by function: there is no need to include the names of individuals here) 7.详细的活动描述 Detailed Description of Activities要求:请写出具体计划开展的活动名称、详细描述、预期可考核目标,以及每个合作方在活动中

6、的作用。具体活动名称应与标题8项目时间表中的活动名称对应。Please include the title, detailed description of each activity to be undertaken, expected objectives, and specify the role of each partner. The names of the activities should correspond with the names listed in the table below. 8. 项目时间及项目计划 Duration and Project plan1)项目

7、计划开展时间 Duration:开始于 年 月,结束于 年 月,共计 个月。Total duration of the project: months, starting from (month) (year), until (month) (year).2)项目计划时间表 Timetable要求 Note:(1)该表“活动名称”应与标题7中描述的活动对应。The activities in this timetable should correspond with the activities described in section 7. (2)时间以开始月“月1”为顺序,依次向后排列“月

8、2”,“月3”,“月4”每个活动需要几个月开展,请用阴影注明。项目计划实施的第一年,应对每个活动的准备和执行情况进行充分详细的预测和综览。根据项目持续的时间,后续每年的项目计划可较为概括,只列举出计划开展的主要活动即可。The timetable must show “month 1”, “month 2”, “month 3”, “month 4”, etc. Please mark in yellow to indicate the time scheduled for each activity. For the first year of implementation, suffici

9、ent overview of the preparation and implementation plan should be detailed for each activity. The action plan for the forthcoming years can be more general and only list the main activities foreseen for those years. (3)请申请人在项目计划时间表中预留空行以填写临时需要添加的活动。Applicants are recommended to leave a certain amoun

10、t of space in the timetable for their action plan as a precaution.请参见下列样表 Please see the sample timetable below.第一年Year 1第一学期 Semester 1第二学期 Semester 2活动名称 Activity月M 123456789101112执行implementing body准备活动 Preparation Activity待添加的隐藏文字内容2项目启动会议和项目领导成员会议 Kick-off Meeting and Project Board Meeting山东大学*

11、学院SDU *School组建教学团队 Set up teaching team组建研究团队 Set up research team执行活动 Execution Activity项目 XX project英国*大学*学院 * Department, *University, UK项目 XX project合作研究 joint research主题讲座 lecture讨论课(1)seminar学术交流 academic exchange研讨会 workshop评估会议 evaluation meeting第二年 Year 2活动名称 Activity1314151617181920212223

12、24执行方Implementing Body执行活动 Execution Activity项目 XX project项目XX project课程开发 curriculum development合作研究 joint research讨论课(2)seminar 2学术交流 academic exchange第三年 Year 3活动名称 Activity252627282930313233343536执行方Implementing Body执行活动 Execution Activity项目 XX project项目XX project课程开发 curriculum development教科书出版

13、 publication of textbooks学术交流 academic exchange讨论课(3)seminar 3合作研究 joint research主题论文发表 publication of monographs审计和评估 auditing and evaluation反馈(2)Feedback审计 Audit总结报告 Final report9、预期效果 Expected results 1)预期发表论著及其它成果 Expected publications and other outputs2)更多成果 Multiplier effects(描述项目成果重复利用或扩展使用的可

14、能性,是否可能有购买项目成果的机构。)Describe the possibilities for replication and extension of the project outcomes. Are there any potential buyers? 3)短期和长期影响 Short- and long-term impact(a) 财务方面 (当资助额度使用完后,如何为项目的开展提供后续资金?)The financial aspect (How will the activities be supported when the grant ends?)(b) 项目可持续性发展的影

15、响 The impact of the project on sustainable development?What impact will a sustained project have?(c) 对体制机制的影响(比如会促进双方长期有效合作机制的建立等。)The impact of the institutional system (e.g. promote the establishment of the long-term and effective cooperation between two sides, etc.) (d) 合作对于团队能力建设的促进情况 How will j

16、oint efforts promote the overall cooperation and relationship of the parties involved? 二、项目预算 Budget1、分年度经费概算 Yearly budget 项目总经费amount: 万元 ten thousand Yuan (RMB)年度 Year第一年度 Year 1(20 年)第二年度 Year 2(20 年)第三年度 Year 3(20 年)小计 amount经 费 概 算 科 目 国外人员经费Foreign staff fee国内人员经费Domestic staff fee其 他 费 用Othe

17、rs2、首年度的预算 budget for Year 1项目年度总经费 amount: 万元 ten thousand Yuan (RMB)科 目 Item预算经费 Budget计算依据与说明Calculation illustration一、国外人员经费Foreign staff1国际旅费 International travel expenses2在中国的食宿费 accommodation in China3. 国内城市间交通费 intercity travel expenses4津贴 stipend二、国内人员经费 Domestic staff1. 国际旅费 International

18、travel expenses2.在国外食宿费 accommodation abroad (6 days)(6天以内、含6天的出访) 生活津贴 stipend (6 daysvisiting time 1month)(6天以上、1个月以内的出访)3. 在国外城市间交通费(仅适用于6天以内的出访)intercity travel expenses (6 days)三、与项目相关的其他费用(请注明)please notify other fees related to the project合 计 amount3、各方投入 Resources from all parts: 除“山东大学院际国际合

19、作与交流项目”的资助外,合作双方可提供的配套资源(包括人员、设备、场地、资金等)。Apart from the financial support from the “SDU GPP”, other supporting resources could be provided by the cooperating parts (including staff, equipment, research space, funds, etc.) 1) 中方 Chinese partner:2) 外方 Overseas partner:三、合作声明 Declaration本次合作是以山东大学*(申请单

20、位名称)与*(合作方名称)联合参与“山东大学院际国际合作与交流特色项目”资助的项目为依托,建立起的合作关系。双方需要共同承担相关义务。为保证项目的顺利开展,建立良好的合作关系,山东大学要求所有合作伙伴确认此声明,并遵从以下原则:This cooperative relationship is established based on the “SDU Global Partnership Program” applied by *, Shandong University, China and * (partner name). Both sides are required to meet

21、their requisite obligations. To ensure the smooth implementation of the project, Shandong University requires its partner to acknowledge this declaration by agreeing to the following principles: 1、 在项目申请前,合作双方须明确各自在项目中所承担的责任和义务。Before submitting the applications, both sides must understand their res

22、pective obligations and responsibilities in the proposed project. 2、 双方就此“工作计划书”达成一致后,由项目所在学院的院长和项目执行人签订此声明,提交山东大学。After both sides agree on this project proposal, the Dean/Head of Department related to this project and the Project Head should sign this declaration and submit it to Shandong Universi

23、ty. 3、 申请方须与他们的合作伙伴定期保持沟通,保证双方了解项目的最新进展。Applicants must consult with their partners regularly in order to ensure that both sides understand the updated progress of the project. 4、年度报告书中的内容在提交山东大学前,应得到所有合作方的认可。Before the annual report is submitted to Shandong University, the content of the report sho

24、uld be agreed to by all parties. 5、 有关项目重要变化的书面材料(如活动、人员等的变化)在提交山东大学前,应得到所有合作方的同意。如有未通过的地方,须在提交材料时明确指出。Substantial changes to the project proposal (e.g. activities, partners, etc.) should be agreed on by the partners before being submitted to Shandong University. Where no such agreement can be reach

25、ed, the applicant must specify upon submitting the application. 双方约定的符合“山东大学院际国际合作与交流特色项目指南”要求的其它条款。(此处可添加) Other items in accordance with the Guidelines of the “SDU GPP” agreed to by both sides may be listed here. 项目合作双方已阅读并认同提交给山东大学的工作计划书。双方同意依照相关原则和规定开展良好的合作关系。Both sides have read and approved th

26、e contents of the proposal submitted to Shandong University. Both sides undertake to comply with the principles of good partnership practice. 院长签字 Signature of the School Dean /Head of Department:机构名称Institution山东大学XX学院XX School, SDU外方1Partner 1外方2(如有)Partner 2 (if any)姓名Name职务Title 学院院长School Dean学院院长Head of Department签字Signature签字日期Date 项目执行人(教授)签字 Signature of the Project Coordinator (Professor):机构名称Institution山东大学XX学院XX School, SDU外方1Partner 1外方2(如有)Partner 2 (if any)姓名Name 职务Title教授Professor教授Professor签字Signature签字日期Date


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