The Rising of the Moon月出课件.ppt

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《The Rising of the Moon月出课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《The Rising of the Moon月出课件.ppt(17页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、The Rising of the Moon月出,1,The Rising of the Moon,LADY GREGORY,The Rising of the Moon月出,2,Playwright,Lady Gregory (1852-1932) is the great Irish playwright and the founder of the Abbey Theatre, an institution which was as important to the history of drama as it was central in the rise of the turn-of

2、-the-century Irish nationalist movement. George Bernard Shaw defined her as “ the greatest living Irishwoman.”,The Rising of the Moon月出,3,Works,During her 35-year career, she translated and wrote 40 plays in all. Lady Gregorys best plays were one-act comedies. Such as: Spreading the news(1904) The G

3、aol Gate(1906) The Rising of the Moon(1907),The Rising of the Moon月出,4,References,格雷戈里夫人与艾比剧院 王首川 浅谈戏剧月出中动作揭示的主人公心理变化 王丽娜 从爱尔兰月亮上升到抗战名剧三江好 安凌 三江好对奥古斯塔格雷戈里夫人之月亮上升的“创造性叛逆” 刘光玥,The Rising of the Moon月出,5,The Rising of the Moon is a politically motivated one-act play. It is political in its theme. By th

4、e time Lady Gregory wrote this play, Ireland was still under the direct rule of England. Irish people were ambiguous as to whether Ireland has to remain as a part of England or a separate nation. Since people at large were living a relatively better life, they thought it as a useless point to strugg

5、le for independence. But others thought in a sharply distinct way. They witnessed several problems generated by the direct British rule in Ireland. Under the iron-heel of direct British rule, Ireland had been losing her cultural resources, her own language and political independence.,General Introdu

6、ction,The Rising of the Moon月出,6,Characters,Policeman B,Sergeant,Policeman X,comrade,comrade,An Escaped criminal (The ballad-singer),Want to arrest,The Rising of the Moon月出,7,Plot,Exposition,Rising Action,Climax,Falling Action,Denouement,The Rising of the Moon月出,8,“The Rising of the Moon” is anIrish

7、 balladrecounting a battle between theUnited Irishmenand theBritish Army during theIrish Rebellion of 1798.,The Rising of the Moon,O, then, tell me, Shawn OFarrell, Where the gathering is to be. In the old spot by the river, Right well known to you and me! One word more, for signal token, Whistle up

8、 the marching tune, With your pike upon your shoulder, At the rising of the moon. At the rising of the moon. At the rising of the moon. With your pike upon your shoulder, At the rising of the moon.,The Rising of the Moon月出,9,Theme,There are three major themes running through just eight pages. First,

9、 we notice the theme of inversion in social norms. Second, Lady Gregory acknowledges the importance of loyalty in Irish nationalism and explores the tension between different loyalties. Lastly, the tensions between Law and Nation are highlighted. The play shows that harmony can be found in the midst

10、 of great tensions and promotes songs and community as the way to achieve harmony in the new Irish nationalism.,The Rising of the Moon月出,10,Diction,S: “He must have had some friends among the gaolers.”(P881) This quote further implies that the Man is one of the people-he is not distinctly individual

11、 because what Ireland needs is a community, a group of people, not one hero. Although we learn later that his name is Jimmy Walsh, he is referred to for the duration of the play as “Man” and this is a significant message from Lady. She does not want her readers to think of the rebel as a hero, but r

12、ather, to realize that “the people” are the hero.,The Rising of the Moon月出,11,Symbolism,The title of the play The Rising of the Moon is symbolic. The title of The Rising of the Moon comes from a popular Irish ballad that pointed to the rising of the moon as the signal for the rising of peoples again

13、st oppression. The main characters of the play represent the two opposing forces in Ireland: freedom and independence, personified by the ballad singer (Man) and law and order, represented by the Sergeant. So we can infer that the rising of the moon is the symbol of awakening of the Irish national i

14、ndependence from the clutch of British tyranny.,The Rising of the Moon月出,12,Music,Lady Gregory uses the aspects of music and dialogue to develop the two main characters, the sergeant and the ballad-singer. Lady Gregory allows the two man from “different worlds” to discover a common bond between, and

15、 they begin to create a deeper connection as the ragged man names more songs he believes the sergeant possibly sang as a young boy. Throughout the play, the two man grow closer and more comfortable in the presence of one another. They share a seat on the barrel.,The Rising of the Moon月出,13,Question,

16、Except one-act play we have mentioned before, What kind of drama does it also belong to?,One-act play Comedy Socio-drama(社会剧/社会心理剧) Political drama(政治剧),The Rising of the Moon月出,14,Thank you ! WANG Yuhuan 2015300352,The Rising of the Moon月出,15,Aone-act playis aplay that has only oneact, as distinct

17、from plays that occur over several acts. One-act plays may consist of one or morescenes. The origin of the one-act play may be traced to the very beginning ofdrama。,One-act Play (独幕剧),The Rising of the Moon月出,16,伊莎贝拉奥古斯塔格雷戈里夫人是伟大的爱尔兰剧作家。1852年出生于戈尔韦郡一地主家庭。1892年从事文学活动。1899年与诗人和剧作家叶芝等人共同在都柏林建成爱尔兰民族文学剧院,实验演出3年,1902年组成爱尔兰民族戏剧学会,1904年建立阿贝剧院,作为演出中心,上演爱尔兰民族戏剧。1932年 在库勒庄园逝世。萧伯纳称她为“当代最伟大的爱尔兰妇女”。 爱尔兰剧作家格雷戈里夫人毕生致力于创建爱尔兰民族戏剧。其作品大多表达了反抗外来统治、主张民族独立的内涵。,剧作家,The Rising of the Moon月出,17,作品,格雷戈里夫人40岁方开始写戏,75岁辍笔。在35年的剧作生涯中,她创作并翻译了40部剧本。她尤其擅长写独幕喜剧,如: 散布流言(1904) 牢门(1906) 月出(1907) 形象(1916) 金苹果(1916) 龙(1920),


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