高中英语 Unit20 New Frontiers Section Ⅳ 课时跟踪检测课下作业 北师大版选修7.doc

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1、 Unit 20综合检测.单项填空1Chinese navy has sent warships to _ the oceans to guard the business ships.AsurroundBnavigateCaccelerate Dcorrespond解析:选B。由句意可知空白处应该填入navigate“导航”。surround“环绕”;accelerate“加速”;correspond“通信”。2When the village was flooded, the last man _ the house was the village head.Aleft Bto leave

2、Cleaving Dbeing left解析:选B。句意:当村子被洪水淹没的时候,最后一个离开的是村长。动词不定式作后置定语。当名词或代词前面有序数词、形容词最高级或the only, the just等修饰时,通常使用动词不定式作后置定语。3I guess weve already talked about this before but Ill ask you again just _.Aby nature Bin returnCin case Dby chance解析:选C。句意:我想我们之前已经谈论过这个问题了,但我要再问问你,以防万一。by nature“天生”; in return

3、“作为回报”; in case“以防万一”; by chance“偶然”。4Compared with his sister, Jerry is even more _ to, and more easily troubled by emotional and relationship problems.Askeptical BaddictedCavailable Dsensitive解析:选D。句意:与她的姐姐相比,杰瑞对感情和关系问题更敏感,也更容易被这些问题所困扰。skeptical“怀疑的”; addicted“上瘾的”; available“可用的,有空的”; sensitive“敏

4、感的”。故选D。5All their attempts to _ the child from the burning building were in vain.Arelieve BrecoverCrescue Dreserve解析:选C。rescue sb. from . “把某人从中解救出来”; 符合语境及句子结构的要求。relieve“缓解”; recover“恢复”; reserve“保留,预订”。6Didnt you have a good time at the party?Of course I did. As a matter of fact, I had such fun

5、that time seemed to _ so quickly.Ago by Bgo awayCgo out Dgo over解析:选A。第二句后半部分句意:时间好像过得很快。go by“(时间等)流逝; 经过”; go away“走开;离开”; go out“出去;熄灭”; go over“复习,检查”。7The course will give a general introduction._,it also provides practical experience.AIn fact BAbove allCBeside DIn addition解析:选D。句意:这个课程会给你带来一个总

6、述,另外,还提供实际经验。in addition“另外”,符合句意。in fact“ 事实上”;above all “首先”;beside“ 在旁边”。8As a result of the strong sun, my new curtains _ from dark blue to gray within a year.Afaded BfaintedCpaled Ddecreased解析:选A。fade在此表示“退色”。faint“晕倒,变得虚弱”; pale“变苍白”; decrease“减少”。9We must hurry. Time is _.Apressing BpressedCt

7、o press Dpress解析:选A。句意:我们必须快点,时间不多了。“time is pressing”是一个固定说法,表示“时间紧迫,时间不多”。10We firmly believe that war never settles anything. It only _ violence.Aruns into Bcomes fromCleads to Dbegins with解析:选C。考查动词短语辨析。句意:我们坚决认为战争不会解决任何事情,只会导致暴力。run into“撞上”; come from“来自”; lead to“导致”; begin with“以开始”。11How di

8、d you find your visit to the museum?I enjoyed it very much. It was _ than I expected.Afar more interestingBeven much interestingCso more interestingDa lot much interesting解析:选A。多音节形容词的比较级是“more形容词”,far修饰比较级,表示程度。12Do you like _ here?Oh, yes. The air, the weather, the way of life. Everything is so ni

9、ce.Athis BtheseCthat Dit解析:选D。考查代词it的基本用法。it在此处指模糊的情形、环境、状况,符合惯用法,其余三项均指具体事物。13Theyll choose two girls to give the performance, Alice and _ who _ good at dancing.AI; are BI; amCme; am Dme; are解析:选D。考查代词的宾格及主谓一致性。注意Alice和“我”同作two girls的同位宾语,故用宾格形式。而从句中Alice和“我”是两者作主语,故用复数,因此选D。14I had to watch _ thes

10、e football matches because I didnt know which one was the most exciting.Aboth BnoneCneither Dall解析:选D。考查不定代词。句意:我不得不去看所有的这些足球赛,因为我不知道哪场是最精彩的。这里的none, neither需要与of搭配,both表示“两者都”与these不符。all则表示三个或三个以上的“所有”,符合题意。15I wont be able to watch the concert on TV because I _ homework at that time.Ashall have d

11、one Bshall be doingCshall do Dshall have doing解析:选B。此处表示将来某时刻正在进行的动作,故用将来进行时。.完形填空Once a beautiful diamond necklace of a king was lost. The king then offered a _1_ for $ 50, 000 for anybody who found it.One day a clerk was walking along a _2_ next to an industrial area, which was completely _3_ and

12、smelly. Suddenly, he saw something _4_ in the river and when he looked carefully, he saw the diamond necklace. He decided to try and catch it so that he could get the _5_ . He put his hand in the dirty river and grabbed at the necklace, but somehow _6_ it. He then walked in the water and put his who

13、le arm in. But _7_ he still missed it! He came out, feeling _8_ .Then again he saw the necklace, _9_ there. This time he dived into the river. He searched everywhere and yet he _10_ .Just then an old man who was _11_ , saw him, and asked him what was the matter. The clerk didnt want to _12_ the secr

14、et with him, so he _13_ to tell him anything. But the old man could see the clerk was _14_ and promised he would not tell anyone about it. The clerk then decided to put some _15_ in the old man. He talked about the necklace and _16_ he tried to catch it, but _17_ failing. The old man suggested that

15、perhaps he should try _18_ upward, toward the branches of the tree, instead of in the river. The clerk looked up, and _19_ enough, the necklace was hanging on a _20_ . He had been trying to get a reflection (倒影) of the real necklace all the time.Material happiness is just like the polluted river, be

16、cause it is a reflection of the true happiness in the spiritual world.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。通过一位办事员在一条臭气熏天的小河中捞钻石项链的故事阐明一个道理:物质的幸福犹如一条臭水沟,因为在精神的世界里,它只是真正幸福的一种虚拟的倒影。1A.competitionBnoticeCreward Dgift解析:选C。国王的项链丢了,于是他就悬赏:任何找到这条项链的人就会得到五万美元的奖赏(reward)。2A.playground BbeachCstreet Driver解析:选D。下文多处river都有提示:这位办事员

17、正沿着工业区附近的一条小河(river)走。3A.destroyed BpollutedCfilled Dconnected解析:选B。从本空前的industrial和本空后的smelly推断:处在工业区附近的这条小河已经被彻底污染了(polluted),文章最后一段的polluted river也是提示。4A.waving BswimmingCshining Dmoving解析:选C。这是一条钻石项链,所以会闪闪(shining)发光。5A.money BpowerCtreasure Dpleasure解析:选A。上文reward提示:一旦他要从河中捞出这条项链,他就可以得到这笔钱(mone

18、y)。6A.missed BfollowedCtouched Dcaught解析:选A。从下文he still missed it 可推知,他抓不住这条项链。miss本意为“错过”,在此意为“未得到,未捞到”。7A.jokingly BnaturallyCstrangely Dgradually解析:选C。他明明看到项链就在河中,奇怪(strangely)的是他就是抓不住。8A.afraid BboredCguilty Ddepressed解析:选D。捞不到这条项链,就得不到奖赏,他自然很沮丧(depressed)。9A.up BrightCover Dout解析:选B。right在此作副词,

19、意思是“正好,恰好”。句意:他又一次看见了项链,就在那里。10A.waited BleftCstarted Dfailed解析:选D。从下文可推知,他并没有捞到这条项链。故选failed。11A.coming back Bpassing byCgetting up Dsitting down解析:选B。一位老人经过(passing by)这里。12A.share BreportChide Dannounce解析:选A。从下文的promised he would not tell anyone about it可推知,他不想与别人分享(share)这个秘密。13A.managed Bdeterm

20、inedCrefused Doffered解析:选C。所以当老人问他原由时,他什么也没有说,故选refused。14A.interested BsurprisedCscared Dtroubled解析:选D。老人看到这个人在臭水沟里摸来摸去,显然他能够看出这位办事员有麻烦事(troubled)。15A.happiness BfaithCluck Dcourage解析:选B。下文提到这位办事员最终说出了实情,说明他相信了(faith)这位老人。16A.how BwhereCwhen Dwhether解析:选A。他说出了他发现项链的秘密以及他如何(how)想把它捞出来的过程。17A.forgot

21、BmindedCkept Denjoyed解析:选C。但是他连续(kept)几次都失败了。18A.stepping BjumpingCclimbing Dlooking解析:选D。由下文looked以及reflection的提示可知,他在河里看到的是项链的倒影,他应该向树枝上看(looking)。19A.straight BtrueCfar Dnear解析:选B。此处实际是it is true的省略说法,意思是“确实,真的,的确”。20A.branch BhouseCstick Dwire解析:选A。这条项链就挂在树枝(branch)上。.阅读理解As a design student in

22、Detroit, Veronika Scott was worried about the increasing numbers of homeless people suffering deeply during the cold winters. At the age of 21, she created The Detroit Empowerment Plan not to solve homelessness, but to provide muchneeded warmth to the citys 20,000 street homeless people by designing

23、 a sleepingbag coat.It is selfheated, waterproof (防水的), and transforms into a sleeping bag at night. Its made by a group of homeless women who are paid, fed and housed while creating these coats made for those living on the streets. The focus is on the humanitarian system to create jobs for those th

24、at desire them and coats for those that need them at no cost. The goal is to employ, educate, and instill (灌输) pride. The importance is not with the product but with the people.Veronika Scott is a product design student at the College for Creative Studies. When she was working in studio class, a hum

25、anitarian group came in to sponsor the studio. They said “to design to fill a need.” Detroit has a pretty large number of people, about 20,000, living on the streets. She spent three days a week, every week, for five months working in a homeless shelter. The people there became part of the entire de

26、sign. When the term ended, the project did not. She continued the project not just because she was crazy about it but because actually people needed it. She realized she had to take it to the next level and make it a system.In the beginning the empowerment plan was just about the coat. She could pro

27、duce some coats by herself but she really wanted to reach out to people who needed jobs. Now the importance of the project lies not within the product, but within the people who are involved and affected by the system. Thus it is one way to break the homeless cycle by giving homeless women jobs whil

28、e in the shelter, so they can earn money, find a place to live in, and gain back their independence for themselves and their family. 语篇解读:Veronika Scott设计发明了一种新的睡袋外套并创建了The Detroit Empowerment Plan,旨在改变流浪者的生活。1Veronika Scotts sleepingbag coat _.Ais very expensiveBhas many functionsCis mainly used at

29、 nightDis made by some students解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“It is selfheated, waterproof (防水的), and transforms into a sleeping bag at night”可知,该睡袋外套具有多种功能。2. What first drove Veronika Scott to create The Detroit Empowerment Plan?AHer studio class.BThe visiting group.CHer college teachers.DThe homeless peopl

30、e.解析:选B。推理判断题。根据第三段的“a humanitarian group came in to sponsor the studio. They said to design to fill a need.”可知,正是来访的一组人员使Veronika Scott产生了创建The Detroit Empowerment Plan的念头。3People CANNOT get _ through the empowerment plan.Aclothing to wearBhouses to live inCfamily to feedDjobs for independence解析:选C

31、。细节理解题。文章最后一句说,这一计划旨在打破无家者的恶性循环,通过接纳无家可归的女人,让她们工作、赚钱,进而找到居所,重新使她们及其家庭获得自立。因此可以看出C项是错误的。4Whats the best title for the text?AA helpful designer, Veronika ScottBHow to design a useful coatCHow the empowerment plan worksDVeronika and the empowerment plan解析:选D。标题归纳题。本文讲述Veronika通过给流浪者设计睡袋并通过the empowerment plan给流浪女提供工作机会,进而帮助她们改变现状的故事。D项概括比较全面,比较适合做标题。故选D项。


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