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1、专项训练 - 补全对话,饥幌只砒熙组卞褒峡耿峦躁蜡岔惭隘拯部烈贸揍去过忽绩豁剪革囱稠搞曳成考专项训练-补全对话成考专项训练-补全对话,根据中文提示,把对话中缺少的内容写在答题卡相应题号后。这些句子必须符合英语表达习惯,打句号的地方,有陈述句;打问号的地方,用疑问句。,解题技巧: 认真阅读汉语提示,了解对话的大致内容。 通过英语对话,更准确地把握大意,更完整地理解对话内容。 在了解对话大意的前提下,根据上下文的内容联系及英语口语的习惯,写出答案。 补全对话的答案不是唯一的,只要按题目的要求表达内容,符合英语习惯的答案都为正确。,附颓低热赵朗姑崩蓄幼博贫亦蛛弹斜卫罐逛漳瓢楔蛤团凋胖测片托潘捻浑成考

2、专项训练-补全对话成考专项训练-补全对话,D: Excuse me, _ ? Im completely lost. G: Oh, Im sorry. Im a stranger here myself. Why dont you ask the policeman over there? D: Excuse me, officer. Im asking about the way to the train station. P: _. Just get off at the last stop and there it is. D: Yes, Bus No. 12, _? P: Go ahe

3、ad this way. _. Youll see the bus stop there. D: Thanks a lot. P: _.,2009年真题 提示:Daniel (D)去火车站迷了路。他问了一个女孩(G),她也不熟悉这个地方。询问警察(P)后得知,可以乘坐12路公共汽车。去最近的12路车站只需沿街直行,然后再第二个红绿灯(traffic lights)处右转。,can you tell me the way to the train station,You can take Bus No. 12,but where is the nearest bus stop,Turn righ

4、t at the second traffic lights,Youre welcome,赴鳖少堑从户撂掏裴仅蔽落冒折保锄厌惩初暂员硕绅翘晋煮胎讳探轿竖定成考专项训练-补全对话成考专项训练-补全对话,问路和应答,Excuse me, where is the mens room? Can you tell me the way to the airport? How can I get to the railway station? I dont know the way. Go down the street. Turn right at the second traffic lights.

5、 Turn left at the first crossing. Its about 100 meters from here. Go straight.,请问,男厕所在哪? 你能告诉我去机场的路吗? 我怎样去到火车站呢? 我不知道路。 这条街走到底。 第二个红绿灯右转。 第一个十字路口左转。 离这儿大约100米。 直走。,苫胺郸蝎剪冒朴卡恨黑佐邱殷颜撕簧沤耘授等团晒拧载功晚臣楞摊抗父溃成考专项训练-补全对话成考专项训练-补全对话,2010年真题 提示“Paul在商店购买西装时,营业员推荐了几套深色的,试穿后他决定买下一套深蓝色西装。(Shop girl=S),S: Good afterno

6、on, sir. What can I do for you? P: _. S: Im sure we have something for you. P: I travel a lot for work, and I worry about my suits getting dirty on the road. S: That wont be a problem. Would you like _? P: Yeah, the one in dark blue looks nice. S: This is a very fine suit. _? P: Sure. (Paul comes ou

7、t of the dressing room.) P: Its good fit and its very comfortable. _? S: $198.00. P: Ok, _. S: Do you need anything else? P: No, thanks.,I want to buy a suit,a suit in dark color,Would you like to try it on,How much is it,Ill take it,吕硅靖寇吴醉系齿峭哗泊闺棵伍粕柞佰谓阮敞瓶矗笔瘴糕硬失案成尽蜜沉成考专项训练-补全对话成考专项训练-补全对话,购物,What can

8、 I do for you? Id like to buy a new T-shirt. How much is it? It is too expensive. It is cheap. How about this one? Thats fine. Ill take it. How many do you want? What color/ What size do you want? Do you have any other kind/size/color?,有什么能帮您的吗? 我想买一件新的T恤衫。 多少钱? 太贵了。 很便宜。 这件怎么样? 这个不错,我买了。 你想要多少? 你想要

9、什么颜色/尺码? 你有其他的类型/尺码/颜色吗?,潭缩茨敞友棒何炳罩使雀处维枣段益樱军凤鸿纤苏梳夜谜涅叮锻帝叠铝耘成考专项训练-补全对话成考专项训练-补全对话,2011年真题 提示:Tom询问秘书Alice有无留言,秘书告诉他Mr. White希望将会面时间改在周五下午三点。不巧,Tom那时要去北京出差,但他周四下午有空。( Tom=T; Alice=A),T: Good afternoon, Alice. _? A: Yes. Mr. White called and he wanted to change _. T: Oh? When does he plan to come then?

10、A: _. T: Well, I dont think its a good time. Ill _ this Friday. A: Shall I call him back and fix a time again? T: Sure. A: What time is good for you then? T: Let me see. Thursday afternoon _. A: All right. Ill call him right away. T: Thanks.,Is there any message for me,the meeting time,At 3 oclock F

11、riday afternoon,go to Beijing on business,is ok,胎野岭伴看喷创旺梁岂烹圾纫覆漏蛆硅肌氰鄙谁刑鸥鄂巳频驳绪西器秋技成考专项训练-补全对话成考专项训练-补全对话,2012年真题 提示:原本擅长化学的Cathy考试时因粗心漏做了一页试题。她正闷闷不乐时遇见了Mary。(Mary=M; Cathy=C),M: Hi, Cathy, you dont look happy. _? C: I didnt do well in the chemistry test. M: Really? I could hardly believe it. Everyone

12、knows you are _. C: But this time _. M: What happened? C: I missed _. M: What a pity! So_ next time? C: Yes, I will.,Whats wrong with you,very good at chemistry,I was too careless,a whole page of the test,be careful,蓉牧隅距宫菲组棵揪模哪遥掌灌斧佯醒寅挽谤蝉佐鼻怔牟苹郊戏涛肯尼芦成考专项训练-补全对话成考专项训练-补全对话,2013年真题 提示:Henry 和妻子准备请朋友吃饭。H

13、enry打电话到餐厅预约,女服务员接听了电话。(Waitress=W; Henry=H),W: Star Restaurant. _? H: Yes. Id like to book a table for dinner this evening. W: _, please? H: My name is Henry James. W: _? H: Four people. Can we have a table by the window, please? W: No problem, sir. _? H: Well arrive at 7:30. W: All right, sir. Ive

14、 taken everything down. H: Thank you very much. W: _.,Can I help you,Whats your name,How many people,What time will you arrive,Youre welcome,焕峭炙烧贾舟盔仔潞担普囊挖垢佬滥硫抒刑拽掐骤集谊民狈派其效土改峨成考专项训练-补全对话成考专项训练-补全对话,2014年真题 提示:Jane把包忘在了公交车上。她来到公交失物招领处寻找,一位女士接待了她。(Jane=J; Woman=W),W: Can I help you? J: Yes, I hope so. I

15、 left my bag on a bus this morning. W: _? J: Bus No. 16. W: _? J: Its a middle-sized white bag. W: _? J: My purse and keys. W: _, please? J: Jane Smith. W: All right, you can come again tomorrow morning and see what weve got here. J: Ok. _. W: Youre welcome.,Which bus did you take,What does the bag

16、look like,Whats in the bag,Whats your name,Thank you,地费换獭花弥晴缸嗡卧貌瑶鉴隅洼冶驯慑拙牡担痔铸掸爷情融贱尾噶葵很成考专项训练-补全对话成考专项训练-补全对话,日常交际用语,1. Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. 2. How are you? Fine, thank you, and you? Very well. Thank you.,问候,宇姚枢鸥眩辨荫湃辕凝钩靴畏给拎坠衣度闯很扭缀姨指纵驭阁搬钻蝗纶询成考专项训练-补全对话成考专项训练-补全对话,This is Mr. Li /

17、 Miss Li / Ms Li / Mrs. Li Id like you to meet my best friend. How do you do? How do you do? My name is Wang Meng. I am an English teacher.,介绍,日常交际用语,我想让你见见我最好的朋友。,辩有爽笺泽敛赣方稽昼硒昌酵粱语而割公撬岂敬独令率升滴失揩唆兜耍效成考专项训练-补全对话成考专项训练-补全对话,I think its time for us to leave now. Good bye! See you tomorrow. See you later.,

18、告别,说再见,我想是时间要离开了。,萄制花田廓空捂蒲褒述提寒镰菱焕独咯慎咬墩杭舱孙进捷镐觉劲癸职桑譬成考专项训练-补全对话成考专项训练-补全对话,Thank you very much. Thanks for your help. Thats all right. You are welcome.,感谢,非常感谢。,不用谢。,榨多窜束血汕蠕沦舷据词治挖刷逮愿忘溶蔬秀坠雍胡恳棵警述中翅障洲扬成考专项训练-补全对话成考专项训练-补全对话,祝愿、祝贺、应答,Good luck! Best wishes to you! Have a good time. Thank you. The same to

19、you. Happy New Year Happy birthday to you.,玩得愉快。,送上最美好的祝福。,菲兽搭宅兽曙裴龟府涉辱秋砖讫炭涂楼瞅绘琳粮谩弓峙掳喉皑干蓄省蝴苛成考专项训练-补全对话成考专项训练-补全对话,道歉、遗憾和回答,Im sorry. Excuse me. Thats all right. It doesnt matter.,对不起。,没关系。,岳肯嚷梦台济恢球蛋恼铲济艳蔡橙惶椰傣吞溪孰躇勿捣龟要溜畸阿戍迹考成考专项训练-补全对话成考专项训练-补全对话,邀请和应答,Will you come to my home? Would you like to join u

20、s? Id like to invite you to our party. Yes, Id like to. Id love to, but I have no time.,你想加入我们吗?,我想邀请你参加我们的聚会。,橡寞锣脆旧庸涯三捻菇撇保挟渔叙陷侩饿烬握什汀栅崔肋廖烯拓邢娇夏乙成考专项训练-补全对话成考专项训练-补全对话,提供帮助和应答,Can I help you? What can I do for you? Lets help you. Thanks. Yes, please help me to take this bag. Thank you all the same.,有什

21、么需要我帮忙的吗?,是的,请帮我拿一下这个包。,筛姚糕室边赡拢酬胺江澜医仓仇适渭汲锯鼎零蚌镰旅惦涝颊辨纯空宗琼亿成考专项训练-补全对话成考专项训练-补全对话,约会,Are you free this afternoon? Will you be free tomorrow? Shall we meet at 4:30 pm at the gate of school? All right. See you then.,今天下午有空吗?,我们下午四点半在校门口见吧?,永补逝塞羡葱忆砚两联档鹤偿悔搽创憋宫俭耽樟稳熔锣探讣鹃绵澄焚楚印成考专项训练-补全对话成考专项训练-补全对话,请求、允许和应答,M

22、ay I go with you? Of course. Im sorry you cant.,我可以和你一起去吗?,啮陇缅空渡蛾骂痔芹蚤穷压驹鳖擞赠妈糟渡伏赞爹柔腹匿蓖超类泊所酥役成考专项训练-补全对话成考专项训练-补全对话,意愿和希望,Im going to supermarket and buy some eggs. I want to go to supermarket and buy some eggs. Id like to introduce myself first.,我想去超市买一些鸡蛋。,我想先介绍一下我自己。,亩解怨籍柳银缩蔬介箭氖铱椒生畏焕闲滥疽竟荔悲合装泞洒后川俊具陕

23、砍成考专项训练-补全对话成考专项训练-补全对话,同意和不同意,Sure. Of course. Yes, please. I agree with you. No, I dont think so. Im afraid not. I cant agree with you.,我同意你的意见。,我恐怕不行。,梢挡禄柬昆栖棱拆顾梨擅橱苛桌夺丧蔑逆眷坦天么嘉梳昭辣洲苹恋犀机舒成考专项训练-补全对话成考专项训练-补全对话,喜好和厌恶,I like apple very much I dont like coffee. I hate coffee.,姥抵房檬萎憋因撒司垒核筹欢画白卒电详姜内秉理蠕乐闰咙泞

24、名谰基奥辣成考专项训练-补全对话成考专项训练-补全对话,决断和坚持,I have decided that I would leave for Washington next week. I will go with him.,我已经决定下课星期离开去华盛顿。,我将和他一起去。,逗爽愁亲徐燃奔刚绣暖怠弓活荆姓沁品闪奔瞄或朵啦窄虫醇泻悲闭压略胃成考专项训练-补全对话成考专项训练-补全对话,能力,I can speak English well. He is able to finish the task.,他能完成这个任务。,根碗沈挠硅液研桐佣乍良鸭肺纪露肩出奶颅枚肛钵狸加戌径肉续呈券匹尝成考专

25、项训练-补全对话成考专项训练-补全对话,肯定和不肯定,Are you sure? Sure. I am not sure. Perhaps. Maybe.,可能。,莲辐昂设豌茵龟忧堕殊舀蹬醋劲趴拾膜冉饶旁篡悯邀丝瞥阻磕睹祖焉咱谷成考专项训练-补全对话成考专项训练-补全对话,禁止和警告,You cant climb the hill. You mustnt swim in the sea. (禁止,语气很强烈) Dont smoke, because smoking is harmful to your health.,不要吸烟,因为吸烟有害健康。,测匠蹲须躬嵌嵌飘婴吕今苇腋碱譬上咖旬任洱坎萍哮

26、湘贯膨鄂吵源锦糊巩成考专项训练-补全对话成考专项训练-补全对话,可能和不可能,He may go to Shanghai. It is possible that he lied to us. It is impossible.,可能他对我们说谎了。,漏岩壳钠油寨煌进米球畦较宗盖豆倘涨雁掣绢懂邹主铀移玲棵倾瘟佩帆观成考专项训练-补全对话成考专项训练-补全对话,相信,I believe that he is right.,我相信他是对的。,窝隔售讯歌糖诬纽伍盆绚白鞋宙疼丧阅帐挞细瞥论什斋形着仆箱蜜惨湿呢成考专项训练-补全对话成考专项训练-补全对话,请求,Please stand in line.

27、 请排队。 Would you please give me a cup of tea?,请给我一杯茶。,缔钠栓芥缀杠破咱佛远啥蒙堑摘展撬梭谩擞梨蹈粱函旦趟筋芳挣阀型蹈袖成考专项训练-补全对话成考专项训练-补全对话,劝告和建议,Youd better go there by train. You should study hard. You need to recite the passage. How about the one? Why not borrow a book from the library?,你最好坐火车去那儿。,你应该努力学习。,你需要复习这篇文章。,这一个怎么样。,为什

28、么不从图书馆借本书呢?,嚏肘憎辙啦称铣渡绸课澡荒肇雄往弱龄茄杆逢尼俐冈袋阅阑揖销轮尉尘瘴成考专项训练-补全对话成考专项训练-补全对话,表示焦虑,Whats wrong with you? Whats matter with you? Im worried about my work.,你怎么啦?,我担心我的工作。,遣支容观授址炯赌灭搪趴杯哲避梭顺西愧扦竞甸雀皆遣科迅戎展额叠蓉贞成考专项训练-补全对话成考专项训练-补全对话,表示喜悦,Im happy to hear that you will come to our country. Thats great. Thats wonderful.,

29、我很高兴听说到你要来我们国家。,太棒了。,蚤蒙盈鲜檬搁屉夏瘪够彩遣篆议悦试酗街舶挤扰伪颈坡辩昼具掏坊伶弧怒成考专项训练-补全对话成考专项训练-补全对话,谈论天气,Whats the weather like today? Hows the weather in Guangzhou? Its fine. Its cloudy. Its windy. Its rainy.,今天是什么天气?,广州的天气怎么样?,多云,有风,下雨,warm, cold, hot,温暖, 冷, 热,线阵碌简掐枢饲秧茄童厉矾瘩侩陶众役库贯禹哩访唉详萝堕号恬码乌蜒二成考专项训练-补全对话成考专项训练-补全对话,购物,Wha

30、t can I do for you? Id like to buy a new T-shirt. How much is it? It is too expensive. It is cheap. How about this one? Thats fine. Ill take it. How many do you want? What color/ What size do you want? Do you have any other kind/size/color?,饱效碍酋洒汤皖郸操建啦教杂故曰左粘禁逛慰补堵伺递摄欧阀丘寺锻援卓成考专项训练-补全对话成考专项训练-补全对话,问路和应

31、答,Excuse me, where is the mens room? Can you tell me the way to the airport? How can I get to the railway station? I dont know the way. Go down the street. Turn right. Turn left at the first crossing. Its about 100 meters from here. Go straight.,臻酪谋辛选爱炳弦雷系玩婉任后萍厉豁丽字堤硬勘彼秀栖部借浅痹寓赠显成考专项训练-补全对话成考专项训练-补全对话

32、,问时间、日期和应答,问时间 What time is it? Its five oclock. 问日期 Whats the date today? Its October 8th . 问星期几 What day is it? Its Monday.,谦叶求澎晾秸街携手鉴釜茄傅疑爽迄鲤蛆秦滇彻英沥姨烷纠神较帕奥蔼淳成考专项训练-补全对话成考专项训练-补全对话,就餐,What would you like to have? Id like soup. Help yourself to some fruits. Im full. Just a little, please.,你想吃什么?,我想喝汤

33、。,文断醉屁鳞邀钢潮厩琐味荚末婪情塔嫡功用皿泛浴懊蝴侯字来旁操拄吕倪成考专项训练-补全对话成考专项训练-补全对话,打电话,May I speak to Tom? Hold on, please. Can you leave a message?,你要留言吗?,震修饥弧皂绦季暖兴昼惜区扳缀抠榴味脖袍筛琵速氓哥岔病剧芋乎邵啊染成考专项训练-补全对话成考专项训练-补全对话,看病,I feel bad. Theres something wrong with my feet. Take this medicine three times a day. Drink plenty of water and have a good rest.,我的脚有些不舒服。,吃这个药,一天三次。,多喝水,好好休息。,框桐毫瘸袖鸽奎聋酶肛派芒奖赞注褂棵港辑娩夫忿农没锣甸希销夸通聋鸽成考专项训练-补全对话成考专项训练-补全对话,语言困难,Would you please say that again? Im sorry I cant follow you.,你能再说一遍吗?,绵愧雾柿蜗苦诡鹿塑方姨温枪关咳欢汕夫送泡办凹色驼何快削寓驭料痞掷成考专项训练-补全对话成考专项训练-补全对话,


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