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《Readingquiz (2).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Readingquiz (2).doc(3页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、I. 根据句意及首字母提示,填写单词。1. You cant i_ how happy I was when I heard of the good news.2. The old man is a little d_; please speak more loudly.3. My aunt c_ her tired child upstairs to bed just now. 4. Will you join us? With p_. 5. Whats wrong with your cousin? Shes b_ and she cant see anything with her ey

2、es.II. 据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.The World Health _ (organize) says the disease is spreading wildly(扩散).2. We should help those people who are _ (disable).3. He came here _ (special) to say sorry to his girlfriend.4. Dad _ (shut) the drawer and turned the key.5. _ (able) to sleep, I got up and made myself

3、a drink. 根据句意,从方框内选择合适的短语,并用其适当形式完成句子。be filled with, because of, use up, help sb out, at once1. The box _ birthday cards. 2. Mr Li asked meto come to hisoffice _.3. I bought many things and I _ all my money.4. I _ when Stella became badly ill.5. The match has been put off until tomorrow _ the bad w

4、eather. 根据汉语意思,完成下列句子。每空词数不限。1. 请把这封信发给你们的英语老师。 Please _ your English teacher.2. 辛蒂,请把你的照片给我看看。 Cindy, please_.3. 谢谢你邀请我参加这次晚会。 _ me to this evening party.4. 宇宙飞船使人类登上月球成为可能。 Spaceships make _ for human beings_to the moon.5. 这儿有许多面临这些挑战的人,她便是其中之一。 There are many people _ here, and she is one of them.中考链接1. Its very kind _ you. Thank you for your help. (2010年江苏省盐城市) A. of B. for C. to D. on2. -Thank you for your coffee and tasty snacks. Im afraid I have to go now. -OK. _. (2009江苏南京) A. Go slowly B. All right C. Sounds great


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