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1、My Cute Little ChickHave you ever had a cute little chick that you just cant seem to get enough with? Have you ever got so happy that you jumped up and down a hundred times? Have you ever lost your beloved pet? Well, I do, I do and I do!The Sun was shining warmly, and the sky was the bluest of the b

2、lue. It was the kind of weather that makes you happy all day. I went to kindergarten. When school was over, my friend gave me a baby chick in a cage! I was so happy that I thanked her over and over. So I brought it home with great care.I carefully put it inside a big cardboard box. Then I tossed in

3、some very warm tine rice and pink popcorn bits in front of it. Itpecked themquickly and soon the food was gone. Its tummy was really big! My mom suggested that she cut a hole on the box so the chick could breathe. I agreed. So she got out an enormous scissor, and we started working. We cut out a hol

4、e that was about as long as my pinkie. The job was completed and we felt satisfied.I opened the box, took it out, and set it on the floor. I gently stroked its head, and it looked up at me, as if saying, I like you! It was just so cute!When it was almost time for dinner, I took some orange, broke it

5、 into tiny pieces, and threw them into the cute little chicks home. Then, I threw in some white rice and bright broccoli in. To my surprise, it ate half of the broccoli, a fraction of the rice, and half of the orange! Then, I looked down atits tummy. It was as round as a ball! I wondered if it was O

6、kay.Finally, It was time for bed. I moved my chick into my playroon, and just left it there. It was a little bit cold in the room.When I woke in the next morning, the first thing I thought about was the chick. Was it Okay? Was it still sleeping? Or was it wating for me to come? Did I need to bring a

7、 blanket for it? I thought. I quickly went there, and opened the cardboard box. But, guess what Isaw? My face was as white as a blank, new paper. I helped it up, and felt like crying, andI ran as fast as a furious dog into my mom and dads room, and sad, Its dead!My mom asked,Who is dead? And then sh

8、e sat up, blinking. My baby chick! We left it in the cold weather too long! It froze! Now my mom completely sat up and said,Here, hand me the chick! She said urgently. I handed her the chick, cried, and she hugged it closely to her, my mom said,Everything is going to beokay now! Come on, Lets go out

9、side to warm it up!We quickly got dressed and hurried outside. Mom,is it going to beokay?!?I dont really know,sweetie. She held it to the sun, but itremained as still as a statue.I really wanted it alive. So I said, Here, let me hold it. When I held it for abouthalf a minute, it twitched its legs. T

10、wo seconds later, it groaned, turned a little, puffed her little chest, and then opened its tiny, watery eyes. But then, it fell into a permanent sleep可爱的雏鸡你是否有过一只小雏鸡,自己喜欢得不行?你是否有过开心得蹦个没完?你是否失去过最心爱的宠物?嗯,我有过,有过,有过!阳光温暖地照着,天空蓝得不能再蓝了。这种天气会让你整天快乐开心。我去了幼儿园。放学的时候,我的朋友给了我一只小雏鸡,还带着小笼子!我太开心了,一个劲儿地向她表示感谢。然后,我




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