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1、5/4/2021,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit4名师2,1,Module6Unit 4 Helping people around the world(2),5/4/2021,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit4名师2,2,1、I am very happy to have been chosen to be a Goodwill Ambassador for them. 我很高兴入选成为联合国的一名亲善大使。,to have been chosen为不定式的完成式的被动式。当主语与不定式动词有被动关系,且不定式所表示的动作又先于谓语动词动作发生时,动词不定式就要用完成式的被动式。,5/

2、4/2021,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit4名师2,3,The book is said to have been translated into many languages. 据说这本书被译成很多种语言。 He is very sad to have lost four bikes in less than one year. 他因不到一年就丢了4部自行车而感到很伤心。,5/4/2021,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit4名师2,4,is said to have bought,Leonardo da Vinci birds kept in cages in order to ha

3、ve the pleasure of setting them free. 据说列奥纳多达芬奇将关在笼子里的鸟买下来,将鸟 释放从而获得乐趣。,5/4/2021,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit4名师2,5,2、Instead of sand blowing everywhere, there is mud and water everywhere, making it difficult to travel from place to place. 并不是到处风沙,而是到处有淤泥和水,使得从一个地方到另一个地方很难。,5/4/2021,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit4名师2,6,句中m

4、aking 表示结果状语。 At the end of 2004, there were around 6,000 foreign printing companies in China, making up around 4 percent of national total. 在2004年底,在中国大约有6000家外国印刷企业,占了我国所有印刷企业的4%。,5/4/2021,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit4名师2,7,making,The wind has moderated, sailing safer. 风势已减弱,做帆船运动较为安全了。,5/4/2021,2017英语选修牛津译林

5、版Unit4名师2,8,3、It seems that many people here just need to talk, so I am finding that my job is not limited to being a nurse. 看起来这些人好像只需要说话,因此我发现我的工作不只局限为一名护士。,5/4/2021,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit4名师2,9,seem的基本意思是“似乎;好像;仿佛;看来”等,可作不及物动词或系动词。seem句型归纳如下: (1)seem可与形容词、名词、不定式(短语)、分词及介词短语搭配。 She seems quite happy to

6、day. 今天她似乎很高兴。(形容词) That seems a good idea. 那似乎是个好主意。(名词) He seems to be thinking about something. 他似乎正在考虑某事。(不定式),5/4/2021,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit4名师2,10,He seemed pleased at what I said. 听了我的话,他似乎很高兴。(分词) They seemed in high spirits. 他们似乎情绪高涨。(介词短语) (2)seem常用于it作形式主语的结构,即It seems / seemed that 表示“看来,似乎”

7、。 It seems that nobody knew what had happened. 似乎没人知道发生了什么事。,5/4/2021,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit4名师2,11,(3) seem常用于由as if / though引导的从句中。在as if / though引起的从句中,如果说的是非真实的情况,从句谓语用虚拟语气;如果所述的情况实现的可能性较大,则从句的谓语常用陈述语气。 It seems as if somebody is calling you. 好像有人在叫你。(陈述语气) It seems as though he were very stupid. 看来他

8、似乎很笨。(虚拟语气),5/4/2021,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit4名师2,12,(4) 用于There seems / seemed to be n(主语)中。在这一结构中,seem表示“似乎有;看来有”。 There seems to be a lot of things to do. It seems as if there were a lot of things to do. 似乎有很多事情要做。 这一结构的否定形式为“There seems / seemed to be no n”或“There doesnt / didnt seem to be n”。 There do

9、esnt seem to have been any difficulty on this question. 在这个问题上似乎没出现什么困难。,5/4/2021,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit4名师2,13,There seems to be,a strong competition in China for senior high students to be admitted into colleges or universities. 在中国高中学生录取上大学似乎有很大的竞争。,5/4/2021,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit4名师2,14,B考查动词的辨析。句意为“玛丽,我已

10、经提醒约翰注意他帮助你的承诺了。”remindof 就提醒(某人),使(某人)想起;warn含有“警告”的意思。,1. Mary, I _ John of his promise to help you.(2011大纲卷) A. told B. reminded C. warned D. advised,5/4/2021,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit4名师2,15,2. Cremind和himself构成动宾关系,即remind sb. of sth.; 故用reminded。reminded作宾语补足语。句意:Michael把姚明的相片挂在床边以提醒自己不要忘了自己的梦想。,2. Mi

11、chael put up a picture of Yao Ming beside the bed to keep himself _ of his own dreams.(2011重庆) A. reminding B. to remind C. reminded D. remind,5/4/2021,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit4名师2,16,3. C短语辨析。in search of 寻找; in place of 代替; for lack of 因缺乏; for fear of 生怕,以免。句子的完整意思应该是:大城市建起越来越多的高楼大厦,因为缺乏空间。,3. More and

12、more highrise buildings have been built in big cities _ space.(2010福建) A. in search of B. in place of C. for lack of D. for fear of,5/4/2021,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit4名师2,17,强化训练(P.308),.完成句子 The person he refered to look up 3. reminds me that 4. broke down 5. are working on,5/4/2021,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit4名师2,1

13、8,强化训练(P.308),.单项填空 0105. DACCA 0610. BCBBA 1115. DABCC,5/4/2021,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit4名师2,19,强化训练(P.308),.阅读理解 0105. BDADB,5/4/2021,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit4名师2,20,阅读简答(P.),They believe old age is a lonely time there They have to spend more time looking after their parents Three They all believe themselves to

14、 be the best caregivers,5/4/2021,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit4名师2,21,P. 150,5/4/2021,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit4名师2,22,非限制性定语从句,在英文中,有两种定语从句:限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句。限制性定语从句对被修饰的先行词有限定制约作用,使该词的含义更具体、更明确。限制性定语从句不能被省略,否则句意就不完整。非限制性定语从句与先行词关系不十分密切,只是对其作一些附加说明,不起限定制约作用。如果将非限制性定语从句省去,主句的意义仍然完整。,5/4/2021,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit4名师2,23,1限制

15、性定语从句因与先行词关系密切,所以不可以用逗号将其与主句隔开;而非限制性定语从句与先行词关系不十分密切,所以可用逗号将其与主句隔开。 Do you remember the girl who taught us English? 你还记得教我们英语的那个女孩吗? We walked down the village street, where villagers were having market day. 我们沿着村里的大街向前走去,村民们正在那里赶集。,5/4/2021,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit4名师2,24,2大多数限制性和非限制性定语从句的先行词往往为某一个词或短语,而特殊

16、情况下非限制性定语从句的先行词也可为整个主句,此时非限制性定语从句常由 which 引导。 A middleaged woman killed her husband, which frightened me very much. 一个中年女子杀害了自己的丈夫,这令我十分恐惧。 A fiveyearold boy can speak two foreign languages, which surprises all the people present. 一个5岁男孩会讲两门外语,这令所有在场的人感到非常惊讶。,5/4/2021,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit4名师2,25,3使用非限制

17、性定语从句时,如果先行词指人,则用who或whose引导非限制性定语从句;先行词指物可用which引导非限制性定语从句;先行词表时间或地点且在从句中作时间状语或地点状语时,可用 when, where 引导非限制性定语从句。 He gave his mother a color TV set for her birthday, which pleased her a lot. 他送给他母亲一台彩电作为生日礼物,这使她非常高兴。 Last Sunday they reached Nanjing, where a conference was to be held.他们上周日到达南京,有个会议要在

18、那里举行。,5/4/2021,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit4名师2,26,4关系代词 whom 在限制性定语从句中作宾语时可用who代替whom,但whom在非限制性定语从句中作宾语时不可用who来代替。在限制性定语从句中,先行词指人时可用that代替who/whom,但在非限制性定语从句中先行词指人时,不可用that代替who/whom。 This is the girl whom/who I met in the street. 这是我在街上遇到的那个女孩。 A young man had a new girlfriend, whom he wanted to impress.一个年

19、轻的小伙子新交了一个女朋友,他想给她留下深刻的印象。 He has a sister, who is a teacher.他有一个姐姐,是教师。,5/4/2021,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit4名师2,27,5关系代词在限制性定语从句中作宾语时可以省去,非限制性定语从句的所有关系词均不可省。 This is the book (which/that) he lost yesterday. 这就是他昨天丢的那本书。 The book, which he lost yesterday, has been found. 他昨天丢了这本书,但现在已找到了。,5/4/2021,2017英语选修牛津

20、译林版Unit4名师2,28,6在非限定性定语从句中,当关系词表示事物意义时, 只能用which。 The sun heats the earth, which makes it possible for plants to grow. 太阳给予大地热量,这就使植物的生长成为可能。 The most important form of energy is electrical energy, which is widely used in our daily life. 最重要的能源形式是电能,它广泛地运用于我们的日常生活之中。,5/4/2021,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit4名师2,2

21、9,7as与which在非限制性定语从句中的区别。 (1)as在从句中通常作主语代指整个主句,表示的意思是“正如、正像”,其引导的定语从句既可以放在主句之前也可以放在主句之后。 The Pacific is the largest ocean, as we all know. 太平洋是最大的洋,这一点我们都知道。 As we expect, we won the game. 我们赢了,这一点在我们预料之中。 As is known to all, he is the best student in our class. 众所周知,他是我们班上最好的学生。,5/4/2021,2017英语选修牛津

22、译林版Unit4名师2,30,(2)which是关系代词,在从句中作主语或宾语,代指人或物。当代指整个主句时表示的意思是主句和从句之间是因果关系,即“因为、所以”。其引导的非限制性定语从句只能放在主句之后。 The road was too slippery, which caused lots of accidents. 路太滑了,以至于引起了很多事故。 He was angry, which made him cry. 他太生气了以至于他哭了起来。,5/4/2021,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit4名师2,31,1关系词作主语时,从句中谓语的数。 2注意区别定语从句与强调句。 (1)定

23、语从句中关系词作从句成分,复合句。 (2)强调it无意义,that / who不是引导词。 (3)去掉it is / was和that / who后如果句子意思讲得通则是强调句,讲不通则不是。 It is the museum that / which we visited last year.(定语从句) It was in the hotel that we stayed last night.(强调句),5/4/2021,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit4名师2,32,3定语从句与同位语从句的区别。 (1)定语从句引导词被称为关系词,that充当主语、宾语、表语。有时可省略。 (2)同

24、位语从句的引导词被叫做连词,that不能充当任何成分,不可省。 Word came that their army was defeated.(同位语) We expressed to them our wish that was the same as their.(定语),5/4/2021,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit4名师2,33,4关系词在从句中省略的情况。 (1)关系词作宾语,前无介词时。 (2)关系词作表语。 5关系词前有介词或复杂介词,关系词只能是which和whom。,5/4/2021,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit4名师2,34,6几个特殊的定语从句句型: (1)

25、He is the only one of the students who has got very good marks in the match.(句中one为先行词) He is one of the students who have got good marks in the match.(句中students为先行词) (2) Is this place the one (that) we visited yesterday? Is this the place(that / which)we visited yesterday? (3)He stood at the windo

26、w, from where he could see what was happening. (4)It may rain, in which case the match will be put off.,5/4/2021,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit4名师2,35,1. Mr. Smith has bought a little house in the country, around _ some green trees. A. which is B. it is C. which are D. them are,5/4/2021,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit4名师2,36,

27、C此题容易误选A或B,将A、B中的 which 和 it 误认为是其后句子的主语。其实,此题的最佳答案为C,around which are some green trees 是一个由“介词which”引出的非限制性定语从句,而在该从句中,主语是 some green trees,around which 是表语,所以句子谓语应用are,而不是 is。,5/4/2021,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit4名师2,37,2. Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, _, of course, made the ot

28、hers unhappy. A. who B. which C. this D. what,5/4/2021,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit4名师2,38,B许多学生认为此题句子结构比较混乱,逗号太多,难于理清头绪。请同学们先看下面一句:Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, _ made the others unhappy. 一般同学都知道此题应填关系代词 which,用以引导一个非限制性的定语从句。事实上,上面一题就是根据此题演变出来,只不过在 which 与 made 之间插入了一个 of course

29、。所以上面一题应选B。,5/4/2021,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit4名师2,39,3. He wrote a lot of novels, most of _ were popular. A. them B. whom D. that D. which,5/4/2021,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit4名师2,40,D此题最佳答案为D,但很容易误选A。假若单独看 He wrote a lot of novels 和 Most of them were popular.这两句话,它们并不错,但将它们放在一起用逗号连接就不甚妥当了。因为,英语句子按其结构来划分,可分为简单句、并列句、

30、复合句和并列复合句4种,也就是说,一个规范的英语句子,从结构上说,它必须隶属以上4类句型之一。,5/4/2021,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit4名师2,41,但上面一题若选A,则它既不是简单句(因为它有两个主谓结构),也不是并列句(因为它没有并列连词),也不是复合句(因为它没有主从句之分),当然它更不是并列复合句,所以选A是错误的。可以选D,是因为空白处填了 which 之后,后一句即成了一个非限制性的定语从句,前一句即为主句,整个句子即为一个复合句。,5/4/2021,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit4名师2,42,各个击破(P.310),. 单项填空 0105. CABAC 0610. BBADB 1115. DACDD 1620. BCACC 2125. BBCDB 2630. CBBDB,5/4/2021,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit4名师2,43,Homework 精练19,感谢您的关注Thank you for your attention !,


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