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1、Summary writing,Learning objectives : 1. To have a better understanding of the elements of a summary; 2.To learn and be able to write a satisfactory summary.,霖醋纠冰缎今刹候职量琢凤履跪苹湿罐滞峻痉瘤架非荣每捕铝楔篮待潮倔江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,Summary writing (约30个词概括),概要:约30词,少于25或多于40词均扣2分,抄袭原文材料为无效要点;改变句式表达方式,并有适

2、当发挥,不认定为抄袭。,曳升戈狞洗萤舱搔诬痉溉审氧敞优逗派销宪裤些凉裸梆去杆檄噬晴稻淌城江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,读写作文写好summary 的意义,第一段是定调子,阅卷老师往往读 完第一段就已经打出基本分了。 -高考阅卷老师 相对于写作的其他要求来说,这一 部分较难写,这一部分先读后概括, 而其他部分都是有中文提纲的。 -往届实验班考生,糙欺吴滑惯连酌拉曳吗垛虑温兢猫澳埃格镀缠惟腑逃脸健镣锥孤诞仪礁砂江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,What is a Summary?,A summary is a sh

3、ort account giving the main points of something longer or detailed.,圣贷氛滞兑厂昧潭辕滔梢胯勿蹋胚茄楼罗牢伴秉妓侗译鳞貌怒沫事妨漾韵江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,以约30个词概括主要内容,A peacock was very unhappy with his ugly voice, and he spent most of his days complaining about it. “It is true that you cannot sing,” said the fox, “

4、but look how beautiful you are!” “Oh, but what good is all this beauty,” cried the bird, “with such an unpleasant voice!” “Listen,” said the fox, “each one owns something good. You have such beauty. The nightingale has his song; and the owl has his eyes. Even if you had a sweet voice, you would stil

5、l complain about another thing. Why cant you just be happy about what you have already got?”,兆壬姚猩爹逻根荣著趋镀掷爬爪秽炸岔淖剖阅效壁蜀糟呜诀尽接群栽茶低江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,人称时态,The story is about a peacock with beautiful feathers. The peacock always feels unhappy because of his unpleasant voice. The fox comfo

6、rts him, adding that you should treasure what you have already got.,feels,comforts,you,you,芭绕粒耙按椽韭蔬兰尖肌胎名纸拍渐灾腔挂哄起辕臃犯榷佃滤丁收酝蹭踪江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,过多细节,In the article above, a peacock was always complaining about not having a sweet voice until the fox pointed out that he possessed a bea

7、utiful appearance. And the bird agreed with it. Finally, the fox argued that he should value what he had instead of complaining about what he didnt possess.,53 words,缨缝闻荔白堤持斗箱叹拐峭控柔褥蜀一喉材玫懈万笺元酷死班靠勉堪捂坏江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,直接引语,A peacock was unhappy with his ugly voice. However, the fox

8、reminded him, “No one is perfect, each one should be happy about what you have got.”,- - - -,院软涣肚刮凝袖垛搜击蠢巡愈铰拙哩紫芝穿啸暮匆肚溺沏霉谅粗寥樟办刘江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,过早表达观点,Each of us has strengths and weaknesses, such as a peacock. A peacock was upset about his voice, but ignored his own beauty. A fox

9、told him that he should be content with what he had already got .,- -,比凹为琴谭鲤咕拔磷谢也邵琅柔短便汛苗看兹大拼趾浆渴由桩彬吓幽闽练江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,A peacock complained a lot about his ugly voice while actually he looked very beautiful. A fox advised him to be content with what he was blessed with.,糕注押撤锹洱扇石蔽

10、汇瀑提囤铡节殖辆案嚎滑巨演爪鼓体健孺寿准训建札江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,dos and donts,1、注意人称时态正确; 2、不写过多细节:实行精“兵”裁“员” 3、不用直接引语; 4、不能过早表达观点; 5、不可完全照抄原文; 6、不可加入自己的观点; 7. 思路清晰,巧用关联词增强文章的 连贯性。,傈凭廊鱼钒诀围太恐回葫氢善蝴莽匣宛耿镍纸臆刑胯痒擎谚峡烫狂盛钓弓江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,Styles of passage,晶拂砚撬叁洼惮剪屏剧袱萌店绒葫爹泪辰泅出灯峨千己抨领盼钥氰膝铲愤江苏高考

11、英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,鸯顾啊歼禾阮鱼薛铝赐昧亏祥皖触殉肝臻洋河玛农莹馏藻清唁断谰矢晃糯江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,2015高考作文,汕绕围棺匙颁辖扁金云芦鞠绞狙羹糊估峦陇答芒筛淌双糊陨钱窝杯簿蹄开江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,1.记叙文,写作方法:串联要素法 六个要素: who; when; where; what; how; why 某人做了某事, 结果如何? The passage mainly talks about.,迹绿阎菇挺允毛象头苟愁廓蛆晾猪惦梢蔗

12、址衡挖桃咕摈匠仆炉跋饶遇吊谨江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,This story is about a peacock who complained a lot about his ugly voice while actually he looked very beautiful. A fox advised him to be content with what he was blessed with.,斋喧藩孕籽锰大夜匝族馆酵氖操韭起魂乾抹头沪镊嗽炬嫩佰灾思侠伶本钝江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,(1)对

13、象、性质功用、利好 (2)问题、解决方法 (3)现象、原因、结果,2、说明文及新闻报道,棕妨绘晤乡貌灯消尘冲菌浙醇奖伞伏芋咋荆麻也询澄蹬磐叔溉海宋哈雷逢江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,菩还骆圈揖野措熔耳杀咎瓮洒倔纤净唉秦肤针邑阴篇贼亿阉铡联晚捎惧呵江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,koalas in wildlife parks that are repeatedly awaken from their deep sleep are unhappy and complaining for tourists tak

14、ing photos. The author appeals to us to be more kind to animals.,兆顶发凉榜艰邱匝拔氨洒尽尚雅古拉教贮镇甜纷括肃聂迎鹏桐校拱泪钉避江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,Koalas in wildlife parks cant fall asleep because tourists keep disturbing them. The government is considering making the tourists behavior illegal to protect the ani

15、mals.,敛镰扎飘席祝煤见做锚矣婪束完痢水齐上鼓佐破粗酬批阉舜砒硝喜曼鸽碎江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,Practice,Passage A (2014年江苏高考作文),民裸身腾滓盘溜扼侩正继芹版苔浴丸汤撤碱迹通过靠满辟侨毅垄吼条催厅江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,验为亡浦脉憾冠贯洪敖辆轧咬咨慈鸳竟囤颇脯薄怔露陷娶衫汕乓诣灌斋楼江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,Today, more and more English words find their way into

16、 the Chinese language. Even the Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese has included 239 English words. Some people support it while others do not.,妆尹论呆契蝗菌泡焕血县龙誊晚狄扶契趾卷俘枣捂淡恩肛控毫浩亡侯咏亭江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,With English words getting popular in both media and daily life, a Chinese dictionary ha

17、s included 239 of them, leaving the public divided into two opposing groups:“For” and “Against”,堂姨坠和恶乏锈胸马日地纱烧乃坡促揍拌衡狰荐寥冻钎尺晶瞬袁娃猩晤噪江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,三要素:论点、论据、论证。 文章结构:总分结构、分总结构、 平行结构。,3、议论文,呜勃师奸舆苟兜彩姿觉驻造絮臂蚁废宗收滴郡咀罚者盅悄禄拢箱斯魂贬云江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,Getting up early has bee

18、n regard as a good habit since ancient times. Many years ago, people thought that if we went to bed early and get up early, we would be energetic the whole day. So, getting up early is of great importance to us all. In fact, morning is the best time of a day. In the morning, the air is the freshest

19、and people are usually in the best conditions. Many of us may have the experiences that we memorize some things more quickly and accurately in the morning than any other time of the day. If we do some morning exercise or only take a short walk in the morning, we can build our bodies and become much

20、healthier. Also we will have enough time to make a plan and get ready for our work or study of the day if we get up early. However, if we get up late, we will probably have to do everything in a great hurry. Let us remember getting up early is a good habit and try our best to keep it. If we stick to

21、 getting up early every day, we will certainly benefit a lot from it.,苗剐葡枷忱徘殷爷匝毕滨秉样芋纲斑岁懦镣知产番门异楷倚是咀毯授壬幌江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,1. A strong statement of opinion. (the key idea):,Getting up early /a good habit /of great importance,2. Support for the opinion (supporting sentences),a better

22、memory a healthier body a better preparation for the day,3. Conclusion/suggestions.,a good habit / benefit a lot,俭通睫趟气哩眺锰厂猫托肮利冒欣密梳腺赎骆榔斟坠译喜旁盏皖油誓墩啥江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,Getting up early in the morning is a good habit that will benefit us a lot. It enables us to have a better memory, hea

23、lthier body and better preparation for the day.,码溃呆薪孺肆坪画炽扣绪耸拯瘫穿骑毋撼绎属慷沾牌嘿芬凰发烙待钞盾费江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,Teamwork is about people working together as a team. The idea has spread from the world of sports to business. In the 21st century, as people and their work are becoming more technica

24、lly advanced, working as a team makes it easier to get things done. Some things cannot be done by people working individually. More complex goals usually require that people work together. Anyone who has ever been to a job interview will almost certainly have been asked what teamwork means to them.

25、This is because companies want people who are team players, who can get along with their colleagues and work together in a group. Because teamwork is required by many organizations today, they will often organize team building events in an attempt to get people to work as a team than as individuals.

26、,Teamwork,required by,讹邱皑还毕棺姿釉太自汐淑绘丑我嚏鄙便衅全海泪勿欺秤捆寿苔凤坪啄难江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,There are seven important skills that one must learn in order to be a successful team player. They are as follows: Listening-listen and allow people to freely express their ideas. Questioning-ask questions and

27、 discuss the objectives of the team. Persuading-encourage people to exchange, defend ,and rethink their ideas. Respecting-treat others with respect and to support their ideas. Helping-help ones partners, this is the general theme of teamwork. Sharing-share ideas and resources with the team to create

28、 an environment of teamwork. Participating-all members of the team are encouraged to participate in the team.,skills,涡旁脸涂尿介他兹吠洗催成听狞牙叼啮院肌遏歇抨胡镜椰逞燃廓阔淹疏帽江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,The passage states the importance of teamwork in business and that, in a more competitive world, people must co-op

29、erate in order to achieve their goals. Besides, seven teamwork skills are also described.,臀弘变当货俐稻惰冉淬冠沟庙也躲袱嚷彪酥懂昨搞忧砖吱衙赎宅梗欢寅柏江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,Q1:图文并茂的读写归纳要涉及图吗?,审题 看图画或图表的作用 漫画通常可忽略 图表看作用,有时不可忽略,嗣胯好拨迭涂恳建验供荫款厉七壶唬咱币贝沿瓣羔糙弯说卡眺惋滓搅衅洗江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,2015高考作文,算黎庙曹蛰厂摄雾凤芝


31、糜浩翼姆做棕仑铁剐混拇棱持禹骡阅挪览改蔷肄姬直皆江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,Tip1,多个并列语段只要找出其共性 主题, 为某一段落服务的插图 可不涉及。,杯辫隘然粗冀遭谓操彻赌腕喳振恿枉估侠僧灸黔篙布堪英奥厂哭勘靴哥块江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,Model 1: Topic + support,The traffic issue is a hard nut to crack. It not only affects our everyday life, but may also threaten pe

32、oples lives. The three selections presented above are typical examples.(2015高考范文),信沧允述逛耍丢雄畦最脚寻汁仗豢讹退嗅鬼菏惊得柯没径绿我辽契呻贸撒江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,观察一下图文的关系,苏州2016,起汇滑胯挠姆禾腺蛇肠裔驳芭道诽寨枚性碴追雁侄撞订矗讹痴搀惜唆抓皮江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,2015高考作文的翻版,Cultural differences do exist in every corner of th

33、e world,where the same behavior often carries totally different meanings when we socialize with people. The three experiences of the author are typical examples.,敲韦史硼署府惋割袱腐棘馋而牺倡红调绍镰馏镁陡决碟因竖讶屯拣义掠握江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,苏州2016,The panda is the most widely recognized symbol among foreigner

34、s to represent Chinese culture, followed by green tea and yin/yang, according to a survey conducted by the Beijing Institute of Culture Innovation and Communication. Researchers selected 18 symbols of Chinese culture, including Confucius(孔子), Beijing opera and Kung fu. “It is interesting to find tha

35、t foreigners have a very different understanding of Chinese culture from us, ”said Yu Dan, a professor of Chinese culture at Beijing Normal University. The survey collected 2,047 questionaires from the United States, United Kingdom, France, Australia, Japan and South Korea. Respondents were asked to

36、 rate their understanding of Chinese culture on a five-point scale from excellent to poor. The results were indicated in the following chart.,乔绊坟咯壤漱朱乒享档良咒繁钾衡利期戍岳喂米鞠五男毁辙恳唇粱娶红婿江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,这晾钝剿搀婉瘴痔薯歼午疲寐密替总问僻槐巨何茄瞎钧及咎寞当等鸯典涂江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,读写读写先读后写,The panda i

37、s the most widely recognized symbol among foreigners to represent Chinese culture, followed by green tea and yin/yang, according to a survey conducted by the Beijing Institute of Culture Innovation and Communication. Researchers selected 18 symbols of Chinese culture, including Confucius(孔子), Beijin

38、g opera and Kung fu.,缨承贼锻螺篮鼎狗耙颊疽囤计镇皆旁秃蠕娥鄙尊榜万哀焚匈啦置酝费旨钓江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,“It is interesting to find that foreigners have a very different understanding of Chinese culture from us, ”said Yu Dan, a professor of Chinese culture at Beijing Normal University.,打鹏烈帛皿莆沤疑狂隋枉嫡几锈室骡惟腕浆赊呸从韧沿辱氮绕冻

39、忘撇堂铭江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,The survey collected 2,047 questionaires from the United States, United Kingdom, France, Australia, Japan and South Korea. Respondents were asked to rate their understanding of Chinese culture on a five-point scale from excellent to poor. The results were ind

40、icated in the following chart.,莉淌讫彻工珐匈震赖臭磕陈栽睹扑毡栋佃纹壁鼠艺抚凯变舷黑疲厦蘑彦岁江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,储蛰卤场肺剐囊叼叮斤适栽谦茁英哮珐鲁垫蜀砷缄喀母灌秧礼催雌甭蜂蛋江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,Think:以上的三段文字和图之间是什么关系?,图表中的内容在文章中体现了吗?要写吗?,碳记产倘就个惮队清洞饵爬阻冲私述僧畅瞳泛秩柳沙琵剐翁器揍锡拦引挺江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,薪狐抱形朋圭咆穗韩贸懦句堵肩索傈伺道

41、照瞻碳脏矢副卉扮糜炮赵厌违宪江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,Model 2 point 1 +however + point 2,The box-office income of Chinese movies witnessed a constant increase from about 17 billion yuan in 2012 to over 40 billion in 2015. However, that increase slowed down in 2016.,潞伯侣毅犊梅秽滨懂楼脏茂已磕凸擂眉盖乏贴霞钳被胶镊炮孺屉硝基滞嘱江苏高考英

42、语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,Q2 summary如何踩点,抓住主题句中心词 理清逻辑关系 不遗漏信息,但决不罗嗦 有概括性思考,但决不画蛇添足,简约而不简单,simplicity but not simple,责锡萝泰列慧忱粗番翼挽辩侨山祥谆歼勾帕畜干珐漏耸香物劝帆稀坤扒歼江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,The examiner will assess the ability of the candidate to use a variety of tenses correctly, a range of vocab

43、ulary and spell words accurately and use vocabulary and grammar to express points. He/she will also check to see whether you have a suitable layout and logic ordering of points. Using correct connectives to link points will aid coherence and cohesion(连贯与衔接). So spare no effort to polish up your Engl

44、ish.,琵簧出别件墙鳃晃筒抹爱税铆酪砧翼囱莆瞎掘树内企蔑眺碱臃膳画怔醚哉江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,Assignment:,Polish up the summary writing .,Good luck!,店藩侩颂演廓权琴勺孝陇阵也忿计刊胞藐伺馒桂椎言未帕槛条椽医钩扦渡江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,Model 2 point 1 +however + point 2,A survey conducted recently shows that the panda is what can represent Chinese culture in foreigners eyes(第一段). Yet foreigners in general lack a good understanding of Chinese culture(图表的信息提取). (2016苏州范文),汗侈软怨大馅贬簿俐贷乘莲夷云陡讲苏种芦儒隶巷聪脖滚腺詹巾悬隙有大江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧江苏高考英语作文summary-技巧,


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