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1、初一英语语法句型转换专项试题1 Whats the time? What time _ _?2 Are you all here today? _ _ here today?3 Thats OK. Thats _ _.4 Thank you very much. Thanks _ _.5 Lily is in Class Two. Lucy is in Class Two, too.Lily and Lucy _ _ Class Two.6 Its six forty-five. Its _ _ to _.7 My bike is broken.(就划线部分提问)。 Whats _ _ you

2、r bike?8 I want an English book.(就划线部分提问)。_ _ you want? 9 You can do it now. (变否定句) You _ do it now.10 I have a new bag. (变一般疑问句) _ _ have a new bag? _ you _ a new bag?11 This is my box.(变复数) _ _ my _.12 There is some water in the glass. (变否定句)There _ _ water in the glass. There are some boxes on th

3、e table.(变单数) There _ _ _ on the table.There are seven pencils in the pencil-box. (就划线部分提问)_ _ pencils _ there in the pencil-box?15 Dont give him the book. (变肯定句) _ him the book.16 There are some tea in the cup. (就划线部分提问)_ _ in the cup?17 What do you want? What _ you _18 Throw it like this. (变否定句) _

4、 throw it like this.19 Can you swim? (肯定/否定回答) Yes, _ _. _, I _.The pens are on the floor. (就划线部分提问) _ _ the pens?There is a kite in my bedroom. (变复数)There _ _ _ in my bedroom.Im in Grade One. (就划线部分提问) _ grade are you _?The boys are playing football. (变一般疑问句) _ the boy _ football?My father is mendi

5、ng a bike. (就划线部分提问) _ your father _?Kate has a cat. (变否定句) Kate _ _ a cat.They have some big apples. (变一般疑问句) _ they _ _ big apples?27 Does she have a sister?(否定回答) _, she _.28 My favorite color is white. (就划线部分提问) _ _ your favorite colour?_ _ do you _ best?29 Today is Sunday. (就划线部分提问)_ _ is_ toda

6、y?30 We are having an English lesson.(变否定句)We _ _ havingan English lesson.书面表达专项练习一今天是星期一。张老师想把一些书拿到课室。我和张明去帮他。我找到一个大箱子。我们把书装进箱子。箱子里满满的都是书。我们一起把书拿到课室去。_二我的房间这是我的房间。房间不大。在墙上有三幅画。在窗边是我的桌子。桌子上有一台电脑和一些书。我的床上放着一件外套。床底下是我的足球鞋。你还能看到什么东西吗?_三我的朋友我有一个好朋友。她有长长的头发,圆圆的脸,大大的眼睛和小小的嘴巴。她喜欢游泳和读书。她的英语很好,我的数学很棒。我们互相帮助,

7、互相学习。看!她正在跳舞呢!My friend_四足球是Jim最喜欢的运动。每个星期天下午他都和朋友们去踢球。他踢得很好。是学校足球队的队员。Ronaldo是他最喜欢的足球运动员。_五今天是星期五,天气晴朗。Lily 和Lucy 在上学。她们正在上一节数学课。她们的爸爸在上班。他是一个医生。她们的妈妈在家。她在做家务。她们的弟弟John今年三岁,他没有上学。他在和一只猫玩。_七格林先生从美国来。他教我们英语。他每周去上汉语课,并且学习很认真。他的两个孩子现在也在中国。他们也能说一点汉语。王叔叔是格林先生的一个好朋友。现在,他正为孩子们制造一架模型飞机。_参考答案一Today is Monday

8、. Mr. Zhang wants to take some books to the classroom. Zhang Ming and I go to help him. I find a big box. We put the books in the box. The box is full of books. We carry the box to the classroom together. 二My RoomThis is my room. Its not a big room. There are three pictures on the wall. My desk is n

9、ear the window. There is a computer and some books on the desk. There is a coat on my bed. My football shoes are under the bed. What else can you see?三My FriendI have a good friend. She has long hair, a round face, big eyes and a small mouth. She likes swimming and reading. She is good at English. I

10、m good at maths. We help each other and learn from each other. Look! She is dancing!四Football is Jims favourite sport. Every Sunday afternoon, he plays football with his friends. He is very good at playing football. He is on the school football team. Ronaldo is his favourite football player.五 Today

11、is Friday. Its a fine day. Lily and Lucy are at school. Theyre having a math lesson. Their father is at work. He is a doctor. Their mother is at home. She is doing housework. Their little brother John is three. He doesnt go to school. He is playing with a cat.六 Jim Green is a student at No. One Midd

12、le School. He has classes from Monday to Friday. On Saturdays, he goes swimming with his friends. On Sundays, he goes to the park with his father and mother. On Sunday afternoon, he does his homework. On Sunday evening, he has a good rest.七 Mr. Green is from America. He teaches us English. He has Chinese lessons every week. He studies hard. His two children is in China. They can speak a little Chinese, too. Uncle Wang is Mr. Greens good friend. He is making a model plane for the children.


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