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1、Chinese Culture 2中国文化,班级:旅游英语1301B 组员:陈红-02 李仕霞-05 王发平-06,翻译练习4,1,ChineseCulture2,世界上最早形成完整的农业耕作理论的国家是我国。公元六世纪,我国古代著名农业科学家贾思勰撰写的科学典籍齐民要术是世界上被完整地保存下来的最早的一部农书。世界上最早发明瓷器的国家是我国。至迟在东汉时已发明了瓷器,三国以后,瓷器制造业迅速发展了起来;而欧洲十八世纪初才造出真正的瓷器。,2,ChineseCulture2,Part One,世界上最早形成完整的农业耕作理论的国家是我国。 China is the first country

2、which has the complete theory on agricultural cultivation in the world.,评析: 1.主语显著 2.语法错误:定语从句中,当先行词被形容词的最高级或序数词修饰时,引导词用that,不用which或who.,that,3,ChineseCulture2,词意辩解,the action of cultivating land, or the state of being cultivated.,1. the preparation and use of land for growing crops.开垦,耕作 2. the pl

3、anting and growing of plants and crops.栽培,种植 朗文当代高级英语辞典,网络释义,agricultural adj. agriculture :the practice or science of framing. 农学,农业,4,ChineseCulture2,Part Two,世界上最早发明瓷器的国家是我国。 China is also the first one that invented the porcelain in the world.,评析: 1.增词 2.porcelain:a hard shiny white substance th

4、at is used for making expensive plates, cups etc.瓷china plants, cups etc made of this. 瓷器china 3.porcelain vs. china,means country,5,ChineseCulture2,Reference Information,Porcelain is so identified with China that it is still called china in everyday English usage.,搜索词:Chinaware,6,ChineseCulture2,Pa

5、rallel Texts,The United States is a developed country and has the worlds largest national economy by nominal and real GDP, benefiting from an abundance of natural resources and high worker productivity.36 While the U.S. economy is considered post-industrial, the country continues to be one of the wo

6、rlds largest manufacturers.37 Accounting for 34% of global military spending38 and 23% of world GDP,39 it is the worlds foremost military and economic power, a prominent political and cultural force, and a leader in scientific research and technological innovations.40,7,ChineseCulture2,In 1894, Sout

7、h Australia became the first Australian colony and the fourth place in the world to grant omens suffrage.,妇女选举权联盟,8,ChineseCulture2,Conclusion,世界上最早形成完整的农业耕作理论的国家是我国。 China is the first country that has the complete theory on agricultural cultivation in the world. 世界上最早发明瓷器的国家是我国。 China is also the

8、first one that invented the porcelain in the world.,9,ChineseCulture2,公元六世纪我国古代著名农业学家贾思勰撰写的科学典籍齐民要术是世界上被完整地保存下来的最早的一部农书。,First version: Qimin Yaoshu (Important Arts for Peoples Welfare) is the first completely preserved agricultural book in the world that was written by the famous agriculturist Jia

9、SIxie in the sixth century.,10,ChineseCulture2,In later rabbinic traditions, these tablets that were at first preserved in the Ark of Covenant, are thought to be preserved on a replica in Heaven with the Almighty.,11,ChineseCulture2,12,ChineseCulture2,Final version: Qimin Yaoshu (Important Arts for

10、Peoples Welfare) is the first completely preserved agricultural text in the world that was written by the famous agriculturist Jia SIxie in the sixth century.,公元六世纪我国古代著名农业学家贾思勰撰写的科学典籍齐民要术是世界上被完整地保存下来的最早的一部农书。,13,ChineseCulture2,齐民要术是综合性 农书,书名中的“齐民”指平民百姓, “要术”指谋生方法,作者是北魏的贾思勰。书中收录1500年前中国 农艺、 园艺、 造林、

11、 蚕桑、 畜牧、 兽医、 配种、 酿造、 烹饪、储备,以及治荒的方法,所引 氾胜之书、 四民月令等现已失传的 汉 晋重要农书,后人只能从此书了解当时的农业运作。 该书自出版后,长期受中国历朝政府重视,传遍海外后亦被常成为研究古物种变化的经典, 达尔文研究 进化论时曾参考一部“中国古代百科全书”,有说此书正是齐民要术。,14,ChineseCulture2,至迟在东汉时已发明了瓷器,三国以后,瓷器制造业迅速发展了起来;,注释: 东汉:Eastern Han dynasty (100200 AD) 三国:the Three Kingdoms period (220280 AD),Claims ha

12、ve been made for the late Eastern Han dynasty (100200 AD), the Three Kingdoms period (220280 AD),15,ChineseCulture2,China:1、white clay which is baked and used for making delicate cups; plates; 瓷,瓷料 2、cups ; plates; That are made of china 瓷制品;瓷器 Porcelain ware: a hard white shiny substance made by ba

13、king clay and used for making delicate cups, plates and decorative objects; objects that are made of this 瓷;瓷器,16,ChineseCulture2,翻译技巧汉语无主句转化为英语被动语态,至迟在东汉时已发明了瓷器,三国以后,瓷器制造业迅速发展了起来,平行文本 Italian operawas believed to have been founded in the early 17th century . Later, works and pieces composed by nati

14、ve Italian composers of the 19th and early 20th centuries,Porcelain wares was believed to have been invented in the Eastern Han dynasty. Later, the porcelain making industry was developed in Three Kingdoms,The china was invented at the latest Eastern Han dynasty and developed in the Three Kingdoms,H

15、TTP:/,to the sophisticated Chinese porcelain wares made for the imperial court. Porcelain is so identified with China that it is still called china in everyday English usage.,17,ChineseCulture2,而欧洲十八世纪初才造出真正的瓷器。,However, the real porcelain

16、 was created by European in the 18th century,It was at the Nevers manufactory that Chinese-style blue and white wares were produced for the first time in France,However, it was in the early 18th century that the real porcelain was produced for the first time in European,18,ChineseCulture2,背景知识,中国最早的

17、原始青瓷,发现于山西夏县东下冯龙山文化遗址中,距今约4200年。 器类有罐和钵。原始青瓷在中国分布较广,黄河领域、长江中下游及南方地区都有发现。 中国真正的瓷器出现是在东汉时期(公元23220年)。首先是在南方地区的浙江省开始出现的。浙江绍兴上虞县上浦小仙坛发现东汉晚期瓷窑址和青瓷等 中国瓷器发展史 烧制瓷器必须同时具备三个条件:一是制瓷原料必须是富含石英和绢云母等矿物质的瓷石、瓷土或高岭土;二是烧成温度须在1200以上;三是在器表施有高温下烧成的釉面。,19,ChineseCulture2,20,ChineseCulture2,21,ChineseCulture2,世界上最早形成完整的农业耕

18、作理论的国家是我国。公元六世纪,我国古代著名农业科学家贾思勰撰写的科学典籍齐民要术是世界上被完整地保存下来的最早的一部农书。世界上最早发明瓷器的国家是我国。至迟在东汉时已发明了瓷器,三国以后,瓷器制造业迅速发展了起来;而欧洲十八世纪初才造出真正的瓷器。,China is the first country that has the complete theory on agricultural cultivation in the world. And Qimin Yaoshu (Important Arts for Peoples Welfare) is the first complete

19、ly preserved agricultural text in the world that was written by the famous agriculturist Jia SIxie in the sixth century. China is also the first one that invented the porcelain in the world. The porcelain wares was believed to have been invented in the Eastern Han dynasty. Later, the porcelain making industry was developed in Three Kingdoms.However, it was in the early 18th century that the real porcelain was produced for the first time in European.,22,ChineseCulture2,Thank you!,23,ChineseCulture2,


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